

歐洲歷史專題 (獲評未知重要度
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Problem with the content / inaccuracies / 與所述內容/不準確的問題

I apologise for writing in English.I am writing to inform you that this article has several inaccuracies, as also explained in en:Talk:Principality of the Pindus#Article information:

  • The name Principality of Pindus is used mainly for the events in 1917 (indeed villages of Pindus were involved)
  • The same name is in some cases used for the events in 1941-43. This is not correct since the events are covered by the actions of the so calles "Roman Legion", which was active in Thessalia, as well as parts of Macedonia and Epirus. Hence the name ...of Pindus... has no sense.
  • There was never any Principality or any kind of state formed or even declared neither in 1917 nor in 1941-43
  • There was no leader declared in the events of 1917
  • In 1917,Alcibiades Diamandi was one of the members of the provisionary committee. He was not having any leading position.
  • In 1941-42, Alcibiades Diamandi was indeed a leader of the Vlach "Roman Legion". He was not any kind of prince.
  • In 1942-43, Nikolaos Matoussis, was the successor of Diamandi in the leadership of the Vlach "Roman Legion". He was not a prince, he was not a regent of any kind as many wikipedias wrongfully indicate.
  • I have not found any relationship with Gyula Cseszneky which is presented in several wikipedias as third in the non-existent throne!!! of the non-existent principality!!!

Here is an automatic translaton:


我寫的English.I我寫信通知你,這篇文章有幾個不準確之處表示歉意,如還解釋 en:Talk:Principality of the Pindus#Article information:

  • 品都斯的名公主要用於在1917年的事件(品都斯的參與確實村)
  • 相同的名字是在某些情況下,用於在1941年至1943年的事件。這是不正確的,因為該事件被覆蓋的,以便卡耶斯「羅馬軍團」的馬其頓和伊皮魯斯的動作,這是在有源塞薩利亞,以及零件。因此,品都斯的名字......有沒有意義。
  • 從來沒有任何公或沒有在1917年還是在1941年至1943年形成的,甚至宣稱任何一種狀態
  • 有在1917年的事件中聲明沒有領袖
  • 1917年,亞西Diamandi是provisionary委員會的成員之一。他沒有任何的領先地位。
  • 在1941-42,亞西Diamandi的確是瓦拉幾「羅馬軍團」的領導者。他沒有任何一種王子。
  • 1942-43,尼可拉斯Matoussis,是Diamandi在瓦拉幾「羅馬軍團」的領導接班人。他是不是王子,他是沒有任何一種儘可能多的維基百科錯誤地指示的攝政王。
  • 我還沒有發現用久洛Cseszneky它提出的幾個維基百科作為第三的子虛烏有的寶座任何關係! !!!的不存在的公

--FocalPoint留言2015年8月9日 (日) 10:13 (UTC)[回覆]