




爆轰于1881年由两组法国科学家Marcellin Berthelot, P. Vieille [2] 和 Ernest-François Mallard, Henry Louis Le Chatelier [3] 分别发现。 数学上,David Chapman [4] 于1899预言了这一传播现象,其后Émile Jouguet [5] [6][7] 在20世纪初也进行了相关的研究。 在20世纪四十年代,Zeldovich,von Neumann和Doering对爆轰现象的进一步理解作出了重要的贡献。


19世纪末20世纪初,Chapman和Jouguet分别对爆轰现象进行了研究,他们的理论是描述气体中的爆轰现象最简单的理论,通常被称为Chapman-Jouguet理论。他们用一组简单的代数方程来描述爆轰过程放热锋与冲击波的传播。Zeldovich [8],von Neumann [9] 和Doering [10] 在第二次世界大战期间分别提出了更复杂的爆轰理论,也被称为ZND理论。




在爆炸仪器中,爆轰对周围区域带来的损伤主要来源超音速的冲击波。与爆燃的亚音速热锋和较小的最大压强,爆轰通常更具破坏性,而爆燃则更多用于武器发射。然而爆轰也有一些其他不那么具有破坏性的应用,比如表面清洁和镀膜,爆轰焊接等。爆轰脉冲也可用于航天器推进 [12] [13]





  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Detonation and Deflagration: What Is The Difference?. Safetell Security, U.K. (原始内容存档于2020-06-11). DETONATION is a quick and explosive form of fire. [...] DEFLAGRATION is a slow catching fire. Ordinary fire and most explosions are instances of deflagration. Deflagration fires are usually controllable and can be harnessed.[...] Combustion takes different forms. When a decomposition reaction or combination reaction releases a lot of energy in a very short span of time, an explosion may occur. Deflagration and detonation are two ways energy may be released. If the combustion process propagates outward at subsonic speeds, it’s a deflagration. If the explosion moves outward at supersonic speeds, it’s a detonation." 
  2. ^ M. Berthelot and P. Vieille, “On the velocity of propagation of explosive processes in gases,” Comp. Rend. Hebd. Séances Acad. Sci., Vol. 93, pp. 18-21, 1881
  3. ^ E. Mallard and H. L. Le Chatelier, “On the propagation velocity of burning in gaseous explosive mixtures,” Comp. Rend. Hebd. Séances Acad. Sci., Vol. 93, pp. 145-148, 1881
  4. ^ Chapman, D. L. (1899). VI. On the rate of explosion in gases. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 47(284), 90-104.
  5. ^ Jouguet, E. (1905). On the propagation of chemical reactions in gases. J. de mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, 1(347-425), 2.
  6. ^ Jouguet, E. J. (1906). Mathem. Pures Appl. 1. 1905. P. 347-425. And 2.
  7. ^ Jouguet, É. (1917). L'œuvre scientifique de Pierre Duhem. Doin.
  8. ^ Zel'dovich; Kompaneets. Theory of Detonation. New York: Academic Press. 1960. ASIN B000WB4XGE. OCLC 974679. 
  9. ^ von Neumann, John. Progress report on "Theory of Detonation Waves" (报告). 1942 [2019-11-13]. OSRD Report No. 549. Ascension number ADB967734. (原始内容存档于2011-07-17). 
  10. ^ Doring, W. Über den Detonationsvorgang in Gasen. Annalen der Physik. 1943, 43 (6–7): 421–436. Bibcode:1943AnP...435..421D. doi:10.1002/andp.19434350605. 
  11. ^ Glaesemann, Kurt R.; Fried, Laurence E. Improved wood–kirkwood detonation chemical kinetics. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts. 2007, 120 (1–3): 37–43 [2019-11-13]. doi:10.1007/s00214-007-0303-9. (原始内容存档于2021-03-06). 
  12. ^ Kailasanath, K. Review of Propulsion Applications of Detonation Waves. AIAA Journal. 2000, 39 (9): 1698–1708. Bibcode:2000AIAAJ..38.1698K. doi:10.2514/2.1156. 
  13. ^ Norris, G. Pulse Power: Pulse Detonation Engine-powered Flight Demonstration Marks Milestone in Mojave. Aviation Week & Space Technology. 2008, 168 (7): 60 [2019-11-13]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-01).