
用户:Yichen112/Virginia Woolf



吴尔芙母亲的照片肖像, Julia Stephen,拍摄者茱莉亚・玛格丽特・卡美隆, 茱莉亚的姨妈

Woolf was educated by her parents in their literate and well-connected household. Her parents had each been married previously and been widowed, and, consequently, the household contained the children of three marriages. Julia had three children by her first husband, Herbert Duckworth: George, Stella, and Gerald Duckworth. Leslie had first married Harriet Marian (Minny) Thackeray (1840–1875), the daughter of William Thackeray, and they had one daughter: Laura Makepeace Stephen, who was declared mentally disabled and lived with the family until she was institutionalised in 1891.[1] Leslie and Julia had four children together: Vanessa Stephen (later known as Vanessa Bell) (1879), Thoby Stephen (1880), Virginia (1882), and Adrian Stephen (1883).


  1. ^ Meyer, Robert. Case Studies in Abnormal Behaviour. Allyn and Bacon. 1998. 

[[Category:1882年出生]] [[Category:1941年逝世]] [[Category:倫敦國王學院校友]] [[Category:英格蘭無神論者]] [[Category:英格蘭散文家]] [[Category:女性自殺者]] [[Category:LGBT小說家]] [[Category:现代主义作家]] [[Category:自殺作家]]