


凱迪三角線(英語:Keddie Wye)位於美國加利福尼亞州普盧默斯縣凱迪镇,是現屬聯合太平洋鐵路的交會站;東西向的羽毛河線(Feather River Route)和向北通往比伯BNSF鐵路蓋特威分區(Gateway Subdivision)路線在此交會。

本處著名之處,在於是世界上唯一一個兩邊路線位於橋上,第三邊則通過隧道中相連的三角線。 [1] 三角線中,西段和北段是跨越西班牙溪(Spanish Creek)的橋樑,兩個橋段路線於31號隧道中會合;東南段則是一條隧道(32號隧道)。 [2]

本三角線與鄰近的鎮命名來自於亞瑟·W·凱迪 (Arthur W. Keddie)。他從傑伊·古爾德 的兒子喬治·傑伊·古爾德 (George Jay Gould) 購得了探勘並興建穿越羽毛河峽谷之鐵路的權利。

凱迪三角線,攝於2003 年


西太平洋铁路(現已被聯合太平洋鐵路併購)于 1909 年沿着羽毛河修建鐵路,在11月於凱迪鎮舉行完工典禮,釘下最後一根道釘,完成了從旧金山湾区犹他州盐湖城的路線, [3]成為南太平洋鐵路通過唐納山口(Donner Pass)之路線以外的的替代方案。

由於羽毛河線穿越内華達山脈的最高點--貝克沃斯山口(Beckwourth Pass)下的奇爾庫特隧道(Chilcoot Tunnel ),海拔約僅1500公尺高,比唐納山口路線的2100公尺為低,且大部分路線坡度也較緩,故有些人偏好羽毛河線。 [4]

羽毛河線向北延伸至比伯的支線於 1930 年動工[5] 。該支線連同三角線的北段與東南段於 1931 年竣工。由此,西太平洋鐵路的東西向路線(奧克蘭-鹽湖城主線),可在此三角線分岔,通往大北方鐵路(現為BNSF鐵路)與其太平洋西北地區的路網。 [6]

此處是鐵道迷喜愛的景點,也是普盧默斯縣「世界七大鐵路奇觀」之一。 [7] [8]該縣旅遊指南提供造訪此處的說明。 [8] [9]




  1. ^ Keddie Wye. Atlas Obscura. [2022-07-27]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-15) (英语). 
  2. ^ USGS Topographic Map of Keddie Wye and vicinity. [22 January 2010]. (原始内容存档于March 31, 2012). 
  3. ^ Western Pacific in Utah. Utah Rails. [1 May 2017]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-28). 
  4. ^ Carrere, J.F. Westward Ho over the Western Pacific. Sacramento Union. 28 August 1910 [1 May 2017]. (原始内容存档于14 May 2021). From Salt Lake to San Francisco is 921英里(1,482公里) over the Western Pacific, and as the distance from Sacramento to San Francisco over the same route is 139英里(224公里), it follows that from the capital of California to the capital of Utah is 782英里(1,259公里). While that is longer than the route of the Southern Pacific the lower grade over the new road enables it to more than make up in speed what it loses in distance.
     [...]Salt Lake City is 4,224英尺(1,287米) above sea level. The highest point on the Western Pacific is 5,819英尺(1,774米) at Silver Zone, one hundred and fifty miles west of that city. So there is quite a rapid ascent going east, but from Silver Zone until California is reached the altitude is never less than 3800 feet, so that the natural grade is not heavy compared with some of the other roads. For 42英里(68公里) in one place the road is perfectly straight and perfectly level, for other long distances it does not exceed two-fifths of 1 per cent, and it never passes 1 per cent.
  5. ^ Bang! And a New Rail System Started. Healdsburg Tribune. 19 August 1930 [1 May 2017]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-15). 
  6. ^ Ceremony Joins Railroads. Healdsburg Tribune. 10 November 1931 [1 May 2017]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-15). 
  7. ^ 7 Wonders of the Railroad World (PDF). Plumas county Visitors Bureau. [1 May 2017]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于18 July 2011). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Tour 7 - Wonders of the Railroad World (PDF). Plumas County Visitors Bureau. [2012-04-16]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2015-11-23). 
  9. ^ Nevada, Utah & Southern Idaho Railroad Maps (地图). Cartography by David J. Cooley. Sonrisa Publications. 2004. (原始内容存档于June 12, 2010). 
  10. ^ The Keddie Wye. American-Rails.com. [2023-11-15]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-15).