普玛彭古 | |
Puma Punku | |
位置 | 玻利维亚 |
坐标 | 16°33′42″S 68°40′48″W / 16.56169°S 68.679931°W |
在普玛彭古遗址,遗置著数多精细加工的巨大石板,经过检测,他们多数材质是砂岩,但其中一些是安山岩所制造、耐久性强,并且被归类于最难加工的石头类型,莫氏硬度等级为5~6(金刚石硬度为10)。一直到1940年代,玻利维亚的军队还把普玛彭古地区的石板当成训练士兵的靶子。由于人为地破坏或长期的日晒雨淋, 到了今天,普玛彭古遗址上找不到一块完整的石板。而就是这些遗留下的部分,被现在人称之为普玛彭古遗址[2]。
蒂亚瓦纳科在印加传统中具有重要意义,因为人们认为它是世界诞生的地方。[3]在艾马拉语中,普玛彭古的意思是“美洲狮的门”。普玛彭古建筑群由一个没有围墙的西部庭院、中央露天广场、面向石头的梯田台墩( platform mound)和一个有围墙的东部庭院组成。[4][5][6]
最大的石块长 7.81 米,宽 5.17 米,平均厚 1.07 米,估计重约 131 吨,第二大石块重量估计为 85.21 吨。这两个石块都是基座的一部分,材质是红砂岩。基于详细的化学分析,考古学家得出结论,组成建筑基础的红砂岩块是从大约 10 公里外的的的喀喀湖运送来的。用于石材饰面和雕刻较小的安山岩块来自科帕卡巴纳半岛内的采石场,该采石场距离普马彭古约 90 公里。[13][14]
在组装普玛彭古的墙壁时,每一块石头都被切割得很细,以便与周围的石头相互交错。这些砌块像拼图一样拼在一起,不使用灰浆就形成了承重接缝。一种常见的工程技术是将下部石头的顶部以一定的角度切割,然后将以同样的角度的另一块石头放在上面。[16] 在创建齐平接缝时这些角度的精度表明了创造者高度复杂的石头切割知识和关于画法几何的透彻理解。[17] 许多接缝非常精确,石块之间甚至连刀片都插不进去。[18] 许多砌体都是精确切割的直线砌块,它们如此整齐以至于不但可以相互交换,而且这之后还能保持水平的表面和均匀的接缝。然而,这些块的尺寸尽管很接近却并不相同。[19] 这些岩块如此精确的切割表明了预加工和大规模生产的可能性,这一技术远远领先于几百年后蒂亚瓦纳科的印加继承者。[20] 一些石头还未完成,展示了一些用来塑造它们的技术。它们最初是用石锤敲击(在当地的安山岩采石场上还可以找到大量的石锤),形成凹地,然后用平整的石头和沙子慢慢地打磨抛光。[21]
普玛彭古是一个巨大的土台土墩,有三层石质挡土墙。它的布局被认为像一个正方形。[22] 为了承受这些巨大建筑的重量,蒂瓦纳库的建筑师们在建造地基时非常细致,他们经常把石头直接放在基岩上,或者挖出精确的壕沟,然后小心地将它们用一层层的沉积岩填满,以支撑大块的石块。[23] 现代的工程师认为,普玛彭古寺庙的地基是用一种叫做分层和沉积的技术建造的。通过内部沙土层和外部复合材料层的交替,填充物将在接缝处相互重叠,本质上是对接触点进行分级,以创建一个坚固的基础。[24][25]
- ^ Vranich, A., 1999, Interpreting the Meaning of Ritual Spaces: The Temple Complex of Pumapunku, Tiwanaku, Bolivia. (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Doctoral Dissertation, The University of Pennsylvania.
- ^ 一名考古学家虚拟复原了前印加神庙,整个过程如同拼乐高_文化_好奇心日报. www.qdaily.com. [2021-03-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-05).
- ^ Birx, H. James. Encyclopedia of Anthropology.. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. 2006 [2020-08-30]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-29).
- ^ Isbell, William H., Palaces and Politics in the Andean Middle Horizon (PDF), Evans, Susan Toby; Pillsbury, Joanne (编), Palaces of the Ancient New World, Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection: 191–246, 2004 [2010-04-26], ISBN 0-88402-300-1, (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2013-10-29)
- ^ Vranich, A., 1999, Interpreting the Meaning of Ritual Spaces: The Temple Complex of Pumapunku, Tiwanaku, Bolivia. (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Doctoral Dissertation, The University of Pennsylvania.
- ^ Vranich, A., 2006, "The Construction and Reconstruction of Ritual Space at Tiwanaku, Bolivia: A.D. 500-1000. ," Journal of Field Archaeology 31(2): 121–136.
- ^ Vranich, A., 1999, Interpreting the Meaning of Ritual Spaces: The Temple Complex of Pumapunku, Tiwanaku, Bolivia. (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Doctoral Dissertation, The University of Pennsylvania.
- ^ Isbell, William H., Palaces and Politics in the Andean Middle Horizon (PDF), Evans, Susan Toby; Pillsbury, Joanne (编), Palaces of the Ancient New World, Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection: 191–246, 2004 [2010-04-26], ISBN 0-88402-300-1, (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2013-10-29)
- ^ Vranich, A., 1999, Interpreting the Meaning of Ritual Spaces: The Temple Complex of Pumapunku, Tiwanaku, Bolivia. (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Doctoral Dissertation, The University of Pennsylvania.
- ^ Ponce Sanginés, C. and G. M. Terrazas, 1970, Acerca De La Procedencia Del Material Lítico De Los Monumentos De Tiwanaku. Publication no. 21. Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia.
- ^ Ernenweini, E. G., and M. L. Konns, 2007, Subsurface Imaging in Tiwanaku’s Monumental Core. Technology and Archaeology Workshop. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C.
- ^ Williams, P. R., N. C. Couture and D. Blom, 2007 Urban Structure at Tiwanaku: Geophysical Investigations in the Andean Altiplano. In J. Wiseman and F. El-Baz, eds., pp. 423-441. Remote Sensing in Archaeology. Springer, New York.
- ^ Vranich, A., 1999, Interpreting the Meaning of Ritual Spaces: The Temple Complex of Pumapunku, Tiwanaku, Bolivia. (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Doctoral Dissertation, The University of Pennsylvania.
- ^ Vranich, A., 2006, "The Construction and Reconstruction of Ritual Space at Tiwanaku, Bolivia: A.D. 500-1000. ," Journal of Field Archaeology 31(2): 121–136.
- ^ Protzen, Jean-Pierre; Stella Nair, 1997, Who Taught the Inca Stonemasons Their Skills? A Comparison of Tiahuanaco and Inca Cut-Stone Masonry: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 146-167.
- ^ Vranich, A., 2006, "The Construction and Reconstruction of Ritual Space at Tiwanaku, Bolivia: A.D. 500-1000. ," Journal of Field Archaeology 31(2): 121–136.
- ^ Protzen, J.-P., and S.E.. Nair, 2000, "On Reconstructing Tiwanaku Architecture:" The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 358-371.
- ^ Robinson, Eugene (1990). 'In Bolivia, Great Excavations; Tiwanaku Digs Unearthing New History of the New World', The Washington Post. Dec 11, 1990: d.01.
- ^ Protzen, Jean-Pierre; Stella Nair, 1997, Who Taught the Inca Stonemasons Their Skills? A Comparison of Tiahuanaco and Inca Cut-Stone Masonry: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 146-167.
- ^ Protzen, Jean-Pierre; Stella Nair, 1997, Who Taught the Inca Stonemasons Their Skills? A Comparison of Tiahuanaco and Inca Cut-Stone Masonry: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 146-167.
- ^ Protzen, Jean-Pierre; Stella Nair, 1997, Who Taught the Inca Stonemasons Their Skills? A Comparison of Tiahuanaco and Inca Cut-Stone Masonry: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 146-167.
- ^ Young-Sánchez, Margaret. . Tiwanaku: Ancestors of the Inca. Denver, CO: Denver Art Museum. 2004.
- ^ Protzen, Jean-Pierre; Stella Nair, 1997, Who Taught the Inca Stonemasons Their Skills? A Comparison of Tiahuanaco and Inca Cut-Stone Masonry: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 146-167.
- ^ Vranich, A., 2006, "The Construction and Reconstruction of Ritual Space at Tiwanaku, Bolivia: A.D. 500-1000. ," Journal of Field Archaeology 31(2): 121–136.
- ^ Protzen, Jean-Pierre; Stella Nair, 1997, Who Taught the Inca Stonemasons Their Skills? A Comparison of Tiahuanaco and Inca Cut-Stone Masonry: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 146-167.