

维科布·卡库伊科斯(Vucub Caquix),为玛雅文明中,于世界刚创造之时,反抗众神意欲统治世界的男神。名字的意思为“七鹦鹉”。外型如依只巨大的怪鸟。弱点为牙齿




  • Karen Bassie-Sweet, Maya Sacred Geography and the Creator Deities. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press 2008.
  • Coe, Michael D.. The Hero Twins: Myth and Image. Barbara Kerr and Justin Kerr (eds.) (编). The Maya Vase Book: A Corpus of Rollout Photographs of Maya Vases, volume 1. Justin Kerr (illus.). New York: Kerr Associates. 1989: 161–184. ISBN 0-962-42080-8. 
  • Julia Guernsey, Ritual and Power in Stone. The Performance of Rulership in Mesoamerican Izapa Style Art. Austin: University of Texas Press 2006.
  • Nicholas Hellmuth, Monsters and Men in Maya Art.
  • Karl Taube, Aztec and Maya Myths.
  • Dennis Tedlock (tr.), Popol Vuh. New York: Simon and Schuster 1996.