



{{截至|year}} or {{截至|year|month}}

其中該事實有效的年份為{{kbd|year},月份為month。參見{{As of}}模板查看詳細示例。



通常「as of」模板只用於如下情況:該陳述的目的是提供可用的最「當前」的信息,並且以後需要更新。它不應用於保存不會改變的歷史信息。例如,「在1860年美國人口普查時,俄亥俄州托萊多的歷史人口為13,768」,就不應該加入此模板,因為這是一個不會改變的歷史事實。當陳述目的是讓讀者了解托萊多市的當前人口且在撰寫條目時2010年人口普查最新可用時,寫成「{{As of|2010|4|1|alt=截至[[2010年美國人口普查]]时}},俄亥俄州托萊多市人口為287,208」就是合適的。給定陳述中的日期應當使用最近的可靠來源的日期(對於當前有效的語句),或者是獲得數據的日期(例如,使用人口普查數據時)。

「As of」不應該用於將來的日期,因為它會導致文章被放在不存在的分類中。應當使用{{Update after}}來標記將來的事件發生的時間。這裡有兩種方法來正確地標記含將來的日期的語句:

     {{As of|2024|post=,}}建设预期在2034年完工,花费280亿元。

     建设预期在2034年完工,花费280亿元。{{update after|2034}}

記住,在寫作當前或未來事件時,一定要使用精確的語言。這樣,即使信息發生了變化,多年以後的讀者能讀懂這句話。如果可以預測語句將會需要更新,您還應該使用{{Update after}}模板來指示語句何時需要更新。在上述陳述中,最明顯的日期是2034年12月31日,在此之後,建設將完成或者陳述將變得不準確。在這兩種情況下,文章都應該更新以反映這一點。

Sometimes the "As of" phrasing isn't ideal, and should be changed to produce good encyclopedic prose. It can be changed in either of two ways:

  • {{As of|since=y|2024|10|post=,}} the head of the congregation has been Rev. Ann O. Nymous, which gives: 截至2024年10月 (2024-10) the head of the congregation has been Rev. Ann O. Nymous
  • {{As of|alt=Beginning in early 2024|2024|01|post=,}} production of the series moved to Toronto, which gives: Beginning in early 2024 production of the series moved to Toronto

Avoid beginning a series of paragraphs or sentences with repeated instances of the wording "As of", as this can produce a distracting list-like effect. Both "As of" and "Since" can be made lower-case for use in mid-sentence, by addition of the |lc=y parameter, and any use of |alt=... can contain text beginning with lower case.



當寫作過去的事件時,請使用更精確的語言,如「在90年代」或「在1969年8月」。對於現在和將來的事件,請使用「截至2020年5月」或「自2018年初以來」這樣的短語來表示信息的時間依賴性。為了幫助編輯保持信息的最新,它們應該與上面描述的「as of」模板一起使用。然而,這種技術並「不」打算作為使用精確的語言的替代方法。


當陳述使用了{{As of}}進行標記時,它們所在的文章將自動添加到下表中的一個或多個分類中。這允許編輯者們按陳述的來源日期來瀏覽頁面。如已指定月份,將按月份和年份進行分類,否則將按年份分類。

每月都應該使用{{Category as of}}模板創建新的分類,並且應該更新下面的導航框以反映這些變化。這些分類不再需要其他維護工作。

Template:Navbox ASOF



If you are looking for work and are interested in helping this project there are a number of routine tasks that you can perform. The most demanding, and also most important, is to go through the above categories checking the statements that have been tagged, updating the statement or "as of" tag wherever possible. You may not be able to update some data at this point in time, for example census figures. You may find it easiest to work through the subcategories chronologically, or you may prefer to look through all tagged articles or work on Template:Focusletter today's focus letter.

When checking articles for updates you may find it helpful to add one of the following lines of code to your common.css page:

.asof-tag { display: inline !important; } /* Show all links */
.asof-tag.ref { display: inline !important; } /* Only show reference links */
.asof-tag.update { display: inline !important; } /* Only show (unreferenced) update links */

This displays a link to the location specified by the url parameter in the article, if given, which should lead to a webpage containing an updated version of the statement. The URL is visible in the edit window if available, this technique is intended to provide a faster way to check information. For an example see the template documentation. If the url parameter is not specified, this will display a link to edit the page, indicating the implementation of the template and allowing editors to quickly update pages.


If you have less time to spare, you can check if this month's maintenance category has been created yet. If it hasn't, create it using the {{Cat ASOF}} template, and update the above navbox to include it. You can also help by adding "as of" tags whenever you come across an appropriate statement while editing articles.

Also see the next section for tasks relating to converting articles from the previous "as of" method.
