


Der Kinderreigen



A bboy performing in a cipher for a crowd in Turkey.
Hip Hop dance refers to dance styles primarily danced to hip hop music or that have evolved as a part of the hip hop culture. This includes a wide range of styles such as breaking, popping, locking, and krumping. Breaking, locking, and popping were developed in the 1970s by Black and Latino Americans. Krumping followed in the 1990s and was developed by Black Americans in Compton, CA.

What separates hip hop dance from other forms of dance is that it is often improvisational (freestyle) in nature and hip hop dancers frequently engage in battles—formal or informal one on one dance competitions. Freestyle sessions and battles are usually performed in a cipher, a circular dance space which forms naturally once the dancing begins. It was DJ Afrika Bambaataa that outlined the five pillars of hip hop culture including breaking as one of them (along with rapping, DJing, beatboxing, and graffiti).

The dance industry responded to hip hop dance by creating a more commercial version of it. This "studio hip hop", sometimes called new style is the kind of hip hop dancing seen in most rap and R&B music videos. Technically speaking, hip hop dance (new style hip hop that is) is characterized as hard hitting. The feet are grounded, the chest is down, and the body is kept loose so that a dancer can easily alternate between hitting the beat or riding through the beat. This is in contrast to ballet or ballroom dancing where the chest is upright and the body is stiff. In addition, new style hip hop is very rhythmic and there's a lot of emphasis placed on musicality—how sensitive your movements are to the music.


Paquita pas de deux
Paquita pas de deux
提供者:Paquita pas de deux, photographed by Lambtron

In ballet, a pas de deux is a dance duet in which two dancers, typically a male and a female, perform ballet steps together. It usually has five parts, consisting of an entrée (introduction), an adagio, two variations (a solo for each dancer), and a coda (finale). The pas de deux is characteristic of classical ballet and can be found in many well-known ballets. It is often considered to be the bravura highlight of a ballet and is usually performed by a leading pair of principal dancers.


Matt Barber is a dancer, teacher, author, columnist, and dance coach in the ballroom dance world.

Matt Barber first encountered ballroom dancing as choreographed routines onstage for musicals and began ballroom dance lessons in high school. At eighteen years of age, Matt started training to become a ballroom dance instructor with National Dance Clubs as a side job in college; he went on to teach in the independent world, for Arthur Murray International, and for Fred Astaire Dance Studios. Concurrently, Matt graduated from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in Manhattan and acquired an SB from Fordham University, his MS, and his business management and leadership training from Notre Dame’s Mendoza College of Business. Matt Barber's books on ballroom dancing may change the way ballroom studios conduct business.








中華人民共和國(省區:河北 山西 江蘇 浙江 山東 安徽 福建 河南 湖北 湖南 廣東 廣西 海南 四川 雲南 甘肅 新疆 江西 貴州;城市:北京 天津 上海 南京 蘇州 福州 廣州 武漢 西安 寧波 青島 重慶 台州 惠州 肇慶 寧德;其他:香港 澳門 東北地區 天津濱海新區
中華民國(廣域:臺灣 福建;縣市:臺北 基隆 桃園 新竹 苗栗 臺中 彰化 南投 雲林 臺南 高雄 澎湖 宜蘭
日本東京 琉球群島
朝鮮半島朝鮮民主主義人民共和國 韓國
越南 新加坡 馬來西亞 泰國 菲律賓
西歐:德國 荷蘭 比利時 法國 西班牙 英國倫敦) 瑞士 奧地利;北歐:芬蘭 瑞典;南歐:義大利 梵蒂岡 希臘;東歐:亞美尼亞 白俄羅斯 立陶宛 波蘭 俄羅斯 烏克蘭;跨洲國家:土耳其
  • 美洲
美國阿拉巴馬州 阿拉斯加州 亞利桑那州 阿肯色州 加利福尼亞州 愛荷華州 堪薩斯州) 加拿大 巴西 蘇利南 阿根廷
  • 大洋洲
埃及 安哥拉 南非