


基因组大小(英语:Genome size)是指一个基因组中所拥有的DNA含量,一般以重量计算,单位通常是皮克(10-12),写成pg;有时也用道耳顿;或是以核苷酸碱基对的数量表示,单位为百万计,写成Mb或Mbp。1pg等于978Mb。

在生物世界有一个现象,就是生物的复杂度并不与基因组大小有显著相关,此难题被称为C值迷(C-value enigma)或C值悖论(C-value paradox)。

无恒变形虫(6700亿对碱基对)与衣笠草(1490亿对基因组)与石花肺鱼(1490亿对基因组)同为基因组大小最大的生物。有细胞核的生物中,基因组最小的是哺乳类的寄生虫肠脑炎微孢子虫英语Encephalitozoon intestinalis(225万碱基对)。[1]


  • Bennett, M.D. and I.J. Leitch. 2005. Genome size evolution in plants. In The Evolution of the Genome (ed. T.R. Gregory), pp. 89-162. Elsevier, San Diego.
  • Doležel, J., J. Bartoš, H. Voglmayr, and J. Greilhuber. 2003. Nuclear DNA content and genome size of trout and human. Cytometry 51A: 127-128.
  • Gregory, T.R. 2005. Genome size evolution in animals. In The Evolution of the Genome (ed. T.R. Gregory), pp. 3-87. Elsevier, San Diego.
  • Greilhuber, J., J. Doležel, M. Lysák, and M.D. Bennett. 2005. The origin, evolution and proposed stabilization of the terms 'genome size' and 'C-value' to describe nuclear DNA contents. Annals of Botany 95: 255-260.
  • Hardie, D.C., T.R. Gregory, and P.D.N. Hebert. 2002. From pixels to picograms: a beginners' guide to genome quantification by Feulgen image analysis densitometry. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 50: 735-749.



  1. ^ 有史以來最大的基因組. PanSci 泛科学. 2011-04-27 [2020-01-28]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-28) (中文(台湾)).