

尼格罗河屠杀英语Río Negro massacres(1980年至1982年)的纪念牌匾

危地马拉种族屠杀(西班牙语:Genocidio guatemalteco)又称马雅种族屠杀(西班牙语:Genocidio maya[1]沉默的大屠杀(西班牙语:Holocausto silencioso[2],为危地马拉内战期间土生白人的军政府对马雅人的大屠杀,自1965年起军政府一贯的政策即是大量屠杀、虐待与草率处决左翼游击队成员,且美国官员对此知情[3][4],曾发表报告讨论危地马拉军政府以屠杀上千人作为维系恐怖统治的手段[5]人权观察指这些屠杀“异常地残忍”,且多为针对非武装的平民[6]

种族屠杀在危地马拉北部弱者游击队英语Guerrilla Army of the Poor(EGP)活跃的地区尤为严重,危地马拉军队将当地马雅农民均视为游击队的支持者,并对其展开大规模屠杀。杀害平民的案件自内战爆发起即持续发生,但1975年起军队开始全面屠杀行动,并于1980年代初期达到高峰[7],内战期间军方至少发动了626起屠杀[8],1981年至1983年间即摧毁440座马雅村庄,有些市镇中有多达三分之一的村庄被毁,1985年的一份研究报告指出有超过20万名儿童失去了至少一名双亲,且1980年至1985年间有45,000至60,000人遇害[9]

据统计,有约20万人在危地马拉种族屠杀中遇害,包括至少4万名下落不明者,其中93%为被政府军队杀害,联合国资助的历史澄清委员会英语Historical Clarification Commission(CEH)调查共42,275起遇害或失踪案件,其中有83%遇害者为马雅人[10],1999年CEH调查结论指出危地马拉军队犯下种族屠杀,且美国对其提供军事训练,对冲突中的人权侵犯有严重影响,但美国队屠杀不负有直接责任[7][10][11][12][13]。1982年至1983年任危地马拉总统埃弗拉因·里奥斯·蒙特被控犯下战争罪[14],2013年被判有罪,为首次有总统被判在本国犯下种族屠杀罪[15],但此判决随后被推翻[16],至其于2018年逝世为止仍未能终审宣判,法院只得终结诉讼[17]


  1. ^ Foster, Lynn V. Handbook to Life in the Ancient Maya World (PDF). : 84. While only limited violence has accompanied the on-going Zapatista movement in Chiapas, a holocaust occurred in Guatemala. Highland Maya civilians were the victims of a 36-year civil war in which 900,000 of them were displaced from their lands, many of them becoming refugees in Mexico, Belize, and the United States, and another 166,000 were killed or 'disappeared'. By the time a cease-fire was declared in 1996, the Maya constituted 83 percent of the war dead. A United Nations study stated that Guatemala's war policies had been tantamount to Maya genocide. [失效链接]
  2. ^ Guatemala 1982. Peace Pledge Union Information. [2016-09-11]. (原始内容存档于2004-02-03). 
  3. ^ Group says files show U.S. knew of Guatemala abuses. nydailynews. 2009-03-19 [2022-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-05). 
  4. ^ Blakeley, Ruth. State Terrorism and Neoliberalism: The North in the South. Routledge. 2009: 91-94 [2022-01-30]. ISBN 978-0415686174. (原始内容存档于2015-06-14). 
  5. ^ Guatemala: A Nation of Prisoners, An Americas Watch Report, January 1984, pp. 2–3
  6. ^ Human Rights Testimony Given Before the United States Congressional Human Rights Caucus (新闻稿). Human Rights Watch. 2003-10-16 [2009-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2008-11-11). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Cooper, Allan. The Geography of Genocide. University Press of America. 2008: 171 [2022-01-30]. ISBN 978-0761840978. (原始内容存档于2023-01-22). 
  8. ^ The Secrets in Guatemala’s Bones. The New York Times]. 2016-06-30 [2022-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2018-02-03). 
  9. ^ Civil Patrols in Guatemala: An Americas Watch Report. America's Watch. August 1986: Page 6. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 83% of the fully identified 42,275 civilians killed by human rights violations during the Guatemalan Civil War were Mayan and 17% were Latino of those 93% were killed by the government. See EH 1999,第17页 and Press Briefing: Press conference by members of the Guatemala Historical Clarification Commission. United Nations. 1999-03-01 [2016-08-13]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-31). 
  11. ^ Guatemala, 1981–1984 互联网档案馆存档,存档日期2017-12-26.. Rutgers–Newark Colleges of Arts & Sciences. Retrieved 29 October 2016.
  12. ^ Navarro, Mireya. Guatemalan Army Waged 'Genocide', New Report Finds. The New York Times. 1999-02-26 [2016-11-10]. (原始内容存档于2017-02-27). 
  13. ^ Valentino, Benjamin A. Final Solutions: Mass Killing and Genocide in the 20th Century. Cornell University Press. 2005: 27. ISBN 978-0801472732. 
  14. ^ Guatemala's Ríos Montt found guilty of genocide. BBC News. 2013-05-11 [2022-01-30]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-31). 
  15. ^ Genocide trial of Guatemala ex-leader opens. aljazeera.com. 
  16. ^ MacLean, Emi. Guatemala's Constitutional Court Overturns Rios Montt Conviction and Sends Trial Back to April 19. International Justice Monitor. 2013-05-21. 
  17. ^ Grillo, Christine. HRDAG Testimony In Guatemala Retrials. 2018-03-04 [2021-05-05].