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--BC Skye Liao留言2023年5月2日 (二) 13:11 (UTC) [回复]

Edit Request: 郑志刚条目内容修改提议


}} NOTE: I’m proposing the following edits for FleishmanHillard on behalf of New World Development. I am a paid editor and aware of the conflict of interest guidelines. I’m submitting these edits to improve the article’s objectivity, accuracy and sourcing. Please let me know of any questions or comments. Thanks for your time and consideration.

“Article image file”

  • I recommend adding a photo of Adrian to the article so users can see a visual of the subject of the article.
  • Edit request 1: Please add this photo of Adrian from Wikimedia to the article. Adrian Cheng, CEO and executive vice chairman, New World Development

“Article intro”

  • I am suggesting one change to the first paragraph to improve the accuracy of the article.
  • Edit request 1: Suggest removing the word “富商” from the first sentence and adding “香港房地产开发商.” Updated sentence would read as follows:

郑志刚SBSJP(英语:Adrian Cheng Chi-kong,1979年11月2日),香港企业家,香港房地产开发商郑氏家族之第三代接班人[1], 为全球华人十大富豪郑裕彤的长孙及郑家纯之长子[2]


  • I am suggesting the following edits to 1) make the article more neutral and less promotional, 2) include another relevant award Cheng was given by the French government, 4) keep the focus more on Adrian and less on his company, New World Development.
  • Edit request 1: Remove the following sentences from the first paragraph because it not based in fact. It’s opinion. We want to help make the article neutral and factual. The sentences to remove are below:

他在日本的研究学习给他提供了一个崭新的角度来彻底改变未来亚洲艺术世界。 他相信历史人文应当学习成基础,而企业管理知识则可以从实践中吸收。

Updated first paragraph would read as follows:

郑志刚毕业于哈佛大学,于2003年取得东亚研究文学士(荣誉)学位。自哈佛毕业后,他往京都留学一年, 修读日本艺术和文化。他于2014年获得萨凡纳艺术与设计学院( SCAD )的人文学科荣誉博士学位,以及岭南大学的荣誉院士[3]

  • Edit request 2: Update the last sentence of the third paragraph to include the Ordre national du Mérite award Cheng was given by the French government. Updated sentence would read as follows:

2017年12月9日获法国政府颁发法国艺术与文学军官勋章 (Officier in the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres),并于2022年十月获授法国国家功绩荣誉勋章(Officier de l'Ordre National du Mérite)[4],以表扬他在中法文化交流作出的贡献。

  • Edit request 3: Suggest removing all content in the fourth paragraph after the first sentence because it does not read as neutral and is focused more on Adrian’s company New World Development than on Adrian himself. Revised paragraph four along with new paragraphs five and six would read as follows:




2022年11月,郑志刚成立非营利基金会“爱望基金The WEMP Foundation”,基金会关注香港儿童的健康发展,为在2019冠状病毒病疫情之后面对不同程度情绪困扰的基层儿童提供专业服务。 [9]


  • I am suggesting the following edits to 1) provide additional detail about the professional titles Adrian has held or holds 2) to add his most recent title updates. I believe the updates below better organize the content in this section and improve its accuracy.
  • Edit request 1: Update the first three paragraphs of this section so they include a more up-to-date overview of Adrian’s positions and roles. The paragraphs would read as follows:

郑志刚为新世界发展集团和周大福企业有限公司等公司的董事会成员。[10] 此外,郑志刚亦为中华青年精英基金会主席。[11] 2023年1月13日,郑志刚被任命为金融服务发展局(FSDC)董事会的新成员。[12]

郑志刚亦为中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会政协委员。[13] 他亦担任多个以艺术为重点的董事会职位,包括于2016年10月至2018年10月担任西九文化区M+董事会成员、[14] M+创始赞助人成员、M+主要捐助者、[15] 亚洲艺术文献库董事会成员、[16] 英国皇家艺术学院理事。[17]


  • Edit request 2: Add this new paragraph as the third paragraph in the section. It includes Cheng’s recent 2023 appointments. The paragraphs would read as follows:

2023年1月17日,香港政府任命郑志刚为新成立的艺术文化委员会、大型艺术和文化活动委员会主席,“力求将大型活动带回香港”。 [18] 同时于2023年2月21日,香港政府委任郑为文化委员会成员之一,为期两年。[19]

Thank you for taking the time to review this request. --BC Skye Liao留言2023年5月2日 (二) 14:00 (UTC)[回复]



  1. ^ Lo, Jennifer. Third generation takes helm at major Hong Kong developer. Nikkei Asia. February 23, 2017 [April 28, 2023]. 
  2. ^ Adrian Cheng: the Asian retail heir who is aiming to change the way we shop. [2015-07-27]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-10). 
  3. ^ Honorary Fellowship Award 2014. [2015-07-27]. (原始内容存档于2015-07-06). 
  4. ^ NA, NA. Dr Adrian CHENG Honoured with Insignia of “Officier de l’Ordre National du Mérite”. Consulate General of France in Hong Kong & Macau. May 10, 2022 [April 28, 2023]. 
  5. ^ Master, Farah. Adrian Cheng: updating a Hong Kong family for a changing China. Reuters. May 13, 2013 [April 28, 2023]. 
  6. ^ Zhai, Stella. Adrian Cheng takes over NWS. The Standard. Oct 11, 2019 [April 28, 2023]. 
  7. ^ Hatton, James. New World Scion Adrian Cheng Named Chair of China Business. Mingtiandi. February 20, 2013 [April 28, 2023]. 
  8. ^ NA, NA. Hong Kong leader John Lee, top judge and Olympic medallists among 890 named on city’s honours list. South China Morning Post. July 27, 2022 [April 28, 2023]. 
  9. ^ Yau, Cannix. Hong Kong New World Development CEO sets up personal foundation to help children with mental health issues, as COVID pandemic takes its toll on city’s young. South China Morning Post. November 11, 2022 [April 28, 2023]. 
  10. ^ NA, NA. Cheng Chi-Kong “Adrian”. Bloomberg. NA [April 28, 2023]. 
  11. ^ NA, NA. Cheng Chi-Kong “Adrian”. Bloomberg. NA [April 28, 2023]. 
  12. ^ NA, NA. New World chief gets a seat in latest Financial Services Development Council board reshuffle. The Standard. January 13, 2023 [April 28, 2023]. 
  13. ^ NA, NA. Six major HK developers appointed to top political advisory body. The Standard. January 19, 2023 [April 28, 2023]. 
  14. ^ Members of the M+ Board appointed |. West Kowloon Cultural District. [2023-01-01] (英语). 
  15. ^ Our Donors | M+ Museum | M+. www.mplus.org.hk. [2023-01-11] (美国英语). 
  16. ^ NA, NA. Adrian Cheng Collector. Cobo Social International Co. NA [April 28, 2023]. 
  17. ^ Adrian CHENG, Chairman, K11 Art Foundation. Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association. 
  18. ^ New World boss tasked with putting Hong Kong back on the arts and culture map. South China Morning Post. 2023-01-17 [2023-01-17] (英语). 
  19. ^ Appointments to Culture Commission. www.info.gov.hk. [2023-02-22].