

Donald Lawrence Keene
出生Donald Lawrence Keene
公民權 日本

當奴·基恩(英語:Donald Keene;日語:ドナルド・キーン ,1922年6月18日—2019年2月24日),日本籍美國歐裔日本學學者、教師、作家、日本文學文化翻譯家[1][2]。基恩曾在美國哥倫比亞大學任教超過50年。2011年東日本大地震之後,他從哥倫比亞大學退休,永久遷居日本並歸化日本國籍,使用自己名字的片假名拼音做為歸化後的戶籍姓名[3]。另以鬼怒川鳴門取漢字雅號「鬼怒鳴門」(鬼怒鳴門キーン ドナルド Kīn Donarudo),發音與自己的本名相同[4]


當奴·基恩出生於美國紐約市布魯克林。九歲那年,和父親一起去歐洲旅行,當奴·基恩對學習法語等外語變得非常感興趣。 後來由於父母離異,於母子家庭中成長。1938年,當奴·基恩進入哥倫比亞大學文學院。

在哥倫比亞大學,他受到馬克·範·多倫(Mark Van Doren)和萊昂內爾·託林(Lionel Torring)影響。 大約在同一時間,Van Doren的演講使他熟識中國學生,他因此學習中文,尤其是漢字。





1945年5月,當奴·基恩加入沖繩戰役。此外,奧蒂斯·塞里(Otis Ceri,後任同誌社大學榮譽教授)和伊凡·莫里斯(Ivan Morris)是他在美國軍隊口譯時代的朋友。

回到哥倫比亞大學後,他於1947年在角田柳作的指導下獲得了碩士學位。同年,他於哈佛大學求學,並接受了謝爾蓋·愛麗舍夫(Sergei Elyseev)的教導。1948年(昭和23年)開始,當奴·基恩到劍橋大學學習5年之久,並同時擔任講師。大約在這個時候,他認識E·M·福斯特與亞瑟·偉利。在此期間,他於1949年完成了哥倫比亞大學東方研究院的博士學位。


1986年,當奴·基恩日本文化中心在哥倫比亞大學成立。自1999年以來,他一直擔任當奴·基恩基金會(Donald Keene Foundation)的總裁。 2006年11月1日,他呼籲源氏物語千年紀






原文書名 翻譯書名
The Battles of Coxinga: Chikamatsu's Puppet Play, Its Background and Importance (Taylor's Foreign Pr, 1951)
The Japanese Discovery of Europe: Honda Toshiaki and other discoverers 1720–1952 (Routledge and K. Paul, 1952) 日本人の西洋発見 (錦正社, 1957). Jp trans. 藤田豊 & 大沼雅彥

nihonjin no seiyou hakken 日本人の西洋発見 (中公叢書, 1968). Jp trans. 芳賀徹訳 [?trans of 2nd ed]

Japanese Literature an Introduction for Western Readers (Grove Pr, June 1, 1955)
Modern Japanese Literature: An Anthology (Grove Pr, June 1, 1956)
Living Japan (Doubleday, 1959) 生きている日本 (朝日出版社, 1973). Jp trans. 江藤淳 & 足立康

ikiteiru nihon Revised edition published as 果てしなく美しい日本 (講談社學術文庫, 2002). Jp trans.  足立康改 [?mistake. ?Separate work]

Major Plays of Chikamatsu (Columbia University Press, January 1, 1961)
Four Major Plays of Chikamatsu (Columbia University Press, June 1, 1961)
Donald Keene, Kaneko Hiroshi (photography) & Jun'ichirō Tanizaki (introduction), Bunraku: The Art of the Japanese Puppet Theatre (kodansha International, 1965) 文楽 (講談社, 1966). Jp trans. 吉田健一


Japanese Discovery of Europe, 1720–1830. Revised/2nd ed. (Stanford University Press, June 1, 1969)
The Manyoushu (Columbia University Press, 1969)
Twenty Plays of the Noh Theatre (Columbia University Press, June 1, 1970)
War-Wasted Asia: letters, 1945–46 (Kodansha International, 1975) 昨日の戦地から (中央公論新社, 2006). Jp trans. 松宮史朗.

kinou no senchi kara

World Within Walls: Japanese Literature of the Pre-Modern Era, 1600–1867 (Henry Holt & Co, October 1, 1976)

Second book in the "A History of Japanese Literature" series

日本文學史 近世篇, 2 vols. (中央公論社, 1976–77). Jp trans. 徳岡孝夫訳

nihon bungakushi kinseihen

Landscapes and Portraits: Appreciations of Japanese culture (Kodansha International, 1978)
Meeting with Japan (學生社, 1979) 日本との出會い (中央公論社, 1972). Jp trans. 篠田 一士

nihon tono deai

Some Japanese Portraits (Kodansha Amer Inc, March 1, 1978/9) 日本文學散歩 (朝日選書, 1975). Jp trans. 篠田 一士

nihon bungaku sanpo

Travels in Japan (Gakuseisha, 1981) 日本細見 (中央公論社, 1980). Jp trans. ??


Dawn to the West: Japanese Literature of the Modern Era; Fiction (Holt Rinehart & Winston, April 1, 1984)

Third book in the "A History of Japanese Literature" series

* Dawn to the West: Japanese Literature in the Modern Era; Poetry, Drama, Criticism (Holt Rinehart & Winston, April 1, 1984)

Fourth book in the "A History of Japanese Literature" series

Dawn to the West: Japanese Literature in the Modern Era (Henry Holt & Co, September 1, 1987)
The Pleasures of Japanese Literature (Columbia University Press, October 1, 1988; ISBN 0-231-06736-4) 古典の愉しみ (JICC, 1992). Jp trans. 大庭みな子

koten no tanoshimi Later published by 寶島社, 2000.

Donald Keene with Herbert E. Plutschow, Introducing Kyoto (Kodansha Amer Inc, April 1, 1989)
Travelers of a Hundred Ages: The Japanese As Revealed Through 1,000 Years of Diaries (Diane Pub Co, June 1, 1989) 百代の過客 日記にみる日本人 (朝日選書, 1984 and 1988). Jp trans. 金関壽夫

hyakudai no kakaku: nikkini miru nihonjin Later published by Asahi, 2011 and 2012. [?trans of revised edition]

Modern Japanese Novels and the West (Umi Research Pr, July 1, 1989)
No and Bunraku: Two Forms of Japanese Theatre (Columbia University Press, December 1, 1990) 能・文楽・歌舞伎 (講談社, 2001). Jp trans. 吉田 健一 & 松宮史朗

noh, bungaku, kabuki

Appreciations of Japanese Culture (Kodansha Amer Inc, April 1, 1991)
Donald Keene with Ooka Makoto, The Colors of Poetry: Essays in Classic Japanese Verse (Katydid Books, May 1, 1991)
Travelers of a Hundred Ages (Henry Holt & Co, August 1, 1992)
Seeds in the Heart: Japanese Literature from Earliest Times to the Late Sixteenth Century (Henry Holt & Co, June 1, 1993)

First book in the "A History of Japanese Literature" series

On Familiar Terms: A Journey Across Cultures (Kodansha Amer Inc, January 1, 1994)

Reworking of the 1990–1992 Japanese newspaper column.

このひとすじにつながりて (朝日選書, 1993). Jp trans. 金関 壽夫

kono hitosuji ni tsunagarite

Modern Japanese Diaries: The Japanese at Home and Abroad As Revealed Through Their Diaries (Henry Holt & Co, March 1, 1995)

Later published by Columbia University Press, 1999 [?revised edition] Japanese edition published first.

The Blue-Eyed Tarokaja: A Donald Keene Anthology (Columbia University Press, June 1, 1996). Editor. J. Thomas Rimer 碧い眼の太郎冠者

aoi me no taroukaja

On Familiar Terms: To Japan and Back, a Lifetime Across Cultures (Kodansha Amer Inc, April 1, 1996)
もう一つの母國、日本へ - Living in Two Countries (Kodansha International, 1999). Jp trans. 塩谷紘

English and Japanese bilingual text

Donald Keene with Anne Nishimura & Frederic A. Sharf, Japan at the Dawn of the Modern Age: Woodblock Prints from the Meija Era, 1868-1912 (Museum of Fine Arts Boston, May 1, 2001)
Sources of Japanese Tradition: From Earliest Times to 1600 compiled by Donalde Keen, Wm. Theodore De Bary, George Tanabe and Paul Varley (Columbia University Press, May 1, 2001)
Emperor of Japan: Meiji and His World, 1852–1912 (Columbia University Press, April 1, 2002) 明治天皇 (新潮社, 2001). Jp trans. 角地 幸男.

meiji tennou Also published in 4 volumes, 2007.

Donald Keene with Lee Bruschke-Johnson & Ann Yonemura, Masterful Illusions: Japanese Prints from the Anne Van Biema Collection (University of Washington Pr, September 1, 2002)
Five Modern Japanese Novelists (Columbia University Press, December 1, 2002) 思い出の作家たち―谷崎・川端・三島・安部・司馬 (新潮社, 2005). Jp trans. 松宮史朗

omoide no sakkatachi: Tanizaki, Kawabata, Mishima, Abe, Shiba

Yoshimasa and the Silver Pavilion: The Creation of the Soul of Japan (Columbia University Press, November 1, 2003) 足利義政と銀閣寺 (中央公論新社, 2008). Jp trans. 角地 幸男.

Yoshimasa to ginkakuji

Frog In The Well: Portraits of Japan by Watanabe Kazan 1793–1841 (Asia Perspectives),(Columbia Univ. Press, 2006) 渡辺崋山 (新潮社, 2007). Jp trans. 角地 幸男

Watanabe Kazan

Chronicles of My Life: An American in the Heart of Japan. (Columbia University Press, 2008) 私と20世紀のクロニカル』 (中央公論新社, 2007)

watashi to 20 seiki no kuronikaru Later published as ドナルド・キーン自伝 (中公公論新社, 2011). Jp trans. 角地幸男 Un Occidental En Japon (Nocturna Ediciones, 2011). Es trans. José Pazó Espinosa

So Lovely A Country Will Never Perish: Wartime Diaries of Japanese Writers (Columbia University Press, 2010) ? 日本人の戦爭 作家の日記を読む (文藝春秋, 2009). Jp trans. 角地幸男

nihonjin no sensou: sakka no nikki wo yomu

The Winter Sun Shines In: A Life of Masaoka Shiki (Columbia University Press, 2013) 正岡子規 (新潮社, 2012). Jp trans. 角地 幸男

Masaoka Shiki


日本の文學 (築摩書房, 1963). Jp trans. 吉田健一


日本の作家 (中央公論社, 1972)

nihon no sakka

Kobo Abe and Donald Keene, 反劇的人間 (中公新書,1973)

hangekiteki ningen. In conversation with Kobo Abe

Ooka Shouhei and Donald Keene, 東と西のはざまで 大岡昇平と対談 (朝日出版社, 1973)

higashi to nishi no haza made'. In conversation with Ooka Shouhei

Tokuoka Takao and Donald Keene, 悼友紀行 三島由紀夫の作品風土 (中央公論社, 1973)
ドナルド・キーンの日本文學散歩. Column in Asahi Weekly 週刊朝日, 8th Jan 1957 - 26th Sept 1975

Donarudo Kiin no nihonbungaku sanpo

ドナルド・キーンの音盤風刺花伝 (音楽之友社, 1977)

Later published as わたしの好きなレコード watashi no sukina rekoodo

日本文學を読む (新潮選書, 1977)

nihonbungaku wo yomu

日本の魅力 対談集 (中央公論社, 1979)

nihongo no miryoku. A collection of conversation.

日本を理解するまで (新潮社, 1979) [?trans]

nihon wo rikaisuru made

日本文學のなかへ (文藝春秋, 1979)

nihonbungaku no nakahe

音楽の出會いとよろこび (音楽之友社, 1980). Jp trans. 中矢 一義.

ongaku no deai to yorokobi Later published by 中央公論社 1992.

ついさきの歌聲 (中央公論社, 1981) Jp trans. 中矢一義訳

tsuisaki no utagoe

私の日本文學逍遙 (新潮社, 1981)

watashi no nihonbungaku shouyou

日本人の質問 (朝日選書, 1983)

nihonjin no shitsumon

百代の過客 日記にみる日本人. Column in the Asahi Evening News, 4th Jul 1983 - 13th Apr 1984.

hyakudai no kakaku: nikki nimiru nihonjin

Ryotaro Shiba and Donald Keene, 日本人と日本文化 司馬遼太郎との対談 (中公新書, 1972, 1984)

nihonjin to nihonbunka: conversations with Ryotaro Shiba Later published as 世界のなかの日本 十六世紀まで遡って見る 司馬遼太郎対談 (中央公論社, 1992) sakai no naka no nihon: juurokuseiki made sakanobattemiru. In conversation with Ryotaro Shiba.

少し耳の痛くなる話 (新潮社, 1986)

sukoshi mimi no itakunaru hanashi

二つの母國に生きて (Asahi, 1987) [?trans. 塩谷紘]

futatsu no bokoku ni ikite [Living in two countries]

このひとすじにつながりて. Column in the Asahi Evening News, 7th Jan 1990 - 9th Feb 1992.

kono hitosushi ni tsunagarite

古典を楽しむ 私の日本文學 (朝日選書, 1990)

koden wo tanoshimu: watashi no nihonbungaku

日本人の美意識 (中央公論, 1990)

nihonjin no biishiki

聲の殘り 私の文壇交遊録 (Asahi, 1992)

koe no nokori: watashi no bundankouyuuroku [Remaining voices: Record of my literary circle]

Yukio Mishima & Donald Keene (editor), 三島由紀夫未発表書簡 ドナルド・キーン氏宛の97通 (中央公論社, 1998)

Mishima Yukio mihappyoushokan 97 letters addressed to Donald Keene

日本語の美 (中公文庫, 2000) [?trans]

nihongo no bi [The beauty of Japanese]

明治天皇を語る (新潮新書, 2003).

meijiennnou wo kataru [Stories of the Emperor Meiji]. Based on a series of lectures.

日本文學は世界のかけ橋 (たちばな, 2003)

nihonbungaku ha sekai no kakebashi

Jakucho Setouchi, Donald Keene & Shunsuke Tsurumi, 同時代を生きて 忘れえぬ人びと (岩波書店, 2004)

doujidai wo ikite wasureenu hitobito

私の大事な場所 (中央公論新社, 2005/2010)

watashi no daijina basho

ドナルド・キーン著作集』(全15巻)(新潮社, 2011)

donarudo kiin chosakushou (zen-15gan). The collected works of Donald Keene (15 volumes) [excluding 日本文學史 The history of Japanese literature]

Donald Keene & Koike Masayuki, 戦場のエロイカ・シンフォニー 私が體験した日米戦 (藤原書店, 2011)

senjou no Eroica shinfonii: watashi ga keikenshita nichibeiikusa

Donald Keene and Setouchi Jakuchou, 日本を、信じる (中央公論新社, 2012)
私が日本人になった理由―日本語に魅せられて (PHP研究所, 2013)

watashi ga nihonjin ni natta riyuu - nihongo ni miserarete

Translation of the History of Japanese literature series

日本文學史 nihonbungakushi

  • History of Japanese literature: Modern era, published in 8 volumes, (中央公論社, 1984-1992). Jp trans. 角地幸男, 徳岡孝夫 & 新井潤美
  • History of Japanese literature, including modern era and pre-modern era, published in 18 volumes (中央公論社, 1994-1997). Jp trans for Pre-modern: 土屋政雄
  • History of Japanese literature: Modern era, published in 9 volumes, 2011-2012 (中央公論新社, 2011-2012). Editor. 徳岡 孝夫


  1. ^ 存档副本. [2019-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2018-07-01). 
  2. ^ Japanese literature scholar Donald Keene dies at 96. The Japan Times (Tokyo). February 24, 2019 [February 24, 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2019-02-27). 
  3. ^ MARTIN FACKLER. Lifelong Scholar of the Japanese Becomes One of Them. 紐約時報. 2012-11-02 [2012-11-03]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-29). 
  4. ^ 「鬼怒鳴門」と申します、よろしくお願いします. YOMIURI ONLINE (読売新聞社). 2012-03-08 [2012-03-08]. (原始內容存檔於2012-03-11).  已忽略未知參數|deadurldate= (幫助)