



切勿將受版權保護的資料在未經版權所有人許可的情況下加入維基百科。基於合法性考量,維基百科不能接受違反版權、取自其他網站或出版物的文字或圖片,此種增訂將會被刪除。您可將其他網站作為參考的「資料來源」,但不是「字句來源」。維基百科十分重視違反版權事件,持續違反者將被禁止編輯。-某人 2018年4月14日 (六) 16:53 (UTC)[回覆]

您好,歡迎來到維基百科。我們邀請每個人為這個百科全書貢獻有建設性的資料,謝謝您願意一起來改進維基百科。維基百科不可以複製其他網站的文章,可惜的是您所加入的內容並不符合版權的有關規定。建議您可以利用自己所知,用自己的話重新組織論述、改寫原先已經有的文章內容,並且將添加或者修改的文字加上參考的出處;這樣應該能夠讓讀者們更容易理解您要表達的意思。希望您下次撰寫條目時能秉持原創翻譯其他語言版本的維基百科來作為編寫守則。感謝您對我們的支持。--胡蘿蔔 倡議以縣級文物保護單位作為動員令主題 2018年4月14日 (六) 17:08 (UTC)[回覆]


您好,煩請閱讀Wikipedia:版權常見問題解答#BAIDU,感謝合作。--胡蘿蔔 倡議以縣級文物保護單位作為動員令主題 2018年4月14日 (六) 17:17 (UTC)[回覆]


由於多次加入侵犯版權的內容,您已被禁止24 hours內編輯維基百科。在封禁結束後,我們依然歡迎您作出建設性的編輯。如果您對封禁的理由持有異議,請您通過郵件向封禁您的管理員或者其他管理員申訴。您也可以於您自己的討論頁頁頂加入{{unblock|您的理由}}並寫下您要求覆審的理由或您的疑問。重新註冊帳戶或者直接使用匿名身份在維基百科的頁面申訴的做法,會被視為繞過封禁發言,可能導致您的封禁時間被延長。-千村狐兔留言2018年4月14日 (六) 17:37 (UTC)[回覆]

該封禁的查封ID是#251565: About my Wiki IDs be locked: AprilMaple2016/GuardForSecurity/網黑剋星



Dear Admin,

Good morning.

1) AprilMaple2016/2) GuardForSecurity/ 3) 網黑剋星 are my three IDs for editing in Wiki and be locked.

This is first time I editing in Wiki (Started on April 10 2018). Since the Wiki Syntax is simple, I started to edit directly and going very smooth for my more than 100 times editing in Sheng Yilun's Wiki Profile. (Kindly reminder: All of my editing and the content SYNC with Sheng Yilun's Baidu profile got Sheng Yilun's China Fan Organization's request and permission. This is not my personal process)

But, as a beginner, I don't know any Wiki's rules. I am sorry for what happened, like the content conflicted with copyright, like using "傀儡或真人傀儡". etc.

I have no interested and intention to using "傀儡或真人傀儡". The reason of Using three IDs is very simple: 1. AprilMaple2016 for editing the content. 2. GuardForSecurity and 網黑剋星 for fighting with website attacking.

Sheng Yilun has been seriously website attacked in China and outside China. Editing and protecting his Wiki is a little help I maybe can give to him as his new fan even though I never editing on Wiki before.

On April 14 and April 15, I emailed several "Emergency help needed!!!!..." emails to you for the help. Please review related emails for the details: The emails sent to: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] By my personal email: [email protected] (Subject: Emergency help needed!!!! Please delete "本名盛翔" From 盛一倫/盛一倫/Peter Sheng's profile in Wiki ASAP Subject: Emergency help needed!!!! Please recovery 盛一倫/盛一倫/Peter Sheng's profile in Wiki ASAP)

I would like to learning and following any Wiki's rules to be a better editor.

Please instruction me what is the better/right way to work on Wiki.

Please release my IDs then I can continue to work on Sheng Yilun's profile.

Please suggest a mentor to me to guide me working on Wiki in the right way.

Thank you, Linda

該封禁的查封ID是#251565。--AprilMaple2016留言2018年4月30日 (一) 07:33 (UTC)[回覆]


  • 濫用此模板或申訴渠道的用戶,可能被延長封禁或被禁止編輯其用戶討論頁。
    • 由於技術原因,如果啟用了「用戶討論頁上的結構式討論」功能的話,請將該請求放到討論頁主頁面的「關於此版塊」中,否則該請求無法顯示在請求分類中讓管理員留意到。
  • 如您希望與管理員就本次封禁作出討論,請於本模板外展開。

  處理人︰Nbfreeh 2018年4月30日 (一) 13:29 (UTC)[回覆]


請勿再清空或移除維基百科頁面的內容、模板或其他資料,否則閣下將會遭受封禁。--Mys_721tx留言2018年5月2日 (三) 22:15 (UTC)[回覆]

提示: 您好,感謝您為維基百科作出貢獻。留意到您的一些編輯中轉換了頁面原始碼的繁簡或地區詞,這可能違反了中文維基百科的指引


  • 以「中國大陸使用『陆』、港澳使用『港』、馬新使用『马』、台灣使用『臺』」為例,您可以寫為:
    • -{zh-cn:陆; zh-hk:港; zh-sg:马; zh-tw:臺;}-


請留意,如果維基百科能夠正確轉換,那麼變更原始碼的繁簡或地區用語可能被認定為破壞。如您無視通知重複類似行為,您的帳號可能會被禁止編輯維基百科。若您的瀏覽器安裝了同文堂Google翻譯等中文簡繁轉換軟體,請在編輯時禁用其轉換功能。祝編輯愉快。--Xiplus#Talk 2018年5月3日 (四) 01:15 (UTC)[回覆]


Dear Admin, Good evening.I am replying for your message.

After I finished my editing, I did test by myself.

When I am using Chinese(Traditional) to search in Google: 盛一倫 and using Chinese(Simplified) to search in Google: 盛一伦

The result is different:

The result by using Chinese(Traditional): No "本名盛翔" show up which is correct result. The result by using Chinese(Simplified): "本名盛翔" still showing up which is wrong result. "本名盛翔" should not show up. This result don't match with the code also. Because there is no "本名盛翔" in the code.

For a testing, I re_format all code from Chinese(Traditional) to Chinese(Simplified). Then test again. The part of the content showing up in Google still exactly same. No any change (1) "本名盛翔" still show up. 2) The part of the content showing up in Google still in Chinese(Traditional) . The correct result should be Chinese(Simplified) since I re_format all code already.

Here is my questions: 1. Is there bug in Wiki's Chinese database? Chinese(Traditional) and Chinese(Simplified) Data doesn't SYNC.

  If the answer is Yes, How can we handle it?

2. Another possible: The part of the content showing up in Google is saved in another database or another table.

  Same question: How can we handle it as a editor?

Thank you AprilMaple2016AprilMaple2016留言2018年5月3日 (四) 02:00 (UTC) 05/02/2018 @9:57pm Eastern time.[回覆]

  • Dear AprilMaple2016,
    • Yes, as you guessed, "The part of the content showing up in Google is saved in another database or another table". It's stored in Google's Cache server (or database), and need to be synced for a period of time. Maybe you need to wait a moment for google to re-sync the text.
    • By the way, do you speak Chinese? This is Chinese Wikipedia, and all of the community talk in Chinese. If you are famaliar with Chinese, please talk in Chinese instead. If not, some of Chinese Wikipedians can read or write English and can help you.
  • EtaoinWu 討論 2018年5月3日 (四) 05:56 (UTC)[回覆]
  • Also, I found no reliable sources about whether 盛一倫 was originally named 盛翔. EtaoinWu 討論 2018年5月3日 (四) 06:02 (UTC)[回覆]