


Der Kinderreigen



Gaskell Ball
Ballroom dance, refers collectively to a set of partner dances, which originated in the Western world and are now enjoyed both socially and competitively around the globe. Its performance and entertainment aspects are also widely enjoyed on stage, in film, and on television.

While historically ballroom dance may refer to any form of formal social dancing as recreation, with the eminence of dancesport in modern times the term has become much narrower in scope, usually referring specifically to the International Standard and International Latin style dances (see dance groupings below). In the United States, two additional variations—"American Smooth" and "American Rhythm"—have also been popularized and are commonly recognized as styles of "ballroom dance".

The term "ballroom dancing" is derived from the word ball, which in turn originates from the Latin word ballare which means "to dance". In times past, ballroom dancing was "social dancing" for the privileged, leaving "folk dancing" for the lower classes. These boundaries have since become blurred, and it should be noted even in times long gone, many "ballroom" dances were really elevated folk dances.


A tap dancer jumping into the air
A tap dancer jumping into the air
提供者:Airborne tap dancer, photo by Lambtron

Tap dance is a form of dance in which the shoes worn by the dancer, known as tap shoes, are used as percussive instruments. The percussive sounds are made by metal "taps" on the heel and toe of each shoe.


Mikhail Nikolaevitch Baryshnikov (俄语:Михаил Николаевич Барышников) (born January 28, 1948) is a famous Russian dancer, choreographer, and actor.

Baryshnikov, whose name is sometimes transliterated as Baryshinikov or Barishinikov, was born in Riga, Latvia to Russian parents. His mother enrolled him in the School of Theatre Opera Ballet in Riga when he was twelve. In time, he decided to follow a career as a dancer.

Baryshnikov was a unique dancer in many ways. He was short and thus had to work hard to prove his suitability for roles such as Siegfried in Swan Lake where a taller, more noble bearing was expected. His dancing was renowned for its textbook form, technical brilliance, and emotional detachment.








中华人民共和国(省区:河北 山西 江苏 浙江 山东 安徽 福建 河南 湖北 湖南 广东 广西 海南 四川 云南 甘肃 新疆 江西 贵州;城市:北京 天津 上海 南京 苏州 福州 广州 武汉 西安 宁波 青岛 重庆 台州 惠州 肇庆 宁德;其他:香港 澳门 东北地区 天津滨海新区
中华民国(广域:台湾 福建;县市:台北 基隆 桃园 新竹 苗栗 台中 彰化 南投 云林 台南 高雄 澎湖 宜兰
日本东京 琉球群岛
朝鲜半岛朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 韩国
越南 新加坡 马来西亚 泰国 菲律宾
西欧:德国 荷兰 比利时 法国 西班牙 英国伦敦) 瑞士 奥地利;北欧:芬兰 瑞典;南欧:意大利 梵蒂冈 希腊;东欧:亚美尼亚 白俄罗斯 立陶宛 波兰 俄罗斯 乌克兰;跨洲国家:土耳其
  • 美洲
美国阿拉巴马州 阿拉斯加州 亚利桑那州 阿肯色州 加利福尼亚州 爱荷华州 堪萨斯州) 加拿大 巴西 苏里南 阿根廷
  • 大洋洲
埃及 安哥拉 南非