




  • Jean Anouilh,77岁,法国剧作家和编剧(安提戈涅),心脏病发作。[8]
  • Catherine Bramwell-Booth,104岁,英国救世军军官,救世军创始人的孙女。[9]
  • 汉斯·加尔,97岁,奥地利和苏格兰作曲家。
  • Maria Ivogün,95岁,匈牙利女高音歌唱家。[10]
  • Kalervo Palsa,40岁,芬兰艺术家,肺炎。
  • 卡洛斯·安西拉(Carlos Ancira),58岁,墨西哥电影演员。
  • Behice Boran,77岁,土耳其马克思列宁主义政治家和作家,国会议员,心脏病。[28]
  • 雅罗斯拉夫·布切克,74岁,捷克斯洛伐克国际足球运动员(布拉格斯巴达捷克斯洛伐克)。[29]
  • Gretl Braun,72岁,Eva Braun 的德国妹妹。
  • 彼得·克莱恩(Peter Clyne),60岁,奥地利裔澳大利亚律师和商人,心脏病发作。
  • Oretha Castle Haley,48岁,美国民权活动家,卵巢癌。
  • 马拉蒂,20岁,斯里兰卡泰米尔猛虎战士,在战斗中阵亡。
  • Walter Houser Brattain,85岁,美国物理学家(点接触晶体管),诺贝尔物理学奖获得者,阿尔茨海默病。[38]
  • Kishore Kumar,58岁,印度演员和播放歌手,心脏病发作。[39]
  • Nilgün Marmara,29岁,土耳其诗人,自杀。[40]
  • 露西·梦露,80岁,美国歌剧女高音和舞蹈家,癌症。[41]
  • 83岁的英国牛津大学副校长沃尔特·弗雷泽·奥克肖特(Walter Fraser Oakeshott)发现亚瑟之死 Winchester 手稿。[42]
  • Anwar Kamal Pasha,62岁,巴基斯坦电影导演和制片人。
  • Elżbieta Barszczewska,73岁,波兰舞台和电影女演员。
  • 鲁道夫·哈夫特,86岁,西班牙作曲家。[43]
  • Finlay J. MacDonald,62岁,苏格兰记者、制片人和作家。
  • 巴兹尔·赖特,80岁,英国纪录片导演(锡兰之歌)。[44]
  • 鲁比·丹德里奇,87岁,美国女演员(Amos 'n' AndyJudy Canova Show),心脏病发作。[52]
  • Roderich Menzel,80岁,捷克-德国业馀网球运动员和作家。
  • 彼得·庞德,80岁,美国大学橄榄球运动员。[53]
  • 赫希·施瓦茨伯格(Hirsch Schwartzberg),79岁,出生于立陶宛的美国大屠杀幸存者领袖。[54]
  • Abdul Malek Ukil,63岁,孟加拉国政治家,Jatiya Sangsad 议长。
  • 伊妮德·查德威克(Enid Chadwick),84岁,英国宗教艺术家。[74]
  • 雷蒙德·法兰西斯(Raymond Francis),76岁,英国演员(无处可藏)。
  • Leo Hepp,80岁,德国国防军纳粹军官。
  • Kelvin Martin,23岁,美国罪犯,被枪杀。[75]
  • Albert P. Crary,76岁,美国极地地球物理学家和冰川学家,第一个踏上北极和南极的人,脊柱肿瘤。[98]
  • 威廉·大卫斯,86岁,英国皇家海军上将。[99]
  • 罗伯特·希伯-珀西(Robert Heber-Percy),75岁,英国怪人。[100]
  • 伍迪·赫尔曼(Woody Herman),74岁,美国爵士单簧管演奏家、萨克斯管演奏家和大乐队领队,心力衰竭。[101]
  • 69 岁的埃及考古学家 Kamal el-Mallakh 发现了胡夫船[102]
  • Ram Awtar Sharma,79岁,印度政治家,国会议员。
  • Frederic M. Wheelock,85岁,美国拉丁语教授(韦洛克拉丁语教程),心脏病发作。[103]
  • Thomas G. Bergin,82岁,美国义大利文学学者。[104]
  • 约瑟夫·坎伯(Joseph Campbell),83岁,美国比较神话和宗教作家(千面英雄),癌症。[105]
  • Sydney Vernon Petersen,73岁,南非诗人和作家,肾衰竭。[106]
  • Chaudhary Dalbir Singh,61岁,印度政治家,人民院成员。
  • 格雷迪·威尔逊(Grady B. Wilson),67-68岁,美国传道人,心力衰竭。[107]


  • 菲利波·布科拉(Filippo Buccola),101岁,义大利裔美国黑帮分子,派特里亚卡犯罪家族成员。


  1. ^ Sir Richard Arthur (Dick) Blackburn (1918–1987). Australian Dictionary of Biography. Retrieved 9 Sep 2024.
  2. ^ Caught Red Handed. Newspapers.com (The Observer). Retrieved 9 Sep 2024.
  3. ^ Clyde, June (1909–1987). Encyclopedia.com. Retrieved 9 Sep 2024.
  4. ^ Geoffrey Jackson, 72, Envoy Held 8 Months by Tupamaros需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 3 October 1987: 1 33 [27 April 2024]. 
  5. ^ Eric Pace. Madeleine Carroll Dies at 81; Film Actress of 30's and 40's需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 3 October 1987: 1 33 [27 April 2024]. 
  6. ^ Peter B. Medawar, Scientist, is Dead. New York Times. Retrieved 9 Sep 2024.
  7. ^ Oscar-Winning Director and Writer Russell Rouse. L.A. Times. Retrieved 9 Sep 2024.
  8. ^ Jane Gross. Jean Anouilh, the French Playwright, Is Dead at 77需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 5 October 1987: D 13 [30 May 2022]. 
  9. ^ Remembering Catherine Bramwell-Booth. [December 18, 2022]. 
  10. ^ Maria Ivogun, Leading Singer Of German Opera for 20 Years. New York Times. Retrieved 9 Sep 2024.
  11. ^ Will Mercer Cook. New York Times. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  12. ^ Mr Eric Gandar-Dower. UK Parliament. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  13. ^ Hubert Yencesse. Olympedia. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  14. ^ 15th October 1987. London Gazette. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  15. ^ Roald Jensen (Player). National Football Teams. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  16. ^ Charles Carney Dead; Served Ohio in House需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 12 October 1987: D 11 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-27). 
  17. ^ Cedric Phatudi Is Dead; Leader in South Africa需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 8 October 1987: B 5 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-27). 
  18. ^ Bobby Walston, 58, Is Dead; Leading Scorer of the Eagles需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 9 October 1987: D 19 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-27). 
  19. ^ Known as the 'Serial King' : Spencer G. Bennet, 94. L.A. Times. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  20. ^ Sir Rolf Williams. UK Parliament. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  21. ^ Roger Green; Authority on Children's Literature. L.A. Times. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  22. ^ Constantine Tsatsos, 88; First President of Greek Republic. L.A. Times. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  23. ^ Farhad's death anniversary today. The Daily Star. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  24. ^ Epitome of creative dynamism. The Statesman. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  25. ^ Albin Krebs. Clare Boothe Luce Dies at 84: Playwright, Politician, Envoy需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 10 October 1987: 1 1 [27 April 2024]. 
  26. ^ William P. Murphy. The Nobel Prize. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  27. ^ Sir Henry Studholme. UK Parliament (year of death only). Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  28. ^ Boran, Behice (p. 83). Academia.edu (The Encyclopedia of Islam). Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  29. ^ Jaroslav Bouček (Player). National Football Teams. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  30. ^ Soul-Searching Over Barschel Case : West German .... L.A. Times. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  31. ^ The World - News from Oct. 14, 1987. L.A. Times. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  32. ^ Mr Niall Macpherson. UK Parliament. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  33. ^ Sir Alan Wedel Ramsay McNicoll (1908–1987). Australian Dictionary of Biography. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  34. ^ Fahri Koruturk; Former Head of State of Turkey. L.A. Times. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  35. ^ Alf Landon, G.O.P. Standard-Bearer, Dies at 100需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 13 October 1987: B 7 [27 April 2024]. 
  36. ^ Russ Letlow. Green Bay Packers. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  37. ^ Stephen Labaton. Philleo Nash, at 77; Was a U.S. Official In 3 Administrations需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 27 October 1987: D 35 [27 April 2024]. 
  38. ^ Susan Heller Anderson. Walter Brattain, Inventor, is Dead需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 14 October 1987: B 12 [26 April 2024]. 
  39. ^ Kishore Kumar. Britannica. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  40. ^ Gravestone: Nilgün Marmara 13.10.87. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  41. ^ Lisa Belkin. Lucy Monroe Dies; A Celebrated Singer Of National Anthem需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 16 October 1987: B 5 [27 April 2024]. 
  42. ^ Finding aid for the Walter Fraser Oakeshott papers, 1926-1986 (bulk 1949-1986). Online Archive of California. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  43. ^ Halffter, Rodolfo (1900–1987). Encyclopedia.com. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  44. ^ Obituaries : Documentary Film Director Basil Wright. L.A. Times. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  45. ^ "Sir Arthur Benson." Times [London, England] 19 Oct. 1987: 18. The Times Digital Archive. Web. 9 Aug. 2012.
  46. ^ Archbishop Donnellan Of Atlanta Dies at 73需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 19 October 1987: B 10 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-27). 
  47. ^ Juda Hirsch Quastel, 2 October 1899 - 15 October 1987. Royal Society. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  48. ^ Thomas Sankara. Britannica. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  49. ^ Joseph Cardinal Hoffner, 80; Led German Catholic Church. New York Times. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  50. ^ Margaret Stella (Meg) Lee - Australian Dictionary of Biography. Australian Dictionary of Biography. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  51. ^ Dana Suesse, 76, Dies; Wrote 30's Hit Songs需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 21 October 1987: B 6 [27 April 2024]. 
  52. ^ Obituaries : Ruby Dandridge; Singer, Actress, Mother of Performer Daughters. L.A. Times. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  53. ^ Peter Pund Papers. Georgia Tech. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  54. ^ [url title]. source. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  55. ^ David E. Pitt. Theodore Brameld Dies at 83; Taught Educational Theory需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 21 October 1987: B 6 [26 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-27). 
  56. ^ Wolfgang Saxon. Sol Goldman, Major Real-Estate Investor, Dies需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 19 October 1987: B 10 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2019-02-03). 
  57. ^ Peter B. Flint. Dr. Philip Levine, 87, Is Dead; Discovered Blood's Rh Factor需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 20 October 1987: B 4 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2023-12-24). 
  58. ^ Louis C. Miriani, 90, Former Detroit Mayor需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 21 October 1987: B 6 [27 April 2024]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-27). 
  59. ^ Jacqueline du Pre, Noted Cellist, Is Dead at 42. New York Times. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  60. ^ Ben Stahl, Illustrator, is Dead; A Founder of Artists School. New York Times. Retrieved 10 Sep 2024.
  61. ^ A.N. Kolmogorov Dies at 84; Top Russian Mathematician. New York Times. Retrieved 11 Sep 2024.
  62. ^ Lars-Erik Sjöberg. New York Times. Retrieved 11 Sep 2024.
  63. ^ Pal Gabor, a Movie Director; Satirized Concerns of Youth. New York Times. Retrieved 11 Sep 2024.
  64. ^ Yingqin, He. Traces of War. Retrieved 11 Sep 2024.
  65. ^ Dr. K. G. Adiyodi. Niyamasabha.org. Retrieved 11 Sep 2024.
  66. ^ Taylor Scott. Dunsfold Airfield History Society. Retrieved 11 Sep 2024.
  67. ^ Lino Ventura Is Dead; Star of French Movies需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 24 October 1987: 1 37 [27 April 2024]. 
  68. ^ Constantin Alajalov Is Dead; Was Painter and Illustrator需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 28 October 1987: B 11 [27 April 2024]. 
  69. ^ Raymond Ketchledge, 67, an Electronics Inventor需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 29 October 1987: D 27 [27 April 2024]. 
  70. ^ Morton, A. L. (Arthur Leslie), 1903-1987. National Library of Australia. Retrieved 11 Sep 2024.
  71. ^ Jimmy Mullen James Mullen (Player). National Football Teams. Retrieved 11 Sep 2024.
  72. ^ Della Raney. National Museum of the United States Army. Retrieved 11 Sep 2024.
  73. ^ Alejandro Scopelli Alejandro Scopelli Casanova (Coach). National Football Teams. Retrieved 11 Sep 2024.
  74. ^ Enid Chadwick brought colour to the Shrine. Church Times. Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  75. ^ Gravestone: Kelvin Darnell Martin 24.10.87. Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  76. ^ Ivan Beshoff, Last Survivor Of Mutiny on the Potemkin. New York Times. Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  77. ^ Edward Hudson. Cecil Brown Is Dead; A News Broadcaster And Correspondent需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 28 October 1987: B 11 [27 April 2024]. 
  78. ^ Marta Feuchtwanger, Widow of Famous Novelist, Dies. L.A. Times. Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  79. ^ Joan Cook. Dr. Maxwell Finland, 85, Dies; Expert on Infectious Disease需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 27 October 1987: D 34 [27 April 2024]. 
  80. ^ Louis Guttman, a Leader Of Social Research in Israel需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 27 October 1987: D 35 [27 April 2024]. 
  81. ^ Robert Palmer. Willis Jackson, 59, Tenor Saxophonist In Jazz and Blues需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 30 October 1987: D 22 [27 April 2024]. 
  82. ^ Gerald L. Pearson 1905-1987. National Academy of Engineering. Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  83. ^ Obituaries: Mr. J. A. Ratcliffe. Harvard (SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System). Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  84. ^ Kate Turabian Dies; Author of Stylebook About Dissertations需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 26 October 1987: B 12 [27 April 2024]. 
  85. ^ Salvadoran Human Rights Activist Slain. New York Times. Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  86. ^ Greg Bautzer, Attorney for Film Stars, Dies. L.A. Times. Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  87. ^ Edith Davis, Nancy Reagan's Mother, Is Dead. New York Times. Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  88. ^ Victor W. Ganz, Art Collector And Official of the Whitney. New York Times. Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  89. ^ Adam Wolanin (Player). National Football Teams. Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  90. ^ Burnett Bolloten. New York Times. Retrieved 22 Sep 2024.
  91. ^ Jorge Dalto Dies at 39; A Jazz-Fusion Pianist. New York Times. Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  92. ^ Jean Helion, Abstract and Representational Artist. New York Times. Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  93. ^ C. Gerald Fraser. John Oliver Killens, 71, Author And Founder of Writers' Group需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 30 October 1987: D 22 [27 April 2024]. 
  94. ^ Vijay Merchant. Wisden. Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  95. ^ Mario Merola, 65, Prosecutor In the Bronx for 15 Years, Dies. New York Times. Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  96. ^ Andre Masson, 91, Dies; Was a Major Surrealist. New York Times. Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  97. ^ Mr Jasper More. UK Parliament (year of death only). Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  98. ^ Edward Hudson. Albert Crary, Geophysicist, Dies; An Explorer of Both Polar Regions需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 31 October 1987: 1 33 [27 April 2024]. 
  99. ^ The Papers of Admiral Sir William Wellclose Davis. University of Cambridge. Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  100. ^ Obituary of Robert Heber-Percy. Faringdon Community. Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  101. ^ Woody Herman, Bandleader, Dies at 74需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 30 October 1987: D 22 [27 April 2024]. 
  102. ^ Kamal el-Mallakh. New York Times. Retrieved 12 Sep 2024.
  103. ^ Dr. Frederic M. Wheelock; Professor, 85需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 10 November 1987: D 33 [27 April 2024]. 
  104. ^ Thomas G. Bergin, 82, An Authority on Dante需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 3 November 1987: D 29 [27 April 2024]. 
  105. ^ Wolfgang Saxon. Joseph Campbell, Writer Known For His Scholarship on Mythology需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 2 November 1987: D 15 [27 April 2024]. 
  106. ^ S.V. Petersen. Britannica Kids. Retrieved 13 Sep 2024.
  107. ^ Grady B. Wilson需要付费订阅. The New York Times. 3 November 1987: D 29 [27 April 2024].