




  1. ^ Voloshinov, V.N. Translator's Introduction. Freudianism: a Marxist critique. Titunik I. R., Bruss Neal H. New York, New York: Academic Press. 1976: xxiv–xxviii. ISBN 978-1-4832-9679-1. OCLC 899000369. 
  2. ^ Martin, Jim. Orgone Addicts: Wilhelm Reich Versus The Situationists.. [2024-08-15]. (原始內容存檔於2010-03-08). I will also discuss other left-libertarians who wrote about Reich, as they bear on the general discussion of Reich's ideas...In 1944, Paul Goodman, author of Growing Up Absurd, The Empire City, and co-author of Gestalt Therapy, began to discover the work of Wilhelm Reich for his American audience in the tiny libertarian socialist and anarchist milieu. 
  3. ^ Baker, A.J. Sydney Libertarianism & The Push. Broadsheet. No. 81. March 1975. In the summer of 1950-51, numerous member of the A.C.C. and other interested people held a series of meetings in the Ironworkers' Hall with a view to forming a downtown political society. Here a division developed between a more radical wing (including e.g. Waters and Grahame Harrison) and a more conservative wing (including e.g. Stove and Eric Dowling). The general orientation of these meetings may be judged from the fact that when Harry Hooton proposed "Anarchist" and some of the conservative proposed "Democratic" as the name for the new Society, both were rejected and "Libertarian Society" was adopted as an acceptable title. Likewise then accepted as the motto for this Society - and continued by the later Libertarian society - was the early Marx quotation used by Wilhelm Reich as the motto for his The Sexual Revolution, vis: "Since it is not for us to create a plan for the future that will hold for all time, all the more surely what we contemporaries have to do is the uncompromising critical evaluation of all that exists, uncompromising in the sense that our criticism fears neither its own results nor the conflict with the powers that be.