

Karl A. Marlantes
Head shot of Mr Marlantes wearing jacket and necktie. There is some greying of the temples, and he seems unshaven.
马兰蒂斯出席2010年德州书节(Texas Book Festival
出生 (1944-12-24) 1944年12月24日79岁)
俄勒冈州阿斯托利亚英语Astoria, Oregon
国籍 美国
民族希腊裔芬兰裔挪威裔英语Norwegian American[1]
家乡俄勒冈州滨海英语Seaside, Oregon
军种 美国海军陆战队
军衔 中尉
军籍号码英语Service number0-103269
部队第3陆战师第4团英语4th Marine Regiment (United States)1营C连英语1st Battalion 4th Marines
获得勋章 海军十字勋章

卡尔·马兰蒂斯(英语:Karl Marlantes,1944年12月24日)是一位美国作家企业家,毕业于耶鲁大学,并取得牛津大学罗德学者资格。越南战争时期曾为美国海军陆战队尉官,并因为率领部队战斗而获得美国海军部颁发的最高等级勋章——海军十字勋章。他的处女作、虚构战争小说《马特洪峰英语Matterhorn: A Novel of the Vietnam War》于2010年出版后曾荣登《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜前10名[6]


马兰蒂斯于俄勒冈州的伐木小镇——滨海英语Seaside, Oregon长大[7],就读于其父亲担任校长滨海高中英语Seaside High School (Oregon)(1963年毕业班)时,当过美式橄榄球队员和学生会主席[8],之后赢得了美国优秀学生奖学金英语National Merit Scholarship并进入耶鲁大学乔纳森·爱德华兹学院[9],成为校内兄弟会Beta Theta Pi的会员[10]、在橄榄球校队中担任边锋[11],并赢得英国牛津大学大学学院罗德奖学金[12][13][14][15]

就读了一个学期后,马兰蒂斯志愿加入美国海军陆战队现役部队,并以少尉的身份随军远赴越南参战,并升为中尉[16]。他在战斗役期结束后调回美国,至陆战队司令部英语Headquarters Marine Corps继续服役一年。他在陆战队生涯中获得的勋章包括了海军十字勋章铜星勋章、两枚海军嘉奖勋章英语Commendation Medal、两枚紫心勋章和10枚航空奖章英语Air Medal[17]。退伍之后回到牛津攻读硕士学位,出社会后赴印度、英国、新加坡法国等地担任国际企业顾问[18]

马兰蒂斯花费了30年的时间,使自己的第一部小说《马特洪峰》成形。出版之后曾被《纽约时报书评》(The New York Times Book Review)作为封面报导主题[19],并跻身于《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜达16周之久[20],该报记者赛巴斯钦·锺格英语Sebastian Junger亦称《马特洪峰》一书为“最深切且最强而有力的越战题材小说之一”[21]。2011年时,此书也得到了华盛顿州书奖英语Washington State Book Award的小说类奖[22]。同样在该年,马兰蒂斯也出版了一本纪实类书籍《What It Is Like to Go to War》(直译:参战的感觉),叙述回归平民世界后的现代退伍军人生活[23],美国媒体人比尔·莫耶斯在2012年7月时采访了马兰蒂斯,顺道为《参战的感觉》一书作宣传[24]




马兰蒂斯在越南服役时,因为有次率领上部下攻击一座遭到越南人民军(北越军)占领、并拥有碉堡设施的山头,而获授海军十字勋章[26],以下为表扬状的内容[27][注 1]

美利坚合众国总统因海军陆战队预备役中尉卡尔·A·马兰蒂斯(军籍编号:0-103269)于舰队陆战队英语Fleet Marine Force第三加强师第四团第一营英语1st Battalion 4th Marines担任C连副连长期间,在越南共和国抗敌行动中的超凡英勇之举,而欣然授其海军十字勋章。1969年3月1日至6日间,C连参与了一场在岩堆山英语The Rockpile[注 2]之北实施的战斗行动,遭遇北越军迫击炮火箭推进榴弹轻兵器自动步枪攻击而死伤惨重。马兰蒂斯中尉在尽守本分的同时,亦有技巧地组织、重新集结了两个排所幸存的弟兄,并在3月6日对一座筑有森严堡垒、由敌军控制的山头展开攻击行动。在马兰蒂斯中尉的强力带领下,部队得以抢在北越军惊动、能够发起顽强抵抗之前,就获得了攻上山头、穿越重重敌炮的气势与冲劲。最初敌军能短暂凭借强势火力压制我军,而马兰蒂斯中尉奋然不顾自身安危,冲过敌火扫射范围以成功奇袭四座碉堡、彻底予以破坏。尽管在交火中严重受伤,但他拒绝医疗照护、继续领导弟兄直到目标拿下、防线建立、其他伤员都得到医疗后送为止。之后,因为知悉连上有作战经验之军官及士官非死即伤,因此又拒绝让自己送往后方。所有听命于他的战友均为其英雄行动及坚定决心所激励,并且在打击北越军、同时令友军伤亡最小化的关键行动中做出了贡献。马兰蒂斯中尉以其勇敢、进取的战斗精神及坚定不移的恪守职责,实践了陆战队及美国海军部队的最高传统。




  1. ^ 原文如下:
    The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to First Lieutenant Karl A. Marlantes (MCSN: 0-103269), United States Marine Corps (Reserve), for extraordinary heroism while serving as Executive Officer of Company C, First Battalion, Fourth Marines, THIRD Marine Division (Reinforced), Fleet Marine Force, in connection with operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. During the period 1 to 6 March 1969, Company C was engaged in a combat operation north of the Rockpile and sustained numerous casualties from North Vietnamese Army mortars, rocket-propelled grenades, small arms, and automatic weapons fire. While continuing to function effectively in his primary billet, First Lieutenant Marlantes skillfully combined and reorganized the remaining members of two platoons, and on 6 March initiated an aggressive assault up a hill, the top of which was controlled by a hostile unit occupying well-fortified bunkers. Under First Lieutenant Marlantes' dynamic leadership, the attack gained momentum which carried it up the slope and through several enemy emplacements before the surprised North Vietnamese force was able to muster determined resistance. Delivering a heavy volume of fire, the enemy temporarily pinned down the friendly unit. First Lieutenant Marlantes, completely disregarding his own safety, charged across the fire-swept terrain to storm four bunkers in succession, completely destroying them. While thus engaged, he was seriously wounded, but steadfastly refusing medical attention, continued to lead his men until the objective was secured, a perimeter defense established, and all other casualties medically evacuated. Then, aware that all experienced officers and noncommissioned officers had become casualties, he resolutely refused medical evacuation for himself. His heroic actions and resolute determination inspired all who observed him and were instrumental in a decisive rout of the North Vietnamese Army force with minimal friendly casualties. By his courage, aggressive fighting spirit, and unwavering devotion to duty in the face of grave personal danger, First Lieutenant Marlantes upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.
    General Orders: Authority: Navy Department Board of Decorations and Medals
    Action Date: March 1–6, 1969
    Service: Marine Corps Reserve
    Rank: First Lieutenant
    Company: Company C
    Battalion: 1st Battalion
    Regiment: 4th Marines
    Division: 3d Marine Division (Rein.) FMF
  2. ^ 越南广治省的一座山头,临近南北越停战区,越战时期作为美国陆军、海军陆战队的观查哨所和炮兵阵地


  1. ^ Glenn, Tom. Author Q&A: Karl Marlantes. The Washington Independent Review of Books. 2011-09 [2012-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-23). My mother’s family came from Norway and Finland and my father’s family came from Greece 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Blake, John. A war hero returns home, 40 years later. CNN. April 9, 2012 [2012-12-29]. 
  3. ^ Gordon, Gideon. ROTC's problem: student apathy. Yale Daily News英语Yale Daily News LXXXV (140). May 13, 1964: 7 [2012-12-29]. [永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接]
  4. ^ Interview - Karl Marlantes, author of Matterhorn. 越南杂志英语Vietnam Magazine. September 14, 2010 [2012-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-20). 
  5. ^ Karl Marlantes. Contemporary Authors Online (fee, via Fairfax County Public Library). Detroit: Gale. 2012 [2012-12-30]. Gale Document Number: GALE - H1000197584. (原始内容存档于2014-02-22). Gale Biography In Context. 需付费查阅
  6. ^ Junger, Sebastian. The Vietnam Wars: ‘Matterhorn’. New York Times Book Review. April 1, 2010 [2014-02-07]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-01). 
  7. ^ Baker, Jeff. Seaside native Karl Marlantes follows up his celebrated novel 'Matterhorn'. The Oregonian. September 10, 2011 [29 December 2012]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-22). 
  8. ^ Seaside Reunion 1965. Seaside, Oregon: Seaside HS class of 1965. October 2, 2010 [2012-12-30]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-18). 
  9. ^ Six Fraternities Select Members. Yale Daily News LXXXVI (24). October 15, 1964: 6 [2012-12-29]. [永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接]
  10. ^ Singer, George. Yale Charities Drive To Aid Local, International Projects. Yale Daily News. LXXXVIII (46). November 14, 1966: 1, 6 [2012-12-29]. [永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接]
  11. ^ Reilly, Mike. Ruggers close season against New York RC. Yale Daily News. May 11, 1967 [2012-12-29]. [永久失效链接]
  12. ^ Yale Seniors Win Rhodes, NCAA Awards. Yale Daily News. LXXXVIII (86). January 4, 1967: 3 [2012-12-30]. [永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接][永久失效链接]
  13. ^ Gwinn, Mary Ann. Northwest author Karl Marlantes took three decades to climb his own personal 'Matterhorn'. Seattle Times. March 21, 2010 [2012-12-30]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-04). 
  14. ^ McSmith, Andy. In the shadow of Vietnam: A close encounter with Karl Marlantes, US marine turned literary giant. The Independent (London). August 12, 2010 [2012-12-30]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-26). 
  15. ^ Marlantes, Karl. What it is like to go to war. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press. 2011: 135 [2012-12-30]. ISBN 9780802119926. (原始内容存档于2014-06-27). 
  16. ^ Kurutz, Steven. Karl Marlantes On His 30-Year Quest To Publish ‘Matterhorn’. The Wall Street Journal. May 31, 2010 [2014-02-07]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-22). 
  17. ^ Karl Marlantes: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle. Amazon.com. [2014-02-07]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-25). 
  18. ^ Laurel Marlantes - biography. [2012-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-28). 
  19. ^ 《馬特洪峰》,描述越戰最撼動人心的戰爭經典,如《西線無戰事》之於第一次世界大戰。. TAAZE(读册生活). [2014-02-07]. (原始内容存档于2013-07-03). 
  20. ^ MRU BookStore - Matterhorn. MRU BookStore. [2014-02-07]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-22). 
  21. ^ Junger, Sebastian. The Vietnam Wars: ‘Matterhorn’. New York Times Book Review. April 1, 2010 [2014-02-07]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-01). 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 Gwinn, Mary Ann. 2011 Washington State Book Awards winners. Seattle Times. September 15, 2011 [2012-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-18). 
  23. ^ Samet, Elizabeth D. Coming to Terms With the Experience of Combat. New York Times Sunday Book Review. September 16, 2011 [2012-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-14). 
  24. ^ Karl Marlantes on the Mindset of a Modern Warrior. Moyers & Company. July 27, 2012 [2014-02-07]. (原始内容存档于2012-08-01). 
  25. ^ Karl Marlantes. Chicago: Pritzker Military Library. October 20, 2011 [2012-12-30]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-26). 
  26. ^ Marlantes, Karl. The Truth About Being A Hero; Karl Marlantes on what makes men heroes - in their own hearts and in the eyes of others. Wall Street Journal. August 20, 2011 [2014-02-07]. (原始内容存档于2012-04-27).  (excerpt from "What It Is Like to Go to War" by Karl Marlantes, to be published Aug. 30 by Atlantic Monthly Press.)
  27. ^ Valor awards for Karl A. Marlantes - Military Times Hall of Valor. Military Times. [2012-12-29]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-15). 
