

出生Franz Friedrich Anton Mesmer
知名於動物磁性說英語Animal magnetism

弗朗茨·弗里德里希·安東·梅斯梅爾(德語:Franz Friedrich Anton Mesmer,1734年5月23日—1815年3月5日),一譯麥斯麥德國心理學家、催眠術科學的奠基人。

梅斯梅爾對天文學十分感興趣,後來提出在所有有生命和無生命的物體之間會發生一種自然能量轉送的理論,這個理論被他稱為動物磁性說英語Animal magnetism,有些時候也被用他的名字命名為「mesmerism」。此學說大約在1780年至1850年期間引起了廣泛關注。


  • Bailly, J-S., "Secret Report on Mesmerism or Animal Magnetism", International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Vol. 50, No. 4, (October 2002), pp. 364–68. doi=10.1080/00207140208410110
  • Franklin, B., Majault, M. J., Le Roy, J. B., Sallin, C. L., Bailly, J-S., d'Arcet, J., de Bory, G., Guillotin, J-I., and Lavoisier, A., "Report of the Commissioners charged by the King with the Examination of Animal Magnetism", International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Vol. 50, No. 4, (October 2002), pp. 332–63. doi=10.1080/00207140208410109
  • Classics: Memoir on the Discovery of Animal Magnetism (Franz A. Mesmer) [Classics: Memoir on the Discovery of Animal Magnetism (Franz A. Mesmer)]. Actas Luso-españolas de Neurología, Psiquiatría y Ciencias Afines. Sep 1973, 1 (5): 733–9. ISSN 0300-5062. PMID 4593210 (西班牙語). 
  • Akstein D. Mesmer, the Precursor of Spiritual Medicine (I) [Mesmer, the Precursor of Spiritual Medicine (I)]. Revista Brasileira de Medicina. April 1967, 24 (4): 253–7. ISSN 0034-7264. PMID 4881184 (葡萄牙語). 
  • Buranelli, V., The Wizard from Vienna: Franz Anton Mesmer, Coward, McCann & Geoghegan., (New York), 1975.
  • Crabtree, Adam (1988). Animal Magnetism, Early Hypnotism, and Psychical Research, 1766–1925 – An Annotated Bibliography. White Plains, NY: Kraus International. ISBN 0-527-20006-9
  • Darnton, Robert. Mesmerism and the End of the Enlightenment in France需要免費註冊. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1968. ISBN 978-0-674-56951-5. 
  • Donaldson, I.M.L., "Mesmer's 1780 Proposal for a Controlled Trial to Test his Method of Treatment Using 'Animal Magnetism'", Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, Vol.98, No.12, (December 2005), pp. 572–575.
  • Eckert H. An Unknown Portrait of Franz Anton Mesmer [An Unknown Portrait of Franz Anton Mesmer]. Gesnerus. 1955, 12 (1–2): 44–6. ISSN 0016-9161. PMID 13305809 (德語). 
  • Ellenberger, Henri. The Discovery of the Unconscious需要免費註冊. New York: Basic Books. 1970. ISBN 978-0-465-01672-3. 
  • Fenton, Peter Robert. Shaolin Nei Jin Qi Gong: Ancient Healing in the Modern World. York Beach: Samuel Weiser. 1996. ISBN 978-0-87728-876-3. 
  • Forrest D. Mesmer. The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. October 2002, 50 (4): 295–308. ISSN 0020-7144. PMID 12362948. doi:10.1080/00207140208410106. 
  • Gallo DA, Finger S. The Power of a Musical Instrument: Franklin, the Mozarts, Mesmer, and the Glass Armonica. History of Psychology. November 2000, 3 (4): 326–43. ISSN 1093-4510. PMID 11855437. doi:10.1037/1093-4510.3.4.326. 
  • Gielen, Uwe; Raymond, Jeannette. The curious birth of psychological healing in the Western World (1775-1825): From Gaβner to Mesmer to Puységur.. Rich, Grant; Gielen, Uwe (編). Pathfinders in international psychology. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. 2015: 25–51. 
  • Goldsmith, M., Franz Anton Mesmer: A History of Mesmerism, Doubleday, Doran & Co., (New York), 1934.
  • Gould, Stephen. Bully for Brontosaurus需要免費註冊. New York: Norton. 1991. ISBN 978-0-393-30857-0. 
  • Gravitz MA. The First Use of Self-Hypnosis: Mesmer Mesmerizes Mesmer. The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. July 1994, 37 (1): 49–52. ISSN 0002-9157. PMID 8085546. doi:10.1080/00029157.1994.10403109. 
  • Harte, R., Hypnotism and the Doctors, Volume I: Animal Magnetism: Mesmer/De Puysegur, L.N. Fowler & Co., (London), 1902.
  • Iannini R. Mesmer and mesmerism [Mesmer and Mesmerism]. Medicina Nei Secoli. 1992, 4 (3): 71–83. ISSN 0394-9001. PMID 11640137 (意大利語). 
  • Kihlstrom JF. Mesmer, the Franklin Commission, and Hypnosis: A Counterfactual Essay. The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. October 2002, 50 (4): 407–19. ISSN 0020-7144. PMID 12362956. doi:10.1080/00207140208410114. 
  • Lopez CA. Franklin and Mesmer: An Encounter. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine. Jul 1993, 66 (4): 325–31. ISSN 0044-0086. PMC 2588895可免費查閱. PMID 8209564. 
  • Mackett, J. Chinese Hypnosis. British Journal of Experimental & Clinical Hypnosis. June 1989, 6 (2): 129–130. ISSN 0265-1033. 
  • Makari GJ. Franz Anton Mesmer and the Case of the Blind Pianist. Hospital and Community Psychiatry. February 1994, 45 (2): 106–10. ISSN 0022-1597. PMID 8168786. doi:10.1176/ps.45.2.106. 
  • Mesmer, Franz. Mesmerism. Los Altos: W. Kaufman. 1980. ISBN 978-0-913232-88-0. 
  • Miodoński L. Romantic Medicine in Germany as the Philosophical Explication for Understanding the World and Man – Mesmer and Mesmerism [Romantic Medicine in Germany as the Philosophical Explication for Understanding the World and Man - Mesmer and Mesmerism]. Medycyna Nowozytna. 2001, 8 (2): 5–32. ISSN 1231-1960. PMID 12568094 (波蘭語). 
  • Parish D. Mesmer and His Critics. New Jersey Medicine: The Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey. February 1990, 87 (2): 108–10. ISSN 0885-842X. PMID 2407974. 
  • Pattie, F.A., "Mesmer's Medical Dissertation and Its Debt to Mead's De Imperio Solis ac Lunae", Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Vol.11, (July 1956), pp. 275–287.
  • Pattie, Frank. Mesmer and Animal Magnetism: A Chapter in the History of Medicine. Hamilton: Edmonston Pub. 1994. ISBN 978-0-9622393-5-9. 
  • Pattie FA. A Mesmer-Paradis Myth Dispelled. The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. July 1979, 22 (1): 29–31. ISSN 0002-9157. PMID 386774. doi:10.1080/00029157.1979.10403997. 
  • Prinz, Armin. Mesmer, Franz Anton in: Neue Deutsche Biographie 17. 1994.  http://www.deutsche-biographie.de/pnd118581309.html頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館
  • Schott H. Die Mitteilung des Lebensfeuers. Zum therapeutischen Konzept von Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815). Medizinhistorisches Journal. 1982, 17 (3): 195–214. ISSN 0025-8431. PMID 11615917. 
  • Schott H. Mesmer, Braid and Bernheim: On the History of the Development of Hypnotism [Mesmer, Braid and Bernheim: On the History of the Development of Hypnotism]. Gesnerus. 1984, 41 (1–2): 33–48. ISSN 0016-9161. PMID 6378725 (德語). 
  • Shultheisz E. Mesmer and Mesmerism [Mesmer and Mesmerism]. Orvosi Hetilap. July 1965, 106: 1427–30. ISSN 0030-6002. PMID 14347842 (匈牙利語). 
  • Spiegel D. Mesmer Minus Magic: Hypnosis and Modern Medicine. The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. October 2002, 50 (4): 397–406. ISSN 0020-7144. PMID 12362955. doi:10.1080/00207140208410113. 
  • Stone MH. Mesmer and His Followers: The Beginnings of Sympathetic Treatment of Childhood Emotional Disorders (Free full text). History of Childhood Quarterly. Spring 1974, 1 (4): 659–79 [2020-02-08]. ISSN 0091-4266. PMID 11614567. (原始內容存檔於2016-07-04). 
  • Voegele GE. The Relation of Mesmer to Mozart. The American Journal of Psychiatry. April 1956, 112 (10): 848–9. ISSN 0002-953X. PMID 13302494. doi:10.1176/ajp.112.10.848. 
  • Watkins D. Franz Anton Mesmer: Founder of Psychotherapy. Nursing Mirror and Midwives Journal. May 1976, 142 (22): 66–7. ISSN 0143-2524. PMID 778805. 
  • Winter, A., Mesmerized: Powers of Mind in Victorian Britain, The University of Chicago Press, (Chicago), 1998.
  • Wyckoff, J. [1975], Franz Anton Mesmer: Between God and Devil, Prentice-Hall, (Englewood Cliffs), 1975.
