


墨西哥联邦电力监察委员会西班牙语:Comisión Federal de Electricidad,以及英语:Federal Electricity Commission),在1937年由墨西哥政府成立一家在墨西哥营运各区电力服务。

总部位于Reforma 164 Col. Juárez México, D.F.。董事长和总裁为Antonio Vivanco Casamadrid。过去曾不少多宗官司丑闻[1][2][3]


  1. ^ Office of Public Affairs. ABB Ltd and Two Subsidiaries Resolve Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Investigation and Will Pay $19 Million in Criminal Penalties. US Department of Justice. 29 September 2010 [2012-04-27]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-13). 
  2. ^ Office of Public Affairs. California Company, Its Two Executives and Intermediary Convicted by Federal Jury in Los Angeles on All Counts for Their Involvement in Scheme to Bribe Officials at State-Owned Electrical Utility in Mexico. US Department of Justice. 10 May 2011 [2012-04-27]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-13). 
  3. ^ Angela Gomez. DOJ Tosses Aguilar's Conviction, Pending Appeal. The FCPA Blog. 12 December 2011 [2012-04-27]. (原始内容存档于2019-10-14). 
