


科學分類 編輯
演化支 SAR 超類群 SAR
演化支 囊泡蟲類 Alveolata
門: 纖毛蟲門 Ciliophora
綱: 寡毛綱 Oligotrichea
目: 環毛目 Choreotrichida
亞目: 丁丁蟲亞目 Tintinnina
Kofoid英語Charles Atwood Kofoid & Campbell, 1929


砂殼纖毛蟲的蟲體生活在殼中,其外殼是其獨特的標誌。有部分文獻依從日語文獻,稱呼這種外殼為胴甲英語Lorica (biology)Lorica[3]。 這些外殼大多呈壺形、花瓶形或管形,主要由蛋白質及小量礦物質構成[3],都有一個開口,有的在反口面還有一個較小的開口,蟲體有一個柄固著在殼的後端,通過身體的伸縮可以將身體伸出和縮進殼內;在環境不利時,蟲體會離開殼[4]


形狀和大小類似於丁丁蟲的胴甲的化石,被稱為Calpionellids(長約50到200微米[5],已於中生代滅絕[6]),最早出現在奧陶紀,但由方解石形成,並且由於沒有已知的丁丁蟲會生成含方解石成份的纖毛狀外殼,因此它們不太可能是丁丁蟲的化石——甚至可能根本與纖毛蟲完全無關[7][8]。能夠與現生丁丁蟲相關連的化石記錄(例如:黏著在一起的胴甲化石)出現於侏羅紀時期,但數量並不多,直到白堊紀才開始大量出現[9]。 xTintinnids are an important part of the fossil record because of the rarity with which most other ciliates become preserved under the conditions of the marine environment. The loricae of some tintinnids are easily preserved, giving them a relatively good fossil record.

Adaptation of a cut-away drawing of Tintinnopsis campanula by Fauré-Fremiet (1924) showing basic tintinnid morphology. Tintinnid taxonomy classically is based on characteristics of the lorica or shell. Species in the same genus share similar lorica architecture. For example, species in the genus Tintinnopsis all have lorica covered with small mineral particles, one end is closed, and do not have any clear (hyaline) spines or collars as part of the lorica.


Haeckel Ciliata

不同種的砂殼纖毛蟲的殼或胴甲的長度和口徑變化很大。殼長最大的記錄是巨擬網紋蟲Parafavella gigantea)殼為750 μm(Marshall, 1969),最小的殼為極小領細殼蟲Stenosemella perpusilla),殼長13 μm(Hada, 1970)。同一個種中,不同海域不同個體間的長度差可達300 μm。例如,巨擬網紋蟲的最大記錄750 μm (Marshall, 1969),但是大多為337-576 μm(Campbell, 1942)。同一種中不同個體殼的大小可能是年齡的標誌,小殼是幼體,大殼則是成熟的個體(Gold and Morales, 1976b)。

They were among the many planktonic microorganisms featured in Ernst's 恩斯特·海克爾's classic work popularizing the beauty of the natural world "Art forms in Nature" (自然界的藝術形態).

如同其他原生生物,砂殼纖毛蟲屬於一種複雜的單細胞真核生物。牠們是丁丁是異養水生生物(heterotrophic aquatic organisms), 以能進行光合作用藻類細菌為食[10],均為 體長介乎20到200微米微型浮游生物。Tintinnids are found in marine and freshwaters. However, they are most common in salt water and are usually present in concentrations of about 100 a liter but can reach abundances of several thousand per 公升.[11] Characteristics of their lorica, or shells, are classically used to distinguish the roughly 1000 species described. However, in recent years application of histological and molecular techniques have led to many taxonomic revisions.[12]

Many species appear to have wide distributions (for example from the 切薩皮克灣 to 新喀里多尼亞) while others are restricted to certain areas, such as arctic waters or coastal seas.[13] Nonetheless, in any given locale dozens of species can be found. Like other members of the microzooplankton (such as oligotrich英語oligotrich ciliates, heterotrophic 雙鞭毛蟲門s, radiolarian英語radiolarians, etc.), tintinnids are a vital link in aquatic food chains as they are the '食草動物s' of the plankton. They feed on 浮游植物 (algae and cyanobacteria) and in turn act as food for larger organisms such as 橈腳類s (small 甲殼亞門s) and larval fish.[14]

The color image on the right is a specimen of Dictyocysta mitra from the Bay of 濱海自由城 in the Mediterranean Sea. The hair-like projections pointing out of the top of the shell are the cilia of the cell. The cilia generate a water flow across the mouth of the cell, bringing food into contact and move the tintinnid. Their swimming pattern is rather 'jumpy'- or dancing- they are part of the 'choreotrichs' which means dancing hairs from their swimming behaviour and cilia.[10]






  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Agatha, Sabine. Warren, A. , 編. Tintinnina. WoRMS. 2013-07-02 [2019-09-23] –透過WoRMS.  |year=|date=不匹配 (幫助)
  2. ^ Corliss 1979; 宋微波 1993
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Agatha, Sabine; Laval-Peuto, M; Simon, P. The tintinnid lorica. The biology and ecology of tintinnid ciliates : models for marine plankton. Dolan, John R. (John Richard), 1955-. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley. 2012: 17–41. ISBN 9780470671511. OCLC 793006266. 
  4. ^ 張武昌豐美萍等. 砂壳纤毛虫图谱. 科學出版社. 2012 [2019-09-23]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-26) (中文(簡體)). 
  5. ^ Flügel, Erik. Calpionellids. Microfacies of Carbonate Rocks: Analysis, Interpretation and Application. : 487 [2019-09-26]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-22) (英語). 
  6. ^ 微体古生物学. 《中国大百科全书》 第二版. [2019-09-26] (中文(簡體)). [失效連結]
  7. ^ Remane, J. Calpionellids. Bolli, H. M.; Saunders, J. B.; Perch-Nielsen, K. (編). Plankton Stratigraphy. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. 1985: 555–572. 
  8. ^ Remane, Jürgen. 6 - Calpionellids. Introduction to Marine Micropaleontology 2nd. 2007-09-02: 161–170 [2019-09-26]. doi:10.1016/B978-044482672-5/50006-4. (原始內容存檔於2021-05-13).  |year=|date=不匹配 (幫助)
  9. ^ Lipps, J. H.; Stoeck, T.; Dunthorn, M. Fossil tintinnids. The biology and ecology of tintinnid ciliates : models for marine plankton. Dolan, John R. (John Richard), 1955-. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley. 2012: 186–197. ISBN 9780470671511. OCLC 793006266. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Montagnes, D. J. S. Ecophysiology and behavior of tintinnids. The biology and ecology of tintinnid ciliates : models for marine plankton. Dolan, John R. (John Richard), 1955-. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 2012: 85–121. ISBN 9780470671511. OCLC 793006266. 
  11. ^ McManus, G. B.; Santoferrara, L. F. Tintinnids in microzooplankton communities. The biology and ecology of tintinnid ciliates : models for marine plankton. Dolan, John R. (John Richard), 1955-. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 2012: 198–213. ISBN 9780470671511. OCLC 793006266. 
  12. ^ Agatha, Sabine; Strûder-Kypke, M. C. Systematics and Evolution of tintinnid ciliates. The biology and ecology of tintinnid ciliates : models for marine plankton. Dolan, John R. (John Richard), 1955-. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 2012: 42–84. ISBN 9780470671511. OCLC 793006266. 
  13. ^ Dolan, J. R.; Pierce, R. W. Diversity and distributions of tintinnds. The biology and ecology of tintinnid ciliates : models for marine plankton. Dolan, John R. (John Richard), 1955-. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 2012: 214–243. ISBN 9780470671511. OCLC 793006266. 
  14. ^ Stoecker, D. K. Predators of tintinnids. The biology and ecology of tintinnid ciliates : models for marine plankton. Dolan, John R. (John Richard), 1955-. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 2012: 122–144. ISBN 9780470671511. OCLC 793006266. 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Kofoid; Campbell. A conspectus of the marine and freshwater ciliata belonging to the suborder Tintinnoinea, with descriptions of new species principally from the Agassiz Expedition to the Eastern Tropical Pacific 1904-1905 (PDF). 1929 [2019-09-23]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2022-09-28). 
  16. ^ nomen inquirendum. Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology. [2019-09-25]. (原始內容存檔於2019-09-25). 
