


維克松湖(Wixom Lake)是美國密歇根州埃登維爾水壩建造後形成的一個水庫[1] 。以水壩興建者弗蘭克·伊薩克·維克松(Frank Isaac Wixom)命名。


水庫運營商在2018年及2019年間,在未取得密歇根州環境、五大湖和能源部(Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy,簡稱EGLE)許可證的情況下,以「下游安全的考慮」為由,降低了水庫水位,並於當地時間2020年4月29日向聯邦法院起訴EGLE[2]



2020年5月,因Tittabawassee River英語Tittabawassee River泛濫, 埃登維爾水壩發生潰壩, 州長Gretchen Whitmer英語Gretchen Whitmer宣布進入緊急狀態,疏散下游居民[5]


  1. ^ 美國地質調查局地名資訊系統:Wixom Lake
  2. ^ Garret Ellison. Failed dam owner fought with state over Wixom Lake levels before flood. Booth Newspapers. 2020-05-21 [2020-05-21]. (原始內容存檔於2021-04-17). Boyce says it asked EGLE for permission to lower Wixom Lake last fall 「due to concern for the safety of its operators and the downstream community.」 EGLE and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources denied the request. Boyce lowered the lake without approval in mid-November 「believing its safety concerns were paramount.」 Boyce sued the state on April 29 in Grand Rapids federal court 
  3. ^ JOHN FLESHER. Michigan dam had repeated safety violations before flooding. Washington Post. Associated Press. 2020-05-20 [2020-05-25]. (原始內容存檔於2020-06-03). The company twice lowered Wixom Lake's level without permission after the federal license was revoked, said Nick Assendelft, spokesman for the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy, which has overseen the Edenville barrier since its federal license was withdrawn [...] A lawsuit filed April 30 says the lengthy drawdowns in 2018 and 2019 killed 「thousands, if not millions」 of freshwater mussels, many listed as endangered species 
  4. ^ Riley Beggin; Mike Wilkinson; Kelly House, Bridge Magazine. Feds revoked dam’s license over safety issues. Then Michigan deemed it safe. 2020-05-20 [2020-05-21]. (原始內容存檔於2021-01-18). State officials alleged Boyce's dams lowered the lake without permission in 2018 and 2019, and sued the company in April alleging the actions killed "thousands if not millions" of endangered freshwater mussels. 
  5. ^ Acosta, Roberto. Residents told to evacuate after Edenville Dam failure in Midland County. MLive. 2020-05-19 [2020-05-19]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-04).