


漢源縣政府駐地 富林鎮? 市榮鄉?

漢源縣政府駐地 富林鎮? 市榮鄉? de.wiki + en.wiki 市榮鄉... --Katpatuka留言2016年11月24日 (四) 05:49 (UTC)[回覆]

【2003】The construction of 瀑布溝水電站 (Pubugou Dam) started on 大渡河 (Dadu River).
【2005】大江截流 (main channel closure?) completed.
【2006】The county government of 漢源縣 moved from 富林鎮 to 市榮鄉.
【2009】The water level of Dadu River began to rise, because the water gate of Pubugou Dam was closed in November. Then many parts of 富林鎮 and 市榮鄉 were flooded.
【2010】All enerator in Pubugou Dam were put into operation.
【2012】市榮鄉 revoked during the Township Merger.
There is no 市榮鄉 now[1].--fao留言2016年11月24日 (四) 07:29 (UTC)[回覆]