

Pumped Up Kicks
B面〈Pumped Up Kicks〉(无伴奏合唱)
〈Pumped Up Kicks〉(器乐)
  • 4:00(专辑版)
  • 3:38(电台版)
词曲马克·福斯特英语Mark Foster (singer)
Pumped Up Kicks
Helena Beat英语Helena Beat
YouTube上的〈Pumped Up Kicks〉

Pumped Up Kicks〉是美国独立流行乐团拥抱人群乐团的首张单曲,收录自他们的迷你专辑拥抱人群》及首张录音室专辑燃烧自己照亮你》中。歌曲是主唱马克·福斯特英语Mark Foster (singer)在担任商业广告词作家时所创作和录制,内容描述一位名叫罗伯特的问题青年的杀人思想,与欢快悠闲的旋律形成强烈反差。

〈Pumped Up Kicks〉于2010年9月14日在网上开放免费下载后获得相当大的关注,使乐团一举成名并与哥伦比亚唱片旗下的星泰国际英语Startime International达成多项唱片合约。在当代摇滚电台获得大量播放后,歌曲跨入当代流行电台,并连续八周高踞美国《告示牌》百大单曲榜第三名,成为自2009年里昂王族的〈Use Somebody英语Use Somebody〉以来第一首打入全美前五的告示牌另类歌曲榜英语Alternative Airplay冠军单曲。〈Pumped Up Kicks〉不仅是2011年度最热门的歌曲之一,还为乐团揽下葛莱美奖葛莱美奖最佳流行组合或团体英语Grammy Award for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance一奖提名。


2009年成立拥抱人群乐团后不久,马克·福斯特在洛杉矶一家音乐制作公司担任商业广告词作家,在那期间创作并录制了〈Pumped Up Kicks〉[3][4]。录音当天,福斯特对要在录音室写歌还是去海滩玩间犹豫不决。他受访时表示:“那天我真的无事可做。我站在录音室里,脑海里突然闪过一个念头:‘我要写一首歌’……后来我又觉得:‘我不想写了。我不想写歌。’我离海滩只有一个街区,那是个美好的一天。我有点想偷懒,去海滩玩玩什么的。但我还是强迫自己写出一首歌……到了隔天,这首歌就完成了。”[5]

由于起初仅是怀抱录制一首演示带的想法,福斯特演奏了歌曲中的所有乐器[6],并使用Logic Pro自己编排和剪辑歌曲[7]。演示带前后共花了五个小时录制,而该版本是福斯特最终选定释出的版本[6]



〈Pumped Up Kicks〉的歌词以一位有杀人念头的问题和幻想青年的角度写成[6]。在副歌中,主人公警告潜在的受害者“最好快点跑,快过我的子弹(better run, better run, faster than my bullet.)”、“跑离我的射程(outrun my gun)”。福斯特在给CNN娱乐的一份声明中表示:“当我开始阅读有关青少年精神疾病日益增长的趋势时,我写出了〈Pumped Up Kicks〉。我想了解它背后的心理成因,因为它对我来说很陌生。在过去十年里,罹患心理疾病的年轻人惊人地急遽增加。如果我们不开始改变培养下一代的方式,我不敢想像这种模式会发展到什么地步。”[9]在构思歌曲的歌词时,福斯特设法进入一位患有心理疾病的孤僻孩子的头脑[6],并让大众意识到青少年枪支暴力问题的严重性,他认为这是一种因“缺乏家庭,缺乏爱”而长期存在的流行病[10][11]。而歌名指代的是被叙事者视为身份象征的同龄人,所穿的名牌气垫鞋[12][13]

青少年暴力问题是乐团的一个问题滋扰。福斯特就读高中时常被霸凌,而贝斯手库比·芬克(Cubbie Fink)的表妹则是1999年科伦拜校园事件的幸存者,


The issue of youth violence is a matter close to the group. Foster was bullied in high school, while bassist Cubbie Fink has a cousin who survived the Columbine High School massacre in 1999. Fink said of his cousin's experience, "She was actually in the library when everything went down, so I actually flew out to be with her the day after it happened and experienced the trauma surrounding it and saw how affected she was by it. She is as close as a sister, so obviously, it affected me deeply. So to be able to have a song to create a platform to talk about this stuff has been good for us."[8]

Contrasting with the dark lyrics of the song, the music, which was written first, is upbeat. Foster said, "It's a 'fuck you' song to the hipsters in a way—but it's a song the hipsters are going to want to dance to."[6] Jeffery Berg of Frontier Psychiatrist said, "I was so engrossed with the cheery melody of its chorus that it took me a few listens to discover that the lyrics suggest dark, Columbine revenge."[14]

Due to the opening lyrics, "Robert's got a quick hand," many have speculated that the song is a reference to Robert Hawkins, perpetrator of Omaha's Westroads Mall shooting. The band's publicist denied any connection: "This is completely false. The character name in the song is just a coincidence."[15] For play on the television channels MTV and CheddarU (then MTVu), the words "gun" and "bullet" were removed from the song's chorus.[16] Many have written letters to Foster's record label and called radio stations to complain that the song was glorifying school shootings. He explained, "The song is not about condoning violence at all. It's the complete opposite. The song is an amazing platform to have a conversation with your kids about something that shouldn't be ignored, to talk about it in a loving way."[4]



After writing "Pumped Up Kicks", Mark Foster (pictured) posted the song on his website as a free download. It subsequently grew in popularity through viral outlets and earned the band a record deal.

"Pumped Up Kicks" drew considerable attention online after Foster posted the song on his website as a free download in early 2010; Nylon magazine used the track in an online advertising campaign,[17] and through various blogs, it went viral.[18] Foster the People first performed the song live at the Stand Up Charity Benefit in Venice in February.[19] The group, yet to be signed, garnered buzz with performances at the South by Southwest music festival in March.[20][21] Foster was emailed by many people about the song, and needing professional guidance, he contacted artist manager Brent Kredel at Monotone, Inc., saying, "Everyone is calling me and emailing me—what do I do? Who are the good guys, who are the bad guys?" Kredel recalled that "He went from the guy who couldn't get a hold of anyone to being the guy who had hundreds of emails in his inbox." Kredel and Brett Williams were subsequently hired to co-manage Foster the People, and they helped the group get a multi-album record deal with Columbia Records imprint Startime International in May 2010.[17] Wishing to release a record that would back up the song's success, the group wrote new material between July–September 2010.[17]

"Pumped Up Kicks" was licensed for use in a July 2010 episode of the TV series Entourage, the first of many instances in which Foster the People's music was licensed in popular media.[17] The song received its first widespread radio play that month on Sirius XM's Alt Nation channel and the Australian radio station Triple J.[22] In November, the University of Maryland's radio station WMUC played the song, marking its debut on US terrestrial radio.[23] The song placed at number 32 in the Triple J's Hottest 100 for 2010,[24] a notable achievement due to the band being relatively unknown in Australia. Still, the group was inexperienced as a live act, and as a result, their booking agent Tom Windish secured them several club shows "to help them get their sea legs." Foster the People promoted these concerts in January 2011 by emailing fans who had downloaded "Pumped Up Kicks" from their website, notifying them of the shows. The group continued to grow its fanbase with a month-long residency of concerts in January at The Echo nightclub in Los Angeles. By the group's third show at the venue, according to Windish, "there were hundreds of people trying to get in outside... It was an obvious turning point that could be measured in numbers."[17]


In January 2011, the band issued their first commercial non-single release, a self-titled EP on which "Pumped Up Kicks" appeared. Around the same time, many alternative radio stations began playing "Pumped Up Kicks", including Los Angeles terrestrial stations KROQ-FM and KYSR, and it continued to gain popularity on Alt Nation.[17] Mark Foster credits Sirius XM's airplay with the song's success, saying, "Alt Nation played our music before any other radio outlet in the country."[25] On January 29, the song debuted on Billboard's Rock Songs chart and a week later, it debuted on the Alternative Songs chart. In May, the track debuted at number 96 on the Billboard Hot 100, and later that month, the group released their first full-length studio album, Torches, on which "Pumped Up Kicks" appears.[17] On May 23, 2011, BBC Radio 1 DJ Greg James selected the song as his Record of the Week, which ran until May 27. During this time, James released an accompanying video of him dancing to the song which he entitled and promoted "The Bum Dance".[26]

The song proved to be a crossover hit; after peaking at number one on the Alternative Songs chart in June and number three on the Rock Songs chart in July, the song broke into the top 40 of the Hot 100 in late July and appeared on the Adult Top 40 and Mainstream Top 40 charts. Columbia senior VP of promotion Lee Leipsner said, "It was one of the only alternative bands I remember in a while that you could actually dance to. And the fact that the record has a groove and rhythmic feel to it—not heavy guitar-based at all—gave us a wide opportunity to cross the record." He credits the song's crossover success and push into the top 40 to a June presentation of new music by Clear Channel president of national programming platforms Tom Poleman. According to Leipsner, "After we showed our presentation, we had so many Clear Channel major-market programmers come up to us and say, 'The record I want to play besides Adele is Foster the People.'" "Pumped Up Kicks" peaked at number three on the Hot 100, spending eight consecutive weeks at the position, seven of them stuck behind Maroon 5's "Moves Like Jagger" and Adele's "Someone like You" occupying the two spots above.[17] It has been certified 5× platinum in Canada and Australia,[27][28] 4× platinum in the United States,[29] and gold in Germany.[30] The song ranked as the sixth-best-selling digital song of 2011 in the United States with 3.84 million copies sold,[31] while it ranked as music streaming service Spotify's most streamed song of the year.[32] The song has sold 5,173,000 copies in the United States as of August 2013.[33]


The music video, directed by Josef Geiger, features the band playing a show. There are also cuts to band members doing other activities, such as playing frisbee and surfing. Parts of the video were filmed at the University of California, Riverside. The video peaked at number 21 on the MuchMusic Countdown in Canada.[34] 截至2021年6月 (2021-06), the video has received over 799 million views on YouTube.[4]



"Pumped Up Kicks" received positive reviews from critics. Barry Walters of Spin said that with the song as their debut single, Foster the People "announce themselves as major players."[35] Jon Dolan of Rolling Stone described the song as having a "slinky groove, misty guitar flange and delicious astral-wimp vocals."[36] Rob Webb of NME drew some parallels between the song and other indie pop hits like "Young Folks," "Paris," and "Kids" describing its rise in popularity thus: "artist writes (undeniably brilliant) pop song, makes it catchy as hell, but quirky enough for the 'cool' crowd, song subsequently gets some big pimping from every blog/radio station/Hype Machine user on the planet and, seemingly overnight, becomes utterly, irritatingly inescapable."[37]

August Brown of the Los Angeles Times called it a "reputation-making single" that "cakes Foster in Strokes-y vocal distortion atop a loping synth bass."[38] Jon Pareles of The New York Times called it a "pop ditty with dazed, dweeby vocals and a handclapping chorus that warns, 'You better run, better run, outrun my gun.'"[39] BBC Music's Mark Beaumont called the song a "psychedelic block party skipping tune." Reflecting on the song's fusion of various musical elements, Beaumont said the song is a prime example of how they "adapt Animal Collective's art-tronic adventurousness to incorporate the funky danceability of Scissor Sisters, the fuzzy pop catchiness of 'Kids' and the knack of throwing in deceptively downbeat twists akin to Girls, Sleigh Bells or Smith Westerns."[40] Matt Collar of AllMusic said the song, like other tracks from the album, is "catchy, electro-lite dance-pop that fits nicely next to such contemporaries as MGMT and Phoenix".[41] The Guardian's Michael Hann was less receptive, saying it "amounts to little more than a bassline and a chorus" and that "It's as irresistible as it is infuriating".[42]


A Rolling Stone readers poll named it the second-best song of summer 2011.[43] Claire Suddath of Time magazine named "Pumped Up Kicks" one of the Top 10 Songs of 2011,[44] while Entertainment Weekly selected the song as the year's second-best single.[45] In end-of-year polls, writers for Rolling Stone selected "Pumped Up Kicks" as the 11th-best song of 2011,[46] while the publication's readers voted it the year's sixth-best song.[47]

A listeners poll by Toronto radio station CFNY-FM (102.1 The Edge) voted it #1 in a list of the top 102 new rock songs of 2011.[48] NME ranked it number 21 on its list of the "50 Best Tracks of 2011", writing, "Unusually for a song so omnipresent, listening to its hyper-upbeat melodies about a psycho high-school kid-killer is still an enjoyable experience."[49] The magazine's readers voted "Pumped Up Kicks" the year's eighth-best song.[50] At the end of 2011, the song received a Grammy Award nomination for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance.[51]


I think it's great that that song did what it did around the world, not just for us as a band but I think for a lot of other artists who are left-of-centre artists. That song kind of paved the way for. Now I listen to the radio and there are songs like Gotye, with "Someone That I Used To Know" has blown up, and fun. – their song has blown up, I raise my glass to artists when that happens, you know?
—Mark Foster, on the song's success[52]

In an article for The Huffington Post, DJ Louie XIV singled out "Pumped Up Kicks" as one of several popular songs that helped usher in the return of commercially successful indie music. In discussing the growing acceptance of fringe cultures, he wrote, "It seems only fitting, then, that the soundtrack to this time period should be music that was itself once viewed as fringe culture."[53] Reflecting on the song's success, Gary Trust, the associate director of charts/radio for Billboard, said, "They're walking a tightrope very well in terms of eras, formats and styles. When you mix all that together, it becomes a very good recipe for a hit that works on so many levels. It's the perfect song." Foster said of the song, "There's a spirit there and that's what people resonate with. 'Pumped Up Kicks' wasn't an accident."[4]

The song was used in TV series such as Entourage,[54] Gossip Girl, CSI: NY, Cougar Town, Homeland, Pretty Little Liars, Warehouse 13 and The Vampire Diaries, the web series Dick Figures, and also in the 2011 films Friends with Benefits[17] and Fright Night, as well as sampled in Shawn Chrystopher's song "All the Other Kids", from his 2010 hip-hop album You, and Only You. The whistling part of the song is part of the rotation of bumper music played on the Michael Medved syndicated radio program. The song has also been used on the BBC programs Top Gear and Match of the Day. UK radio station TalkSPORT has used the instrumental version on their "Drive" program. On October 8, 2011, Foster the People performed the song on Saturday Night Live. The song was also used in Australian beer XXXX's "XXXX Summer Bright Lager" television commercial.[55] "Pumped Up Kicks" was included as a playable track in the music video game Rock Band Blitz and Guitar Hero Live. The song was also used in season one episode four of Suits in the episode "Dirty Little Secrets".[56] The song was used in "Piggy Piggy", the sixth episode of the first season of American Horror Story.[57] The song since its release in 2012 has received massive use on the internet in meme culture as well.[58]


Due to the song's lyrics, it was pulled from some U.S. radio stations in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.[59][60]

Cover versions and remixes

The official remix of the single was released by New York City-duo The Knocks in April 2011, under the name "Pumped Up Kicks (The Knocks Speeding Bullet Remix)", and was made available to subscribers to the band's email list. The song was covered by Weezer during their 2011 North American Tour, at the Orange County Fair on August 4, 2011. Weezer also played the song during their grandstand performance at the Minnesota State Fair on September 3, 2011.[61] Mark Foster said in reaction, "Nine years ago, I met Rivers Cuomo at a party, and I had my acoustic guitar with me. He taught me how to play 'Say It Ain't So'. So nine years later, to watch him play one of my songs – it was wild. I can't wait to meet him and remind him of that story."[62] Peruvian singer Tongo also recorded a cover in 2017, called Pan con ají (Bread and peppers), in allusion to a vague pronunciation with Spanish phonemes. In 2017, French DJ Klingande released a song titled "Pumped Up" using the same lyrics in the chorus of the song. In contrast to the original lyrics, Klingande's version is told from the perspective of a girl who saw the troubled boy. She wishes to “show him the light” and lead him down a better path.

In 2011, The Kooks covered the song in BBC Radio 1's Live Lounge.[63] Australian musician Owl Eyes performed a version of "Pumped Up Kicks" for Triple J's Like a Version. Also in 2011 the underground rapper George Watsky released a "Pumped Up Kicks" remix on his album A New Kind of Sexy Mixtape. In the Triple J Hottest 100, 2011, Owl Eyes' version came in at 28, four positions higher than the original did the previous year. Singer-songwriters Dani Shay and Justin Chase covered the song in a theatrical music video in October 2011[64] and released the single in November 2011.[65] A parody of the song was performed by Taylor Swift and Zac Efron on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, as a serenade to the host. Its lyrics were about how they felt weird when Ellen used to put them as a couple when they were not.[66] On March 12, 2012, singers Lex Land and Charlotte Sometimes performed the song during the second "Battle Round" episode of The Voice.[67] In September 2012, singer Mackenzie Bourg performed this song as his Blind Audition for The Voice, winning a spot on Cee Lo Green's team.[68] Kendrick Lamar also recorded a remix to the song with DJ Reflex.[69] On February 1, 2013, singer Fatin Shidqia performed this song as her solo performances on Bootcamp three episode of X Factor Indonesia.[70] The rapper Yonas released a remix version to "Pumped Up Kicks".[71] "Weird Al" Yankovic covered the song as part of his polka medley "NOW That's What I Call Polka!" for his 2014 album, Mandatory Fun.[72] Keller Williams with The Travelin' McCourys has performed this song in concert.[73][74] In June 2019, industrial metal band 3Teeth released a cover of the song.[75] It later appeared on their album Metawar.


UK digital download[76]
1.Pumped Up Kicks3:58
2.Pumped Up Kicks(Chrome Canyon remix4:49
Vinyl – side A[77]
1.Pumped Up Kicks4:13
2.Chin Music for the Unsuspecting Hero3:26
Vinyl – side B[77]
1.Pumped Up KicksA cappella4:13
2.Pumped Up KicksInstrumental4:13




地区 认证 认证单位/销量
澳大利亚(澳大利亚唱片业协会[138] 13× 白金 910,000
奥地利(国际唱片业协会奥地利分会)[139] 白金 30,000*
加拿大(加拿大音乐协会[140] 5× 白金 400,000*
丹麦(国际唱片业协会丹麦分会[141] 白金 90,000
France 65,000[142]
德国(联邦音乐产业协会[143] 白金 300,000^
意大利(意大利音乐产业联盟[144] 白金 50,000
墨西哥(墨西哥音像制品协会[145] 2× 白金+金 150,000
新西兰(新西兰唱片音乐协会[146] 白金 15,000*
英国(英国唱片业协会[147] 3× 白金 1,800,000
美国(美国唱片业协会[148] 钻石 10,000,000



地区 日期 格式 唱片公司
美国 September 14, 2010[77] Vinyl
全球 February 4, 2011[77]
英国 June 19, 2011[76] Digital download



  1. ^ Gilman, Hannah. Usher Covers Foster the People's 'Pumped Up Kicks'. Billboard. June 14, 2012 [July 23, 2016]. (原始内容存档于September 10, 2016). 
  2. ^ 50 Best Singles of 2011 > 11. Foster the People, 'Pumped Up Kicks'. Rolling Stone. December 7, 2011 [July 23, 2016]. (原始内容存档于August 18, 2016). 
  3. ^ Martens, Todd. Foster the People: Pumped up, indeed. Los Angeles Times. June 26, 2011 [November 15, 2011]. (原始内容存档于September 11, 2011). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Barker, Olivia. Foster the People's 'Pumped Up Kicks' has legs. USA Today. November 7, 2011 [November 16, 2011]. (原始内容存档于2011-11-06). 
  5. ^ Sculley, Alan. Single pumps up Foster the People. The Columbian. 2012-06-22 [2012-06-28]. (原始内容存档于February 27, 2014). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Doyle, Patrick. Band to Watch: Foster the People's Pumped-up Psych-Pop需要付费订阅. Rolling Stone. June 8, 2011 [August 22, 2011]. (原始内容存档于2011-06-10). 
  7. ^ Foster the People: Pumped Up Hits. Apple Inc. [2012-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-08). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Quan, Denise. Foster the People on inspiration, odd jobs and meeting Bono. CNN.com (Turner Broadcasting System). January 10, 2012 [January 11, 2012]. (原始内容存档于January 12, 2012). 
  9. ^ Quan, Denise. Band talks 'Pumped Up Kicks' post school shooting. The Marquee Blog (Turner Broadcasting System). 2012-12-21 [2013-01-03]. (原始内容存档于June 29, 2014). 
  10. ^ Faith-Ann Young. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Foster The People Open Up About Their New Album, Gun Violence, And Bungee Jumping On Stage At Coachella. KROQ-FM. March 14, 2011 [August 14, 2011]. (原始内容存档于August 4, 2011). 
  11. ^ Allison Stewart. Be specific: Foster the People's Mark Foster talks about "Pumped Up Kicks," a sunny and violent new hit. The Washington Post. June 22, 2011 [August 14, 2011]. (原始内容存档于March 1, 2012). 
  12. ^ Welch, Andy. Pumped up Kicks. Irish Independent. March 6, 2012 [March 12, 2012]. (原始内容存档于March 9, 2012). 
  13. ^ Johnson, Steve. Dark meaning of bubble-gum Pumped Up Kicks is tough to chew. Chicago Tribune. October 3, 2011 [November 19, 2014]. (原始内容存档于March 1, 2012). Maybe naming the song after fancy sneakers instead of the weaponry creates enough emotional distance. 
  14. ^ Jeffery Berg. Foster the People – A Review of Torches. frontpsych.com. May 23, 2011 [August 14, 2011]. (原始内容存档于May 31, 2011).  已忽略未知参数|df= (帮助)
  15. ^ Coffey, Kevin. Band says song not about Von Maur shooter. omaha.com. Omaha World-Herald. August 18, 2011 [August 30, 2011]. (原始内容存档于March 1, 2012).  已忽略未知参数|df= (帮助)
  16. ^ Richard Huff. MTVu censors Foster the People's music video hit 'Pumped Up Kicks'. New York: NY Daily News. June 28, 2011 [August 14, 2011]. (原始内容存档于March 1, 2012). 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.7 17.8 Peters, Mitchell. Foster the People: How a Free Download Begat a Business. Billboard. Prometheus Global Media. October 3, 2011 [November 15, 2011]. (原始内容存档于May 29, 2013). 
  18. ^ Foster The People: An Outsider Anthem, A Viral Hit. NPR Music. NPR. May 26, 2011 [August 14, 2011]. (原始内容存档于July 31, 2011). 
  19. ^ Breaking News - Foster The People Stand Up For The Kids In Venice. February 9, 2010 [August 14, 2011]. (原始内容存档于March 1, 2012). 
  20. ^ Sanchez, Lindsay. Second Stage: Foster The People. NPR Music. NPR. 2010-07-15 [2012-02-27]. (原始内容存档于February 22, 2014). 
  21. ^ Menze, Jill. Foster the People pumped up for all ages. Chicago Sun-Times (Sun-Times Media Group). 2011-06-09 [2012-05-22]. (原始内容存档于December 16, 2012). 
  22. ^ Foster the People to Perform Private Concert at New York City's Bowery Electric for SiriusXM Listeners (新闻稿). PRNewswire. 2011-11-07 [2012-02-27]. (原始内容存档于December 12, 2011). 
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  27. ^ Gold and Platinum Search: Foster the People. Music Canada. [June 6, 2012]. (原始内容存档于May 2, 2012).  已忽略未知参数|df= (帮助)
  28. ^ Accreditations – 2012 Singles. ARIA. [June 6, 2012]. (原始内容存档于September 15, 2013). 
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  33. ^ Paul Grein. Week Ending Aug. 25, 2013. Songs: Robin & Marvin. Chart Watch. August 28, 2013. (原始内容存档于December 22, 2014). 
  34. ^ MuchMusic Countdown. (原始内容存档于July 29, 2011). 
  35. ^ Walters, Barry. Foster the People, 'Torches'. Spin. [September 2, 2011]. (原始内容存档于May 17, 2011). 
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  143. ^ Gold-/Platin-Datenbank (Foster the People; 'Pumped Up Kicks'). Bundesverband Musikindustrie (德语). 
  144. ^ Italian single certifications – Foster the People – Pumped Up Kicks. Federazione Industria Musicale Italiana (意大利语).  在“Anno”下拉菜单选择“2017”。 在“Filtra”字段选择“Pumped Up Kicks”。 在“Sezione”下选择“Singoli”。
  145. ^ Certificaciones. Asociación Mexicana de Productores de Fonogramas y Videogramas (西班牙语).  在“ARTISTA”栏以下的框内输入“Foster the People” 并在“column heading”栏以下的框内输入“Pumped Up Kicks”。.
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