




伯堅英語John Burgon(1813 – 1888)、米勒(Edward Miller,1825-1901) 均認為,儘管公認文本優於亞歷山大文本,但在某些地方仍需要根據拜占庭文本的抄本傳統進行修正。贊恩·C·霍奇斯也是當代支持拜占庭文本的著名學者之一。



所以,你們既除去一切的惡毒(或譯:陰毒)、詭詐,並假善、嫉妒,和一切毀謗的話, 就要愛慕那純淨的靈奶,像才生的嬰孩愛慕奶一樣,叫你們因此漸長。



支持亞歷山大文本的學者麥資基英語Bruce M. Metzger(1914 – 2007)認為,是拜占庭文本刪掉了「以致得救」,原因要麼是抄寫時疏忽所致,要麼是抄寫員認為「漸長以致得救」在神學上不對[5]。另一位支持亞歷山大文本的學者 Edward D. Andrews 認為,得救就是需要一個過程,而不是瞬間完成的[6]。但是反對亞歷山大文本的牧師認為得救是瞬間完成的,而不是需要一個過程,認為這些加添的話「漸長以致得救」與天主教教義完美契合;在天主教教義中,得救被視為一個永無止境的過程,人們永遠無法確定其結果,得救也從未被教導是藉着耶穌基督為他的信徒所做的一切而已經完成的事實[7]



  1. ^ Introduction To Bibliology: What Every Christian Should Know About the Origins, Composition, Inspiration, Interpretation, Canonicity, and Transmission of the Bible. [2024-04-12]. (原始內容存檔於2023-06-21). 
  2. ^ Wallace, Daniel B. The Majority Text Theory: History, Methods, and Critique. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society. 1994, 37 (2): 194 fn. 59. 
  3. ^ Michael D. Marlowe states:[1]頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館yet it differs from the Received Text in about a thousand places, most of them being trivial. while Daniel B. Wallace [2] 互聯網檔案館存檔,存檔日期2007-08-05. has counted 1,838 differences between it and the Textus Receptus.
  4. ^ What about the Majority Text?. www.bible-researcher.com. [2024-01-17]. (原始內容存檔於2024-01-19). 
  5. ^ NTTC 1 PETER 2:2: Was the Original Reading 「you may grow into salvation」 OR 「you may grow」? Metzger writes, The Textus Receptus, following L and most minuscules, omits εἰς σωτηρίαν either through an oversight in copying (εις … ειε) or because the idea of 「growing into salvation」 was theologically unacceptable. (p. 618)
  6. ^ House, C. P. (2020, May 4). NTTC 1 PETER 2:2: Was the Original Reading 「you may grow into salvation」 OR 「you may grow」? Christian Publishing House Blog. https://christianpublishinghouse.co/2020/05/04/nttc-1-peter-22-was-the-original-reading-you-may-grow-into-salvation-or-you-may-grow/ EDWARD D. ANDREWS (AS in Criminal Justice, BS in Religion, MA in Biblical Studies, and MDiv in Theology) 寫道:Clearly, it is a later scribe or scribes who made a deletion. Early enough in the Byzantine text history, scribes must have taken liberties with the text, as they often did, as they took issue and could not accept the idea that anyone could 「grow into salvation,」 as scripturally speaking, salvation is considered an undeserved gift that one receives when one is born again, or a recreation when a believer is resurrected. However, salvation is not instantaneous but rather it is a process as is true of sanctification and transformation. As new ones grow in full, complete, or accurate knowledge (Gr. ἐπίγνωσις epignōsis) of the Word of God, they begin putting faith into Jesus Christ (Gr. πιστεύω pisteuō; εἰς eis). It is God’s Word that enables the new one to grow into salvation.
  7. ^ Will Kinney. (n.d.). 1 Peter 2:2 and the Vatican versions - 「Desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby.」 https://d3hgrlq6yacptf.cloudfront.net/5f4766d57c3ad/content/pages/documents/1358970594.pdf頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館