

坐标59°58′N 30°16′E / 59.97°N 30.26°E / 59.97; 30.26

59°58′N 30°16′E / 59.97°N 30.26°E / 59.97; 30.26


十字架島(俄语:Крестовский остров)是一個位於俄羅斯聖彼得堡的島嶼,面積3.4平方公里。十字架島的西部曾是海洋勝利公園,這裡是1994年友好運動會的舉辦地,也是俄羅斯在蘇聯解體之後舉辦的首個大型國際活動[1]。2016年末島上建成了圣彼得堡泽尼特足球俱乐部的主場聖彼得堡體育場並舉辦過2017年洲際國家盃2018年國際足協世界盃。現在島上有兩個地鐵站,分別是位處島的西端的澤尼特站綠色3號綫)和中東部的十字架島站紫色5號綫)。


  1. ^ Maritime Victory Park. Saint-Petersburg.com. [2009-06-17]. (原始内容存档于2004-11-18). 
  • "Dvorets Belosselskikh-Belozerskikh", Maria Petrovna Zeliadt, Beloje i Zhornoje, St Petersburg 1996.
  • Letter of V.N. Soloviev, Director of Teaching-Sports Center "Znamia", 18.02.1992, No. 13. licensed under "Leningrad oblast counsel of professional unions", where solicitation made for reconstruction of Belosselsky-Belozersky "datcha" according to drawings from year 1954 (at an estimated cost of 150-200 million roubles (of 1992 value)). Letter also lists "Znamia" center as one of the oldest for Russian rowing sports (100 years in 1989) and the referenced champions from the club (refers to letter act No 5/1807 of 25.04.1990 and letter of management of "Gosinspektia" regarding conservation of "pamiatnikov" (monuments/memorials) No 7/721 of 14.03. 1990).
  • (In Russian) "Dacha Belosselskikh-Belozerskikh na Krestovskom Ostrove, Istoricheskaya Spravka", Sostavitel, Zorina A.M., Sankt Peterburg, 1991. (Describes Krestovsky island and history of the ownership of Krestovsky island, the buildings, etc.).
  • (In Russian) "Kirovskie ostrova" (Kirov Islands), H.D. Sintsov, Leningrad 1937.
  • (In Russian) "Parki Pobedi" (Victory Parks), V.I. Markov, Leningrad, 1956 and 1962.
  • (In Russian) "Nevskii ostrova" (Neva river islands), V.A. Vitjazev, Leningrad, 1986.
  • "Квартальный надзиратель", St. Petersburg, 2005, 2007; Article in Russian, ("Уплотнительная застройка затронула ранее недоступные для строителей золотые площади петербургского острова в северной части дельты Невы. Объект нашего внимания - проект реконструкции бывшей дачи князей Белосельских-Белозерских по дому 22 на Крестовском проспекте, там планируют воссоздать дворцовую усадьбу князей Белосельских-Белозерских. Тендер на строительство получила компания «Петербург-реконструкция». Стоимость проекта предварительно оценена в 4 млн.").
  • "Квартальный надзиратель", St. Petersburg, 2005, 2007; Article, ("Усадьба Белосельских-Белозерских станет отелем").
  • "POLO", von Heinrich Hasperg jr., Chevalier Verlag, 2010, Beatrice Tiple, Aachen. Reprint of 1907 original, (Neu editierter Nachdruck der Ausgabe 1907, erschienen bei Grethlein & Co.). Printed in Germany. ISBN 978-3-941551-02-2.
  • "MODERN POLO" by CAPTAIN E. D. MILLER, D.S.O, edited by M. H. HAYES, (F.R.C.V.S.) author of "Points of the Horse", "Illustrated Horse-breaking", "Veterinary Notes for Horse Owners", "Riding and Hunting", etc. SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. LONDON : HURST AND BLACKETT, LIMITED, NEW YORK : CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 1902 (References to early Russian polo; Belosselsky polo grounds at Krestovsky, Sergei Konstantinovich Belosselsky as an international player; Belosselsky polo pony by the name of "Negress").
  • "In the Name of Russia", Russia Abroad Publishing House, New York 1965.
  • "Memoirs of Prince Sergei Sergeievich Belosselsky-Belozersky", Sergei Sergeievich Belosselsky-Belozersky, edited by Marvin Lyons; Jacques Ferrand, Paris 1989.
  • "Killed in a Duel", Article in "New York Times", Published: July 6, 1908.
  • "His brother's keeper" by Gretchen Haskin, Part 2, Originally published in Atlantis Magazine, volume 2, issue 4, 2000. (Recounts and annotates the information regarding the duel between Manteuffel and Sumarakoff-Elston).
  • "THE 1900 OLYMPIC GAMES", by Bill Mallon; (RESULTS OF THE EARLY MODERN OLYMPICS), Jefferson, North Carolina, and London. ISBN 0-7864-0378-0. McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers (references to Sergei Sergeievich Belosselsky participation into 1900 Paris Olympic Games' organisational committee as representative of Russia to the IOC).
  • "Guide to the Great Siberian Railway", Ministry of Ways and Communication. Edited by A.I. Dmitriev-Mamonov and A.F. Zdziarsky,(English translation by Miss L. Kukol-Yasnopolsky; Revised by John Marshall). St. Petersburg, Artistic Printing Society, 1900 (pp. 100–101 ref. Belosselsky-Belozersky metal, ironworks of Ust-Katav, Vyazovaya, Katav-Ivanovsk and Yuriuzan).
