




  • 阿尔文·艾利(Alvin Ailey),58岁,美国舞蹈家、导演、编舞家和活动家,爱滋病。[1]
  • Leo Amino,78岁,日裔美国雕塑家。[2]
  • Danilo Atienza,38岁,菲律宾空军菲律宾飞行员,飞机失事。
  • 安德列·查理斯·比勒,93岁,瑞士裔加拿大画家。
  • 比利·莱尔,36岁,苏格兰歌手、键盘手和长笛手,是艾伦·帕森斯专案(The Alan Parsons Project)和贝城轮滑乐队(Bay City Rollers)的成员,爱滋病。[3]
  • 尼古拉·帕托利切夫,81岁,苏联政治家。[4]
  • 比尔·斯托特,62岁,美国记者,心脏骤停。
  • William Vandivert,77岁,美国摄影师。
  • 弗朗西丝·巴维尔(Frances Bavier),86岁,美国女演员(《安迪·格里菲斯秀》(The Andy Griffith Show)、《梅伯里 RFD》),心力衰竭。[20]
  • CL Dellums,89岁,美国劳工活动家,心脏骤停。[21]
  • 萨米·费恩(Sammy Fain),87岁,美国作曲家和音乐家(《I'll Be Seeing You》),心脏病发作。[22]
  • 大卫·哈德曼,88岁,英国政治家,国会议员。[23]
  • Marc Lépine,25岁,加拿大大屠杀犯(École Polytechnique 大屠杀),自杀。[24]
  • 尊·披,77岁,美国演员(《34街奇迹》、《不安的枪》),充血性心力衰竭。[25]
  • Ćamil Sijarić,75岁,南斯拉夫小说家和短篇小说家,交通事故。[26]
  • 布鲁诺·卡莱特(Bruno Carette),33岁,法国幽默家和喜剧演员,白血脑病。
  • Szymon Datner,87岁,波兰历史学家和大屠杀幸存者。[35]
  • Max Grundig,81岁,德国商人,Grundig 创始人。[36]
  • 米科拉·利维茨基(Mykola Livytskyi),82岁,乌克兰政治家、总理和流亡乌克兰人民共和国总统。
  • 斯坦利·斯坦古特(Stanley Steingut),69岁,美国政治家,纽约众议院议长,肺炎。[37]
  • 爱德华·布劳斯坦(Edward J. Bloustein),64岁,罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)美国校长,心脏病发作。[38]
  • William P. Ennis,85 岁,美国陆军上将。[39]
  • Basil Hayward,61岁,英格兰足球运动员和经理(维尔港),心脏病发作。[40]
  • 开高健,58岁,日本小说家、短篇小说作家和电视纪录片作家,肺炎。
  • 道格·斯科维尔(Doug Scovil),62岁,美式橄榄球运动员和教练,心脏病发作。[41]
  • S. Somasundaram,70岁,印度歌手。
  • R. G. Springsteen,85岁,美国 B 级电影和电视导演。[42]
  • 约翰·韦奇伍德爵士,82岁,英国政治家。
  • 萨米·勒纳(Sammy Lerner),86岁,罗马尼亚出生的美国电影和音乐词曲作者,癌症。[53]
  • Roderick Mackenzie,85岁,苏格兰士兵和同龄人。
  • 扬·西克尔(Ján Cikker),78岁,捷克斯洛伐克作曲家。[99]
  • 休·埃利奥特爵士,76岁,英国鸟类学家、环保主义者和世袭贵族。[100]
  • Rotimi Fani-Kayode,34岁,奈及利亚出生的英国摄影师,爱滋病患者。[101]
  • 埃尔西·格里芬(Elsie Griffin),94岁,英国歌剧演唱家。[102]
  • Harry Hibbs,47岁,加拿大音乐家,癌症。.[103]
  • Inma de Santis,30岁,西班牙女演员,车祸。
  • 拉尔夫·施瓦姆(Ralph “Blackie” Schwamb),63岁,美国职业棒球大联盟(圣路易斯布朗队)球员,被定罪的杀人犯。[104]
  • Soedjatmoko,67岁,印尼政治家和外交官,印尼驻美国大使,心脏骤停。[105]
  • Dwane Wallace,78岁,美国飞机设计师,塞斯纳总裁。[106]
  • 埃德蒙·沃里克(Edmund Warwick),82岁,英国演员。
  • Andrés do Barro,42岁,西班牙创作歌手,肝癌。
  • 撒母耳·贝克特,83岁,爱尔兰裔法国小说家、剧作家和短篇小说作家,诺贝尔文学奖获得者,肺气肿。[107]
  • 霍华德·鲍恩(Howard Bowen),81岁,美国经济学家,格林内尔学院(Grinnell College)和爱荷华大学(University of Iowa)校长。[108]
  • 西奥多·伯顿(Theodore M. Burton),82岁,美国摩门教家谱系主任。[109]
  • 乔治·卡瓦隆(Giorgio Cavallon),85岁,义大利出生的美国抽象艺术家。[110]
  • 瓦西里·米列亚(Vasile Milea),62岁,罗马尼亚国防部将军和政治家,自杀。[111]
  • 马西莫·塞拉托(Massimo Serato),73岁,义大利电影演员(《熙德》(El Cid)《太阳还升起》(The Sun Still Rises)),心脏病发作。[112]
  • 本尼·比尼恩(Benny Binion),85岁,美国职业罪犯,建立了非法赌博业务,心力衰竭。[122]
  • 埃列娜·齐奥塞斯库,73岁,罗马尼亚政治家,罗马尼亚副总理,尼古拉·齐奥塞斯库的妻子,被处决。[123]
  • 尼古拉·齐奥塞斯库(Nicolae Ceaușescu),71岁,罗马尼亚政治家,罗马尼亚独裁总统,被处决。[124]
  • 贝蒂·加德(Betty Garde),84岁,美国女演员。[125]
  • Türkan Hanımsultan,70岁,奥斯曼公主和化学工程师,Enver Pasha 的女儿。
  • Frederick F. Houser,85岁,美国政治家和法官,加利福尼亚州副州长,心脏病发作。[126]
  • 比利·马丁(Billy Martin),61岁,美国职业棒球大联盟(American Major League)棒球运动员兼经理(纽约洋基队),交通事故。[127]
  • 里卡尔多·莫兰迪(Riccardo Morandi),87岁,义大利土木工程师,以其桥梁设计而闻名。[128]
  • 罗伯特·皮罗什,79岁,美国编剧兼导演(《战场》《破产吧》),心力衰竭。[129]
  • 80岁的美国刀具制造商 Bo Randall 创立了 Randall Made Knives。[130]
  • 沃利·里斯,65岁,美国游泳运动员,两届奥运会金牌得主和世界纪录保持者。[131]
  • AJ Seymour,75岁,圭亚那诗人、散文家、回忆录作家。[132]
  • Süreyya Ağaoğlu,86岁,出生于亚塞拜然的土耳其作家和律师,脑溢血。[151]
  • 阿德里安·阿尔伯特,82岁,澳大利亚药物化学家。[152]
  • 斯科特·伯顿,50岁,美国雕塑家,爱滋病。[153]
  • Saman Piyasiri Fernando,31岁,斯里兰卡政治家,Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna 领导人,被谋杀。[154]
  • Hap Glaudi,77岁,美国体育解说员(WWL-TV),肺癌。[155]
  • Marion Kesker,72岁,美国唱片制作人,第一位录制猫王的人。[156]
  • 萨沙·维奇托莫夫(Saša Večtomov,原名亚历山大·维奇托莫夫),59岁,捷克斯洛伐克大提琴家,自杀。
  • Bernard Lewis Welch,77-78岁,英国统计学家(Welch's t 检验),中风。[157]
  • Augusto Del Noce,79岁,义大利哲学家和政治思想家。[158]
  • Paul-Henri Grauwin,75岁,法国军医。
  • 艾蒂安·勒鲁(Etienne Leroux),67岁,南非作家。[159]
  • 埃丝特·麦考伊(Esther McCoy),85岁,美国建筑历史学家和作家,肺气肿。[160]
  • 宫崎康二,73岁,日本游泳运动员和奥运选手。[161]
  • Madoline Thomas,99岁,威尔士女演员,髋部骨折并发症。


  • 马丁·巴特施,63岁,罗马尼亚出生的党卫军(毛特豪森集中营)成员。[168]
  • 露丝·摩尔,85-86岁,美国作家。[169]
  • 诺拉·奥马奥尼(Nora O'Mahoney),76-77岁,爱尔兰女演员和平信徒传教士。
  • Dietrich Prinz,86岁,出生于德国的计算机科学先驱。
  • 严森波,76岁,柬埔寨政治家,柬埔寨首相。


  1. ^ Jennifer Dunning. Alvin Ailey, a Leading Figure In Modern Dance, Dies at 58需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 2 December 1989: 1 1 [29 July 2019]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-10). 
  2. ^ Leo Amino. Smithsonian American Art Museum (year of death only). Retrieved 6 Aug 2024.
  3. ^ Uhelszki, Jaan. Courtney to Get Behind the Camera. Rolling Stone. 25 October 1999 [4 October 2006]. (原始内容存档于2 October 2007). 
  4. ^ Nikolai Patolichev - filmportal.de. filmportal.de. [10 April 2023] (德语). 
  5. ^ Joan Cook. Harland Bartholomew, 100, Dean of City Planners需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 7 December 1989: D 22 [10 April 2023]. 
  6. ^ Norman Davis. University of Otago. Retrieved 6 Aug 2024.
  7. ^ Ruth M. Reynolds Papers. City University of New York (year of death only). Retrieved 7 Aug 2024.
  8. ^ Noble, Kenneth B., Benin Government is Growing Fragile, The New York Times, 17 December 1989 [2009-02-09] .
  9. ^ Music Promoter Connie B. Gay Dies at 75. Washington Post. Retrieved 5 Aug 2024.
  10. ^ Olympedia – Fernando Martín. olympedia.org. OlyMADMen. [10 April 2023]. 
  11. ^ Alexander Mikhailovich Obukhov. Springer (obituary). Retrieved 5 Aug 2024.
  12. ^ Lord Elwyn-Jones, 80, Nuremberg Prosecutor. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Aug 2024.
  13. ^ Leonard Buder. Angelo Ruggiero Is Dead at 49; Longtime Associate of John Gotti需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 6 December 1989: D 27 [10 April 2023]. 
  14. ^ Richard Bernstein. May Swenson, a Humorous Poet Of Cerebral Verse, Is Dead at 76需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 5 December 1989: D 24 [10 April 2023]. 
  15. ^ Edoardo Amaldi, Italian Physicist, 81需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 6 December 1989: D 27 [10 April 2023]. 
  16. ^ Alfonso A. Narvaez. Nathan I. Huggins, Educator, 62; Leader in Afro-American Studies需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 7 December 1989: D 22 [10 April 2023]. 
  17. ^ Li Keran. britannica.com. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. [24 April 2023]. 
  18. ^ John Rockwell. Sir John Pritchard, Music Director, Is Dead at 68需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 6 December 1989: D 27 [8 April 2021]. 
  19. ^ George Selden, 60, Writer of Tales Describing a Cricket's .... New York Times. Retrieved 7 Aug 2024.
  20. ^ Frances Bavier Dead; TV Performer Was 86需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 8 December 1989: D 17 [10 April 2023]. 
  21. ^ C. M. Dellums, 89; Led Rail Porters Union需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 8 December 1989: D 17 [10 April 2023]. 
  22. ^ Sammy Fain, 87, Prolific Composer of Pop Ballads. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Aug 2024.
  23. ^ Mr David Hardman. UK Parliament (year of death only). Retrieved 6 Aug 2024.
  24. ^ École Polytechnique Tragedy (Montreal Massacre). The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved 6 Aug 2024.
  25. ^ Peter B. Flint. John Payne, 77, Actor, Is Dead; Lawyer in 'Miracle on 34th Street'需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 8 December 1989: D 17 [1 April 2022]. 
  26. ^ Ćamil Sijarić. data.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [24 April 2023] (French). 
  27. ^ From the Archives, 1971: Haystack leaves them gasping. Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 6 Aug 2024.
  28. ^ ‘The Phantom’: The Unjust Execution of Carlos DeLuna. Innocence Project. Retrieved 6 Aug 2024.
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  30. ^ John Russell. Hans Hartung, European Pioneer Of Abstract Painting, Dies at 85需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 10 December 1989: 1 60 [10 April 2023]. 
  31. ^ Stuart Novins Is Dead; TV Reporter Was 75需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 9 December 1989: 1 31 [10 April 2023]. 
  32. ^ Ranck, Werner. Traces of War. Retrieved 6 Aug 2024.
  33. ^ “Remembering Sirima” – By Des Kelly. eLanka. Retrieved 6 Aug 2024.
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  35. ^ Szymon Datner – a man with a biography enough for a few people. Jewish Historical Institute. Retrieved 7 Aug 2024.
  36. ^ Max Grundig Is Dead at Age 81; Founded an Electronics Company需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 12 December 1989: D 24 [10 April 2023]. 
  37. ^ Eric Pace. Stanley Steingut, 69, Ex-Speaker Of New York Assembly, Dies at 69需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 9 December 1989: 1 31 [10 April 2023]. 
  38. ^ Craig Wolff. Edward J. Bloustein, 64, Is Dead; President of Rutgers Since 1971需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 10 December 1989: 1 61 [10 April 2023]. 
  39. ^ William P. Ennis, 85; Headed War College需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 14 December 1989: D 27 [10 April 2023]. 
  40. ^ Basil Hayward. worldfootball.net. [24 April 2023]. 
  41. ^ Doug Scovil, 62, Dies; A Pro Football Coach需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 10 December 1989: 1 60 [10 April 2023]. 
  42. ^ R. G. Springsteen - filmportal.de. filmportal.de. [24 April 2023] (德语). 
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  44. ^ Frank A. Gulotta, 82, Ex-New York Justice. New York Times. Retrieved 6 Aug 2024.
  45. ^ Huang Zhen, 80, Beijing Envoy Who Helped Plan Nixon's Visit. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Aug 2024.
  46. ^ Oliver, Myra. C. Almaraz, 48; Chicano Artist of Urban Scene. Los Angeles Times. 1989-12-14 [2021-02-23]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-03) (美国英语). 
  47. ^ John Buxton (1912-1989). Wiley Online Library. Retrieved 7 Aug 2024.
  48. ^ Lindsay Crosby, 51, A Son of Bing, Dead. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Aug 2024.
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  51. ^ Helen Creighton. The Canadian Encyclopedia. Retrieved 7 Aug 2024.
  52. ^ Suihō Tagawa. catalogue.bnf.fr. Bibliothèque nationale de France. [24 April 2023] (French). 
  53. ^ Sammy Lerner, 86; Hollywood Songwriter需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 16 December 1989: 1 33 [10 April 2023]. 
  54. ^ Reuben Mitchell Bennett. Aberdeen F.C.. Retrieved 7 Aug 2024.
  55. ^ Robert D. Blue Dies; Former Iowa Governor. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Aug 2024.
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  57. ^ Healy, Thomas Gerard ('Gerry'). Dictionary of Irish Biography. Retrieved 7 Aug 2024.
  58. ^ Jock Mahoney Is Dead; Film Stuntman Was 70需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 19 December 1989: D 21 [10 April 2023]. 
  59. ^ Eric Pace. Frederick Nolting Jr., U.S. Envoy To Saigon in 60's, Is Dead at 78需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 16 December 1989: 1 33 [10 April 2023]. 
  60. ^ Francis X. Clines, Special To the New York Times. Andrei Sakharov, 68, Soviet 'Conscience,' Dies需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 15 December 1989: A 1 [24 April 2023]. 
  61. ^ Emile de Antonio Is Dead at 70; Maker of Political .... New York Times. Retrieved 7 Aug 2024.
  62. ^ Ben Barzman Dead; Scriptwriter Was 79需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 21 December 1989: D 20 [10 April 2023]. 
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  68. ^ Edward Underdown - Biography, Movie Highlights and Photos - AllMovie. AllMovie. 
  69. ^ Peter B. Flint. Silvana Mangano Is Dead at 59; Starred as Peasant in 'Bitter Rice'需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 17 December 1989: 1 60 [10 April 2023]. 
  70. ^ Gianni Poggi - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [24 April 2023]. 
  71. ^ Aileen Pringle, Actress, In 60 Films, Dies at 94需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 18 December 1989: D 13 [10 April 2023]. 
  72. ^ Lee Van Cleef, 64; Actor Was a Villian In Many Westerns需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 18 December 1989: D 13 [10 April 2023]. 
  73. ^ Judge Vance Murder. FBI. Retrieved 7 Aug 2024.
  74. ^ Priscilla White, 89, Researcher of Diabetes需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 18 December 1989: D 13 [10 April 2023]. 
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  77. ^ Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer, 92, Noted Military Planner for U.S.. New York Times. Retrieved 7 Aug 2024.
  78. ^ William J. Wiswesser, 75, Distinguished Berks Chemist. The Morning Call. Retrieved 7 Aug 2024.
  79. ^ Ewen Bain's Angus Og cartoons to be digitised and conserved. BBC (year of death only). Retrieved 8 Aug 2024.
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  81. ^ Bobby Capo, Pop Composer, 68. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Aug 2024.
  82. ^ Alabama man, 83, executed for judge’s 1989 mail-bomb slaying. Associated Press. Retrieved 8 Aug 2024.
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  85. ^ Herbert Blaize, 71, Grenada Chief Who Won Vote After the Invasion. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Aug 2024.
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  88. ^ Barthold Fles - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [24 April 2023]. 
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  96. ^ Gentry Crowell, 57; Top Tennessee Aide. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Aug 2024.
  97. ^ Harada, Jirō. generals.dk. Retrieved 8 Aug 2024.
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  101. ^ Rotimi Fani-Kayode. Guggenheim Museum. Retrieved 8 Aug 2024.
  102. ^ Elsie Griffin - Social Networks and Archival Context. snaccooperative.org. [24 April 2023]. 
  103. ^ Obituary: Henry Thomas Joseph “Harry” Hibbs 21.12.89. Retrieved 8 Aug 2024.
  104. ^ July 31, 1948: Ralph ‘Blackie’ Schwamb earns his only win in major leagues. Society for American Baseball Research. Retrieved 8 Aug 2024.
  105. ^ Soedjatmoko, 67, Indonesia Diplomat And Social Scientist需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 22 December 1989: A 37 [10 April 2023]. 
  106. ^ Dwane L. Wallace, 78, Is Dead; Pioneer Leader at Cessna Aircraft. New York Times. Retrieved 8 Aug 2024.
  107. ^ Mel Gussow. Samuel Beckett Is Dead at 83; His 'Godot' Changed Theater需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 27 December 1989: A 1 [10 April 2023]. 
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