







  • 由于自动维基浏览器会使用IE连线,如你有别的账号,你需要在IE登出,再登入另一个账号。如你需要同时使用两个账号编辑,请另外使用Firefox或Opera。



  • 100%
  • Reset to default settings - 重新载入AWB初始设定
  • Open settings... — 载入设定档
  • Recent settings — 让你选择最近曾使用的设定
  • Save settings — 储存设定至现时之设定档
  • Save settings as... — 储存设定至指定设定档
  • Save settings as default — 储存设置至default.xml,它将在以后AWB启动时自动加载。
  • Log in/Profiles... — 让您登录到您的维基百科帐户。此窗口还提供用户帐户的管理功能以供快速切换(提供保存密码功能)。
  • Log out — 登出但不关闭程式
  • Refresh Status/Typos — 刷新校对列表。同时刷新对话页模板模板重定向资料模板之列表
  • Exit — 离开自动维基浏览器


  • Show toolbar — 在最上方加入一个工具栏()。功能有:展开或折叠面板,扩展最低编辑框(等同F10),开始,停止,储存,跳过,显示预览,删除(管理员用),“假阳性”
  • Show control panel — 展开或折叠控制面板(即下方的一层,等同F11)
  • Enlarge Edit box — 扩展编辑框(等同F10)
  • Show Edit Box Toolbar — 于编辑框上方展开一个工具栏(
  • Display false positives button — 于中央Start标签的Stop按钮旁加入一个False按钮,用以创建一个“假阳性”名单,其储存于False positives.txt中


  • 100%
  • Keep alphabetized — 使列表按字母顺序排列
  • Remove duplicates — 加载列表时自动删除重复项目
  • Remove non-mainspace — 加载列表时自动删除非条目名字空间项目
  • Convert to talk pages — 自动将列表内所有项目调至该项目之讨论页
  • Convert from talk pages — 自动将列表内所有讨论页调至其主页面
  • Filter...
  • Save list... — 储存当前列表
  • Clear current list...


  • Load... — 允许用户在运行自动维基浏览器时运行新插件
  • Manager... — 查看现时所有的插件


  • Preferences...(偏好设定...)
    • General
    • Minimize to notification area (systray) — 当缩小自动维基浏览器时,缩至通知区域
    • Warn on exit
    • Save page list with settings — 选择是否要将当前列表保存至设定
    • Low thread priority (works better in background) — 只在CPU使用率较低时运行
    • On Load: show changes
    • On Load: show changes — 显示与前一次编辑之差异
    • On Load: show preview — 显示预览
    • On Load: show edit page — 于浏览器中显示编辑页面
    • Preview the Diff in Bot mode — 机械人会于倒数期间显示差异
    • Enable logging — 启用日志记录
    • Site
    • Project — 选择要进行工作的维基媒体项目
    • Language — 选择要进行工作的语言
    • Ignore {{bots}} and {{nobots}} —忽略{{bots}}及{{nobots}}标记
    • Empty page list on project changes
    • Editing and saving 编辑和保存
    • Auto save edit box 自动保存编辑框
    • Automatically save edit box to prevent lost work — 自动于指定时间储存编辑框
    • Save every x seconds — 每几秒储存一次
    • Set file — 允许您指定自动储存编辑框的位置。原设定是以'Edit Box.txt'储存于主目录
    • Display moving average timer
    • Add "using AWB" to when deleting or protecting pages — 删除或保护页面时增加"using AWB"
    • When ready to save: 准备保存时
    • Flash — 自动维基浏览器托盘图标会闪烁
    • Beep — 自动维基浏览器会出现一下声响
    • Set edit box font — 允许你改变编辑框中字体及其大小
    • Tools 工具
    • Add current article list to List Comparer
    • Add current article list to List Splitter
    • Add Database Scanner results to current list
    • Privacy 隐私
    • Include username to improve accuracy — 包含我的用户名以提高准确性
  • Summaries... — 编辑编辑摘要清单。
  • Auto save settings file every 10 edits — 自动维基浏览器会于每十次编辑后自动储存设定,避免资料流失
  • Use pre-parse mode — pre-parse mode,预先解析模式是为了让自动维基浏览器会可先解析一张长名单,因其预计其中多数不需要任何改变。预先解析期间自动维基浏览器会自动运行,并跳过所有预先设定会跳过的页面,剩下的页面会加上绿色标记。当每跳过10个页面时,其将自动储存设定一次
  • Follow redirects — 自动维基浏览器会编辑其重定向后的页面,而非重定向页
  • Apply changes automatically — 自动应用变更
  • Auto focus end of the text box — 自动聚焦到文本框底部
  • Do not use section edit summaries — 不要使用段落编辑摘要
  • Restrict {{DEFAULTSORT}} change/addition — 限制{{DEFAULTSORT}}的改变。
  • Restrict orphan tag addition to linkless pages — 为没有连入的页面加入{{orphan}}
  • Do not apply WP:MOS fixes — 不要应用 WP:MOS 修复
  • Highlight syntax in edit box — 编辑框语法高亮
  • Highlight Find matches — 搜寻框之结果将会加亮
  • Highlight errors — 错误会加亮(如不对称中括号)
  • Mark all as minor — 将所有编辑列为小修改
Watchlist behaviour 监视列表操作
  • Remove all from watchlist — 编辑后从用户监视列表中相同项目移除
  • Add all to watchlist — 编辑后将该页面添加到监视列表中
  • Leave watchlist unchanged — 保持监视列表不变
  • Use MW preferences — 使用参数设置中的设定
  • Sort interwiki links — 按字母顺序排序跨语言链接(如选中"Apply general fixes")。排列方式列于meta:Interwiki sorting order,但自动维基浏览器并非从meta取得排列方式,而是从Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser/IW取得。
  • Replace Reference Tags — 用{{reflist}}取代某些旧的参考资料标记(如果"Apply general fixes"被选中)。


  • 100%
  • Make Module
  • External processing — 发送页面文本到外部程序或脚本。
  • Regex tester — 显示可测试“搜索”和“替换文本”的正则表达式测试工具。
  • Database scanner — 启动数据库扫描器,见here
  • List comparer — 允许您做出或打开两个名单,然后AWB会告诉您同时出现在两个名单中的项目、和只出现在名单1或名单2中的项目。
  • List splitter — 此容许设置一列表,然后按页面数将其分割,容许的条目数由10至50,000。分割后的列表可储存于txt档案或XML设定档。
  • Note: For saving the required settings set any AWB or Plugin configuration options before running the ListSplitter, as it will pass the current configuration to the list splitter.
  • Submit stats
  • 强制AWB发送统计数据到toolserver。通常这会在退出程序时自动完成。


  • Help — Shows an integrated web browser to display this page. Includes a contents page on the left hand side.
  • Usage statistics — 使用统计
  • Check for updates — 检查AWB的软件更新。
  • About — 显示创造者、维护者,AWB版本、IE版本、Windows版本、.NET版本,以及一个声明。

Make list(操作列表)



Note: 可以通过管道符(|)来定义多个页面或分类列表。如在Category模式下,查询"Cats|Dogs|Fish"会列举出Category:Cats、Category:Dogs和Category:Fish下的所有页面

  • Categories on page — 列举出该分类下的所有页面(条目及子分类条目)
  • Categories on page (no hidden cats) — 将会列出该分类下的所有页面,但会排除隐藏分类(英文)..
  • Categories on page (only hidden cats) — Will list hidden categories of a specified page only.
  • Category — the list of its articles and subcategories.
  • Category (recurse 1 level) — Combines the previous option plus repeating the same process on each of the subcategories, adding their articles and subcategories (i.e. sub-subcategories) to the list. See Recursion for a more formal definition.
  • Category (recurse user defined level) — Same as the previous option, but repeated X times, where X is the user-defined value. So, if X=3 then 3 levels of subcategories will be listed.
  • Category (recursive) - Same as the previous option, but X is infinity, so everything within the category will be found. Be advised that this can be very time intensive and may yield redundant results. For example, recursively searching from Category:Evolution will find the Human evolution article several times and even traverse the same subcategories numerous times. Worse yet, the process may take so long that it will terminate prematurely (caused by either Wikipedia or AWB). Thus, it may be necessary to download and search a database dump when making large lists.
  • Checkwiki Error — Enter a url to obtain a list of pages with reported having WP:CHECKWIKI errors
  • Checkwiki Error (number) — Enter a number (or more separated with |) to obtain a list of pages with reported having WP:CHECKWIKI errors by the toolserver. Outputs are limited to 500. This list provider automatically detects the language of the project and works only for Wikipedia projects.
  • Database dump — Opens AWB's Dump Scanner to scan a downloaded database dump. The recommended dump is enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2. Note that this is a very large file (~6 Gigabytes), and it is compressed, so after downloading it must be decompressed (7-Zip is the recommended free open source tool) before AWB can use it. The decompressed file will be roughly 5 times larger (~30 GB). See Wikipedia:Database download for more info.
  • Google search — Gets a list of pages from a Google search of the wiki; returns at most 100 results. Enclose phrases in double quotes; separate several terms or phrases with spaces (to get pages that match all search terms) or with OR (to get pages that match at least one term); prepend a minus to a term or phrase to exclude the matching pages from your list.
  • HTML ScraperTemplate:AWB mh
  • HTML Scraper (advanced regex) — Gets a list of page titles from an HTML page. After pressing Make List a box pops up where you specify a regular expression that will match on the page titles you want within the raw HTML source of the URL you specify. Regular expressions can be case sensitive and/or single line and/or multiline. You must also specify which group number to use from the match groups in your regular expression, use group 0 to take the whole of the match as the page name, or 1 to take the first match
  • Image file links — Gets a list of pages that use the given image.
  • Images on page — Gets a list of all the images on a page.
  • Links on page — Gets all the wiki-links from the given page, all namespaces.
  • Links on page (only blue links) — Gets all the wiki-links from the given page, all namespaces omitting non-existent pages (red links).
  • Links on page (only red links) — Gets all the wiki-links from the given page, all namespaces omitting existent pages (blue links).
  • My watchlist — Imports your watchlist (you must be logged in).
  • New pagesSpecial:NewPages (in NS 0 only) —
  • Random pages — Will add 10 random pages to the list.
  • Special page — Shows a separate sub form to allow more specific "Special page" list providers. Allows a selectable namespace also
  • All Categories
  • All Files
  • All Pages
  • All Pages with prefixSpecial:PrefixIndex
  • All Redirects
  • Disambiguation pages
  • Link search
  • New files
  • New pagesSpecial:NewPages
  • Pages without language links
  • Protected pages
  • Random pages — Will add 10 random pages to the list (in the specified namespace)
  • Random redirects
  • Recent changes
  • What links hereSpecial:WhatLinksHere
  • What redirects here
  • What transcludes page
  • Text file — Gets a list from a text file (the pages in the text should be [[wiki linked]]). File must be in UTF-8 encoding.
  • Transclusions on page — Gets a list of all the transcluded templates/pages on the given page.
  • User contribs — Lists all pages ever edited by the specified user name.
  • User contribs (user defined number) — Same as the previous option but limit the number of pages returned to the entry.
  • What links hereSpecial:WhatLinksHere — Lists all of the "What links here" entries of a page. This doesn't include Redirects to the page, though. (returns namespace=0, i.e. articles, only)
  • What links here (all NS) — Gets a list of pages (excluding redirects) which link to the Named Pages
  • What links here (all NS) (and to redirects) — Gets a list of pages which link to the Named Pages
  • What links here (and to redirects) — Same as the previous option but also includes all pages that link here via Redirect pages. (returns only pages from the article namespace)
  • What links here (no redirects) — Gets a list of pages (excluding redirects) which link to the Named Pages (returns only pages from the article namespace)
  • What links here directly — Gets a list of non redirect pages which link to the Named Pages (If linking page is a redirect, get pages which link to that also)
  • What redirects here — Gets a list of what redirects to the given page
  • What redirects here (all NS) — Same as above but not limited to article namespace
  • What transcludes page — Gets all the pages which transclude this page (returns namespace=0, i.e. articles, only)
  • What transcludes page (all NS) — includes all namespaces
  • Wiki search (text) — Gets a list of pages from wiki's internal full text search engine. Returns at most 1000 results. Enclose phrases in double quotes; separate several terms or phrases with spaces (to get pages that match all search terms) or with OR (to get pages that match at least one term); prepend a minus to a term or phrase to exclude the matching pages from your list. To search for a typo, you can avoid wiki's internal spellchecker by enclosing your search term in double quotes. Typically, Google search results are better, but Google rescans Wikipedia only around once per month and cannot search for specific wikisyntax.
  • Wiki search (title) — Gets a list of pages from wiki's internal article title search engine. Returns at most 1000 results. (This option does not work, per this bug report. Workaround: Use Wiki search (text) and prefix the search term with "intitle:")
  • Make list — Makes list based upon given options; if a list already exists, the new one is appended.
  • — This button appears next to the when a list is being made. Clicking on it stops any current list making.
  • Add — Adds item in the text box to list.
  • Remove — Removes selected item(s) from list.
  • Filter — Allows you to filter the list by a selected list of namespaces, inclusion of selected words. Can also exclude items that exist in another list and remove duplicates. If filtering against another list from a text file, the text file must be UTF-8 encoded.




  • Auto tag — 发现条目空间的非重定向页的有下列情况时,添加/移除标签:
  • 移除{{stub}},如果条目已经超过500字。
  • 移除{{expand}},如果发现任何{{stub}}(仅en.wiki)。
Per instructions in {{expand}}'s manual. "Expand" should not be used on articles concurrently with stub templates - a stub template is an explicit request for expansion.
  • 前置{{orphan}},如果条目(或重定向)已经有不少于三个链入(不包括重定向),并且条目不是一个消歧义。阅读WP:ORPHAN了解更多有关孤立页面的详细信息。
Tip Orphan tagging can be limited to articles with 0 incoming links (excluding redirects) from the Tools Menu. There is an option called "Restrict orphan tag addition to linkless pages".
Activate this feature in es, ru, pl and uk wikis. They only need 1 incoming link so the article is not orphan. Please be careful when using Auto-tagger in these projects.
(In ru.wiki adds linkless to isolated articles if article has 0 incoming links)
For more detailed information and known issues, please read User:Magioladitis/AWB and orphans.
  • 添加{{uncategorized stub}},如果条目没有分类且不是小作品。
  • 添加{{uncategorised}},如果条目没有分类且不是小作品。它会在条目有至少一个分类时移除该标签。
(Both features work in all wikipedia's except nl.wiki which doesn't use uncategorised templates)
  • Appends {{stub}} if article has at most 300 characters.
  • 前置{{deadend}},如果条目没有wiki链接。否则移除标签。
  • 前置{{wikify}},如果条目的wiki链接少于3个,或者wiki链接的数目小于条目大小的0.25%。否则移除标签。
  • Prepends {{ibid}} in references section if article has references containing constructs such as ibid, op. cit. and loc. cit (per WP:IBID) Removes tag otherwise.
  • 前置{{Empty section}},在空章节。
  • 更改{{unreferenced}}到{{BLP unsourced}},如果文章处于Category:在世人物
  • Adds the date parameter to the by-date sorted templates.
  • Unicodify whole Page — Replaces wiki like ° with its unicode equivalent, °. Note that for symbols which could be easily confused with others, the conversion is not applied (for example: ′ ″ and × which map to ′, ″, and × and could be confused with symbols like ', ", and x.)
  • Auto changes skip options
    • Skip if no...
    • None
    • Titled boldened — If selected will skip if no title was bolded.
    • External link bulleted — If selected will skip.
    • Bad link fixed — If selected will skip if no bad links fixed.
    • Unicodification — If selected will skip if no unicodification was made.
    • AutoTag changes — If selected will skip if no auto-tag changes were made (Tagger added/removed/modified tags). Check above for auto-tagger options
    • Header error fixed — If selected will skip if no header errors were fixed.
    • {{defaultsort added}} — If selected will skip if no default sort was added.
    • User talk templates subst'd — If selected will skip if np talk templates were substituted.
    • Citation template dates fixed— If selected will skip if no citation template dates were fixed.
    • Human category changes— If selected will skip if no human category changes were made.

Find and replace(查找和替换)

  • Enabled — 如果选中将启用普通、高级以及subst: 查找和替换。
  • Normal settings — 打开AWB普通查找和替换。
参见Normal - Find and replace了解更多使用此功能的详细信息。
  • 高级设置 — 打开AWB高级查找和替换。
参见Advanced - Find and replace了解更多使用此功能的详细信息。
  • Template substitution — Opens AWB substitute templates. Allows you to Substitute templates you chose. This is a more convenient and reliable way than simply entering regexes in Find and replace — AWB will automatically generate regexes.
See subst: - Find and replace for more detailed information on using this feature.
  • Skip if no replacements — 如果此框被选中,且查找和替换功能(普通、高级以及subst:)没有作出任何变更时,页面将被跳过。
  • Skip if only minor replacement made — 如果此框被选中,且只是普通查找和替换功能(普通、高级以及subst:)做了小修改时,页面将被跳过。

Regex Typo Fixing(正则表达式拼写错误修正)

  • Enable RegexTypoFix — 如果选中将开启AWB拼写错误检查功能,它能自动修正成千上万的常见拼写错误。使用前请阅读并理解RegExTypoFix。拼写修正会自动避开图像名称、模板、wiki链接目标以及引文。如果一个拼写错误规则匹配了一个wiki链接目标,此规则会在整个页面被忽略。拼写错误可以在Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser/Typos修改。用户如果在发现了{{sic}}或{{typo}}模板时执行拼写错误修正将得到警告(当在英语维基百科时)。
  • Skip if no typo fixed — 如果选中,将会跳过没有发现拼写错误的页面。


  • 追加/前置内容(Append/Prepend text) — 可于页面最顶部或底部追加/前置内容。
    • Sort meta data after — 添加提供的文本,在修正DEFAULTSORT、跨语言链接、分类以及小作品模板的顺序之前。
  • Files — 替换/去除/注释掉图像
  • Categories — 添加/去除/替换分类(替换仅在操作名单来自一个分类时可用)。请输入去除 Category: 前缀的分类名。当用"Add new category"输入一个分类时,使用关键字%%key%%来插入颠倒的人名,比如输入"Economists|%%key%%"可能插入"[[Category:Economists|Smith, Adam]]".




  • Enable Disambiguation(启用消歧义)
  • Link to Disambiguate — title of disambiguation page to be delinked. 您可以使用若干个名称,通过管道符分隔,例如Matrix|Matricies|Matrices
  • Load Links — loads all links to the aforementioned page(s) into "Variants" edit box (see below).
  • Variants — all possible variants to disambiguate to (the list can be edited to add or remove links). Don't forget to decapitalize links when needed (e.g. matrix (mathematics) should be lowercase, but not Matrix (TV series)).
  • Skip page when no disambiguation made — ignores the page when it doesn't require disambiguation or user pressed "Cancel" in disambiguation dialog.

Disambiguation dialog

Once the disambiguation feature has been enabled using the above process and a page list loaded using "What links here" in the "Make list" section, the dialog box shown in the image will appear when a page has been loaded and a link to disambiguate found. In the image shown, two links in the page have been found to disambiguate. For each link:

  • Left box — contains the link in bold and some of the surrounding text.
  • Selection box — select the change wanting to be made from the following options:
  • [no change] — 默认。
  • [unlink] — 去除链接。
  • {{dn}} — 添加Template:Disambiguation needed到链接旁边。应该在不能确定正确的歧义时使用。(注:中文维基百科尚无该模板)
  • Variants — as specified in the "Variants" box in the "Disambiguation" tab.
  • Right box — editable box that displays what has been changed. Default change creates (or alters) a piped link. In the image, [[matrix|matrices]] is changed to [[matrix (mathematics)|matrices]].
  • Unpipe — unpipes the link. This would change [[matrix (mathematics)|matrices]] to [[matrix (mathematics)]].
  • Reset — 清除对链接所做的更改
  • Undo — reverts all manual changes to the right box, including unpiping. This is equivalent to reselecting the current item in the selection box.


  • Match(匹配)
  • Contains: — 跳过包含了提供的字符串,或匹配提供的正则表达式的页面。
提示:可使用正则表达式 (Word1|Word2|Word3) 来跳过包含Word1或Word2或Word3的页面。要想达到这样的效果,您需要开启Regex!
  • Doesn't contain: — 跳过不包含提供的字符串,或不匹配提供的正则表达式的页面。
  • Case Sensitive — 如果选中,表明对上述字符串精确匹配字母大小写。
  • Regexes (Regular expressions) — 如果选中,表明对上述字符串进行正则表达式处理。
  • When turned on, you can use (?s) at the beginning of the string to have the . character match new lines as well (Singleline)
  • Check after — 如果选中,"skip if contains"(跳过,如果包含)会在处理页面之后进行。
  • General page skip options(常规页面跳过选项)
  • Page is in use — 跳过页面,如果包含{{en:in use}}模板(或者它是个重定向)。(注:该模板对应中文维基{{Inuse}},但未确定AWB能否识别{{Inuse}})
  • Edit blocked by Spam Filter — 跳过页面,如果被垃圾过滤器阻止而不允许保存页面
  • Page contains no links — 跳过页面,如果它不包含任何链接
  • No changes made — 跳过页面,如果它没有做自动变更(即没有做"general fix"(常规修正)、查找和替换等)。
  • Only whitespace is changed — Skips page if only tabs/spaces/newlines have changed (this includes spacing changed by Find & Replace).
  • Only casing is changed
  • Only genfixes — 跳过页面,如果只进行了AWB常规修正
  • Only minor genfixes — 跳过页面,如果只进行了小修改的AWB常规修正
  • Page is redirect — 跳过页面,如果它重定向到另一个页面。
  • No alerts — Skips the page if AWB didn't display any alerts apart from multiple wiki links.
  • Page(页面)
  • Exists — 让AWB自动跳过存在的页面。无法与跳过不存在页面同时选中。
  • Doesn't exist — 让AWB自动跳过不存在的页面。无法与跳过存在的页面同时选中。
  • Don't care — 不影响


  • Auto save(自动保存)
  • Auto-mode — 将按照提供的间隔进行自动保存,仅限已经在checkpage的机器人章节注册的帐户。
  • Delay — 加载页面后保存页面前的延迟秒数,(normally loading takes about an extra 8 seconds or 3 seconds with quick save enabled). 最大值99秒。注意,接近最大值99秒的设定值可能会导致编辑丢失 (and have to be reapplied), 或者达到API的超时限制而让AWB报告不成功。
  • Max edits — 指定AWB应该在机器人模式下编辑的数量,范围1–5000,或者0为没有限制。Designed for use in bot trial mode where a set number of edits have been approved for trial.
  • Suppress "using AWB" — 停止加入"using AWB"到编辑摘要,已注册的机器人不需要这个。
  • Nudging
  • Resave (nudge) after x minutes if stuck — 允许您设置一个如果AWB卡住,在多少分钟后自动重试的值。
  • Reset Counter — Reset AWB Nudge Counter
  • Skip page if first nudge doesn't help — If the first nudge hasn't allowed AWB to continue/save, AWB will skip the page
  • Auto Shutdown(自动关机)
  • Auto Shutdown? - 机器人完成作业时,让计算机自动 关机/待机/休眠/重新启动



  • Summary — 用于填写编辑摘要,您可以从下拉选择框选择一个,或者自行输入编辑摘要。您输入的文字会被用于自动生成编辑摘要。
  • Lock Summary — 允许用户选择“锁定”编辑摘要,确保它不会被意外更改
  • Minor edit — 将编辑设定为小编辑
  • Page statistics — 各种统计数据,如WP:字符数文件分类跨语言链接等。注意,分类的计数器是明确的添加到页面的才算,即隐藏分类是包括在内的,而模板添加的分类是不算在内的。
  • Alerts — 显示AWB发现了错误而给用户警报的数量。
Hint 如果您在Options菜单激活了"Highlight errors"(高亮错误),alerts become clickable and clicking focuses the edit box on the first highlighted alert after the current cursor position. Clicking again (with the cursor after the alert) will focus the next highlighted alert, if there is one. Note that not all alerts are highlighted.

  • :*"Long article with a stub tag." — 警报,如果条目超过500字且有小作品标记
    • "No category (may be one in a template)" — 警报,如果不是讨论页且没有分类
    • "Has 'No/More footnotes' template yet many references" — 警报,如果页面超过4个参考资料且有一个没有/需要更多来源模板
    • "Has a <ref> after <references/>" — 有<ref>在<references/>后面。
    • "Starts with heading"
    • "Unformatted references found" — Alerts if page contains bare links as references
    • "Multiple DEFAULTSORTs found" — Alerts if page contains more than one DEFAULTSORT with different values (General fixes remove multiple DEFAULTSORT with same value)
    • "Dead links found"— Alerts if {{Dead link}} or one of it redirects found
    • "Ambiguous citation dates found"
    • "Unbalanced brackets found" — types checked ( ) { } < > [ ]
    • "Invalid citation parameter(s) found"
    • "Multiple wiki-links" — AWB will display a list of wikilinks used more than once in the page and provide an option to delink
    • "DAB page with <ref>s" — Alerts if references found in dab pages per WP:DABNOT.
    • Duplicate parameter(s) found in WPBannerShell — Alerts if {{WikiProjectBannerShell}} found with duplicated parameters with different values (General fixes remove duplicated parameters with same value)
    • Unknown parameters in WP BannerShell — Alerts if {{WikiProjectBannerShell}} found with unknown parameters
    • Unknown parameters in Multiple issues — Alerts if {{Multiple issues}} found with unknown parameters
    • "Unclosed tag(s) found" — Alerts if any of math, source, code, nowiki or pre tags is not closed
    • See also section out of place. [This alert is not highlighted].
  • Start — 当你有一个页面名单时,开始工作(Shortcut key when 'Save' button not enabled — Ctrl+S, but Ctrl+G at all times)
  • Stop — 停止编辑工作(快捷键 — Esc)
  • False — 添加页面到误报名单,在一个名为"False positives.txt"的文件(点View菜单,然后选择Display false positive 按钮来启用此按钮)。
  • Preview — 更改到预览视图(并更新您所做的任何额外的变更)。
  • Diff — 更改到差异视图(并更新您所做的任何额外的变更)。
  • Watch — 添加页面到您的监视列表
  • Move — 仅限管理员使用。允许您移动页面到另一个位置。按下此按钮后,会出现一个新窗口询问新的位置以及编辑摘要,然后确认进行移动操作。支持的选项:"no redirect"(不重定向)和"watch page"(监视页面),两项都是默认关闭。
  • Protect — 仅限管理员使用。允许保护/取消保护页面。
  • Delete — 仅限管理员使用。允许您删除一个页面。 按下此按钮后,会出现一个新窗口询问编辑摘要,然后确认进行删除操作。
  • Skip — 不进行任何保存,移动到下一个页面。(快捷键 — Ctrl+I)
  • Save — 保存页面,包括您所做的任何额外的变更,然后移动到下一个页面。(当按钮启用时快捷键 — Ctrl+S)
  • Find(查找)
  • 在查找框中输入您的搜索条件。这让您能用此框输入的搜索条件搜索编辑框。
  • Regex — 如果选中,表示查找框中输入的搜索条件是一个正则表达式,将作为一个正则表达式搜索。
  • Case sensitive — 如果选中,查找框中的字符将进行区分大小写的搜索。
  • Find — 单击此按钮时,会在编辑框中搜索输入的字符串。

Edit box(编辑框)







Edit summary(编辑摘要)






  • Save Log — 保存相关名单视图的副本到指定的文件
  • Clear — 删除相关名单里的所有项目

Skipped only

  • Add to page list — 添加选定页面到操作名单


Logging to file(记录到文件)

  • Options(选项)
    • Log to XHTML — 输出日志到XHTML格式
    • Log to wiki code — 输出日志为MediaWiki语法格式
    • Verbose logging — 详细的日志,主要用于调试
    • Upload — 上传日志到维基
    • Debug — 调试
  • Folder — 在磁盘上的哪个地方存储日志
  • Apply — 应用更改
  • Turn on — 切换开启
  • Uploading 正在上传
    • Upload to WPs — 自动的上传日志到WikiProject(维基项目)
    • Add to watchlist — 添加上传的日志到监视列表
    • Open in browser — 在网页浏览器中打开上传的日志
    • Upload location — 上传日志到哪
    • Category — The name of the current category (optional). Also used in edit summaries (by kingbotk plugin only at the moment, maybe should be an option for AWB to use it; this text box really needs a new home but we're short of space)
    • Current job name — The name of the current job (can be used by the program when uploading logs)
    • Maximum lines — 日志的最大行数
  • Status — 显示日志上传数量,写出到 SQL/Wiki/XHTML 格式的日志行数,以及最后一次上传的日志行数。

Context menus(上下文菜单)

Web control window context menu

The web control context menu is the menu that appears when you right-click on the web control window.

  • 标准的 Internet Explorer 右键菜单

List context menu(名单上下文菜单)


The list box context menu is the menu that appears when you right-click inside the list box.

See also: Make list

  • Open page in browser (快捷键:Ctrl+Shift+P) — Opens the page in your default browser.
  • Open history in browser (快捷键:Ctrl+Shift+P) — Opens the page's history in your default browser.
  • Cut — 剪切当前选定的页面
  • Copy — 复制当前选定的页面
  • Paste — 粘贴剪贴板里的东西。换行或逗号分隔的会被当作两个单独的页面
  • Select...
    • all (快捷键:Ctrl+A) — 选择/高亮该名单中的所有页面
    • none (快捷键:Ctrl+D) — 取消选择该名单中的所有页面
    • inverse (快捷键:Ctrl+Shift+I) - Selects any pages which aren't selected, unselects any pages which are selected
  • Remove...
    • selected (快捷键:Del) — 去除选定页面
    • all — 去除该名单中的所有页面。
    • duplicates — 去除该名单中的重复。
    • Non-main space — 去除所有非主命名空间(条目)的页面
  • Add selected from list... — When an item is selected, the following can be added to the list
  • Move to top — Moves selected page to the top
  • Move to bottom — Moves selected page to the bottom
  • Convert to talk pages — Transforms the list into talk pages, e.g. "Cat" => "Talk:Cat".
  • Convert from talk pages — Transforms the list from talk pages, e.g. "Talk:Cat" => "Cat".
  • Filter — Opens the advanced filter options.
  • Save list — Saves list to a text file (which can be used later on to create new list, as described above.)
  • Sort alphabetically — Sorts list alphabetically.
  • Sort reverse alphabetically — Sorts list reverse alphabetically.

Edit box context menu(编辑框上下文菜单)


The edit box context menu is the menu that appears when you right-click inside the edit box.

See also: Edit box

  • WordWrap — Wraps the text in the edit box at bottom-right.
  • Undo — Negates the last action.
  • Cut — Cuts the selected text.
  • Copy — Copies the selected text to the clipboard.
  • Paste — Pastes text from the clipboard to the selected area.
  • Paste more — Enter text into the textboxes, then double click one to paste its contents.
  • Select all — Selects all the text in the edit box.
  • Save text to file
  • Go to line — Enter the line number and hit return.
  • Insert... — can:
  • Guess birth/death cats — Guesses the birth and death years of the page's subject and inserts the appropriate categories. (For biographical pages only.)
  • Meta-data template — inserts the persondata template. (For biographical pages only.)
  • Category (Shortcut Ctrl+T) —
  • Insert tag — can:
  • Human name DEFAULTSORT
  • Human name disambtag
  • Wikify
  • Cleanup
  • Expand
  • Speedy delete — Adds a {{db|}} tag followed by a reason given by the user
  • {{clear}}
  • Uncategorised
  • Stub
  • {{stub}} — If {{stub}} is selected, the user can optionally change the type of stub by typing into the box.
  • Convert list to
  • * List — (Bullet pointed list)
  • # List — (Numbered list)
  • Unicodify selected — Converts any HTML entities or URL encoded characters in the selected text to unicode.
  • Bypass all redirects — replaces all links to redirects with direct links. This feature shouldn't be used in most cases, therefore it's restricted to admins only.
  • Fix all excess whitespace — Performs whitespace cleaning of the article text.
  • Re-parse — Re-applies all the functions (general fixes, re-categorisation...).
  • Comment selected — Comments out the selected text.
  • Open page in browser — Opens the page in the default browser.
  • Open talk page in browser — Opens the talk page for the page/page in the default browser.
  • Open page history in browser — Opens the page history in the default browser.
  • Open text selection in browser — Allows the selected text to be opened as an page, as if it were a wikilink
  • Replace text with last edit — If page saving fails, for example because of a timeout, use this option when the page has reloaded to restore the edit box to the text in it prior to saving. The purpose of this option is to be able to retrieve manually added text in such situations; if you use this option you must manually check for any edit conflicts.
  • Undo all changes

History context menu(历史纪录上下文菜单)


See also: History

  • Open history in Browser — Opens the history for the current page in the default web browser
  • Refresh history — Refreshes the history of the current page

Logs context menu(日志上下文菜单)


This context menu is common to both the Successfully saved and the skipped logs.

See also: Logs

  • Add selected to page list — Adds the page of the currently selected log to the page list
  • Cut — Cuts the currently selected log(s)
  • Copy — Copies the currently selected log(s)
  • Remove — Removes the currently selected log(s)
  • Select all — Selects all the logs in the current list view
  • Select none — Selects none of the logs in the current list view
  • Open in browser — Opens the page of the currently selected item in the list view
  • Open history in browser — Opens the page history of the currently selected item in the list view
  • Clear — Remove all displayed entries
  • Reset — Remove all displayed and hidden entries, remove sorting

The skipped log additionally has:

  • Filter by reason
  • Filter exclude by reason