


和平宗教(英语:religion of peace),是一个在政治上用以解释伊斯兰教新词。在2001年九一一袭击事件发生后,一些诸如马来西亚第四任首相马哈蒂尔·穆罕默德在内的政治家为了将温和的穆斯林伊斯兰恐怖分子区别开来而将伊斯兰教描述为“和平宗教”。[1]阿拉伯语中,“伊斯兰”一词与意为“和平”的词语“萨拉姆英语Salaam”(音译,另译“色兰”)在词源学上有关联。[2]




马来西亚前首相马哈蒂尔·穆罕默德在2002年谈到:“正如我所说的那样,伊斯兰教是一个和平的宗教。然而,几个世纪以来,偏离伊斯兰教真正教义的行为时有发生。因此,尽管他们的教义禁止杀戮特别是对无辜人民的杀戮,但(所谓的)穆斯林还是在进行着杀戮。 [7]

巴黎大清真寺穆夫提达利勒·博巴克尔英语Dalil Boubakeur在2006年谈到:“先知没有创立一个恐怖主义的宗教,而是一个和平的宗教。”[8]


"Our Dead are in Paradise. Your Dead are in HELL!"

谢尔曼·杰克逊英语Sherman Jackson认为,西方政客关于伊斯兰教是和平宗教的评论是对政治正确性的尝试。然而,杰克逊声称,这一表达并不意味着拒绝伊斯兰的暴力行为英语Islam and violence,而是承认与非穆斯林和平共存英语peaceful coexistence[9]

“和平宗教”这一术语也被伊斯兰教批判者英语Criticism of Islam使用,例如右翼评论家安·库尔特[10]哲学家与新无神论作家山姆·哈里斯写道:“穆斯林社区面对所有挑衅的立场几乎都是:伊斯兰教是和平的宗教,如果你说不是,我们就会杀了你。”[11]

2005年,在被记者问及伊斯兰教是否是和平宗教时,本笃十六世提到伊斯兰教的一些因素可以促成和平,但也有其他的因素。 [12]


2015年5月13日,伊斯兰国发布了阿布·贝克尔·巴格达迪的谈话录音,他声称伊斯兰教不是和平的宗教,而是斗争的宗教。 [14]




  1. ^ Islam, Terrorism and Malaysia's Response. 亚洲协会. 2002-02-04 [2017-07-31]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-12). 
  2. ^ Armstrong, Karen. The True, Peaceful Face Of Islam. Time. 2001-09-23 [2017-07-22]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-22). The very word Islam, which means "surrender," is related to the Arabic salam, or peace. 
  3. ^ Defensive War not Inconsistent with a Religion of Peace, a cermon, Seeley, Jackson, & Halliday, 1860, p. 11 Quote: "While however it is manifest and unquestionable that Christianity is emphatically a religion of peace and good will towards men — men of all countries and of all climes — it is assuredly not a religion of absolute and passive non-resistance."
  4. ^ "Islam is Peace" Says President (新闻稿). Office of the Press Secretary. 2001-09-17 [2007-11-22]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-01). 
  5. ^ Till, Farrell. The Real Culprit. The Skeptical Review. November 2001 [2007-11-22]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-18). 
  6. ^ Green, John. Evangelical Views of Islam. EPPC and beliefnet. 2003-04-07 [2007-11-22]. (原始内容存档于2008-10-07). 
  7. ^ Islam, Terrorism, and Malaysia's Response (page 2). Asia Society. 2002-02-04 [2017-07-31]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-12). 
  8. ^ Prophet cartoons enraging Muslims. 国际纽约时报. 2006-02-02 [2007-11-22]. (原始内容存档于2006-02-04). 
  9. ^ Jackson, Sherman. Jihad and the Modern World. Journal of Islamic Law and Culture. Spring–Summer 2002 [2007-11-22]. (原始内容存档于2007-12-17). "Religion of peace" does not imply that Islam is a pacifist religion, that it rejects the use of violence altogether, as either a moral or a metaphysical evil. "Religion of peace" connotes, rather, that Islam can countenance a state of permanent, peaceful coexistence with other nations and peoples who are not Muslims...This position, I shall argue, is no more than the result of an objective application of principles of Islamic jurisprudence which no jurist or activist, medieval or modern, has claimed to reject. 
  10. ^ Siddiqi, Imraan. Ann Coulter's Foul Mouth: The Blond Hate Machine. Counterpunch. 2003-06-05 [2007-11-22]. (原始内容存档于2003-06-13). Ann on the other hand, apparently missed this Sunday school lesson, and continues to ridicule Islam sarcastically as the "religion of peace" whenever a negative story arises within the Muslim world. 
  11. ^ Harris, Sam. Losing Our Spines to Save Our Necks. Huffingtonpost.com. 2008-05-05 [2011-03-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-22).  (updated 25 May 2011)
  12. ^ Pope says terror attacks cannot be defined as anti-Christian. Catholic News Agency. 2005-07-25 [2016-02-25]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-22). I would not like to use big words to apply generic labels. It certainly contains elements that can favor peace, it also has other elements: we must always seek the best elements. 
  13. ^ Qutb, Sayyid. Fiqh al-Da’wah. Fiqh al-Da’wah (IslamQA英语IslamQA). : 217–222 [2007-11-22]. (原始内容存档于2006-10-17). The defeatists should fear Allah lest they distort this religion and cause it to become weak on the basis of the claim that it is a religion of peace. Yes, it is the religion of peace but in the sense of saving all of mankind from worshiping anything other than Allah and submitting all of mankind to the rule of Allah. 
  14. ^ ISIS Caliph Baghdadi in New Audio Message: 'Islam Was Never a Religion of Peace,' Our Jihad Is 'The War of All Muslims'. The Christian Post. 2015-05-15 [2015-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-17). Islam was never a religion of peace. Islam is the religion of fighting. No one should believe that the war that we are waging is the war of the Islamic State. It is the war of all Muslims, but the Islamic State is spearheading it. It is the war of Muslims against infidels. O Muslims, go to war everywhere. It is the duty of every Muslim. 


  • Religion of Peace?: Islam's War Against the World by Gregory M. Davis ( ISBN 0-9778984-4-X )
  • Islam: Religion of Peace and Justice by Muhammad Nawaz ( ISBN 1-4107-6786-8 )
