
User:Clear Sky C/草稿:渥太华历史(随意修改)




几个世纪以来,阿尔冈昆人穿过渥太华河丽都河英语Rideau River的水道时往往会转走陆路。法国探险家Étienne Brûlé英语Étienne Brûlé被认作是第一个看到绍迪埃瀑布英语Chaudière Falls的欧洲人(1610年),他也不得不穿过这里从而抵达内陆。该地区的永久定居点是由腓利门·赖特英语Philemon Wright建立的,他于1800年前后在渥太华河北岸的瀑布附近建立了他的村庄。

The construction of the Rideau Canal, spurred by concerns for defense following the War of 1812 and plans made by Lieutenant Colonel John By英语John By and Governor General Dalhousie英语George Ramsay, 9th Earl of Dalhousie began shortly after September 26, 1826 when Ottawa's predecessor, Bytown was founded. Lt. Colonel John By was an officer of the Royal Engineers commissioned by the British Government in 1826 to superintend the construction of the Rideau Canal.[1]

The founding was marked by a sod turning, and a letter from Dalhousie which authorized Colonel By to divide up the town into lots.[2] The town developed into a site for the timber, and later sawed lumber trade, causing growth so that in 1854, Bytown was created a city and its present more appropriate name, Ottawa was conferred.[1]

不久后,君主维多利亚将渥太华选为了加拿大的首都; and the parliament buildings on Parliament Hill were soon completed. Also at this time, increased export sales led it to connect by rail to facilitate shipment to markets especially in the United States. 在20世纪初期,木工业随着供给和需求的减少而衰落。

Growth continued in the 20th century, and by the 1960s, the Greber Plan英语Greber Plan transformed the capital's appearance and removed much of the old industrial infrastructure. By the 1980s, Ottawa had become known as Silicon Valley North英语Silicon Valley North after large high tech companies formed, bringing economic prosperity and assisting in causing large increases in population in the last several decades of the century. In 2001, the city amalgamated all areas in the former region, and today plans continue in areas such as growth and transportation.



大约一万年以前,尚普兰海英语Champlain Sea的海水逐渐撤离了渥太华谷英语Ottawa Valley,这里开始变得宜居起来。[3]阿尔冈昆人渥太华河称作Kichi Sibi or Kichissippi,其意为“Great River”或“Grand River”,两词在汉语中的意思均为“大河”。他们曾在相对较短的时间内沿河组织过一条贸易路线。[4][5][6][7][8]“渥太华”一词与在此生活的第一个民族——渥太华人英语Odawa people有关,他们在这里狩猎、扎营、贸易、旅游,足迹向西分布至遥远的休伦湖和位于该湖的乔治亚湾[9]

1610年,Étienne Brûlé英语Étienne Brûlé成为了第一个抵达渥太华河的欧洲人;[10]1613年,萨缪尔·德·尚普兰成为了第二个抵达此地的欧洲人。他们均受到了阿尔冈昆人的指导。[11][12]书面记录显示,到了1613年,阿尔冈昆人成功控制了渥太华谷和周围地区。[7]

下面的图片取自1632年时塞缪尔·尚普兰所作的新法兰西东部地图。它展示了1616年时他选取的部分渥太华河行进路线,数字用于指示他访问过的重要急流和原住民营地的位置。77和91分别指现在的城市渥太华丽都河英语Rideau River的位置;80代表了卡吕梅岛英语Calumet Island南部大急流的地理位置;81标出了Allumette Island英语L'Isle-aux-Allumettes, Quebec的地址,当时阿尔冈昆国家的成员便居住在这里;82所在的位置与现代的Fort-Coulonge英语Fort-Coulonge, Quebec和一个尚普兰探险时存在的阿尔冈昆定居地基本相同。

塞缪尔·尚普兰的地图[註 1]

尚普兰记载下了位于后来的早期城镇东部的丽都瀑布英语Rideau Falls(后来划独木舟的人们定下此名)和西部的绍迪埃瀑布英语Chaudière Falls(尚普兰定下此名),后来它们都被用到了木工业的发展上。不同于加蒂诺的部分地区和它们的上游,没有证据表明在此后的两个世纪中,现在的城市渥太华所处的地理位置是人类定居地,不过渥太华河以及丽都河在当时都是旅游景点。[13][14][15]无论是那个时候还是现在,人们都不可以在Chaudière走水路,所以他们通过陆路会从渥太华河河口抵达内陆。许多传教士、法国皮货商和运货船夫会如果渥太华,例如耶稣会烈士让·德·布雷伯夫英语Jean de Brébeuf(1634年)、梅达尔·德瑟·格罗塞尔利耶尔斯英语Médard des Groseilliers(1654年)、[16]皮埃尔-思捷·雷迪森英语Pierre-Esprit Radisson[16]17世纪的探险家La Vérendrye英语Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, sieur de La Vérendrye[註 2][17]以及抵达时间较晚的亚历山大·麦肯齐英语Alexander Mackenzie (explorer)[18]约瑟夫·弗罗比舍英语Joseph Frobisher西蒙·麦克塔维什英语Simon McTavish[17][19]尼古拉斯·加蒂诺还在附近的加蒂诺河开展过贸易活动。

在那个时候,安大略省所处的位置并非只有阿尔冈昆人一个民族。17世纪时,阿尔冈昆人和休伦人与易洛魁聯盟之间爆发了一场激烈的战争。尚普兰曾经抵达过尼皮辛湖和乔治亚湾,此他又抵达了錫姆科湖附近的休倫县县中心,他在途中曾帮助休伦人对抗易洛魁联盟。结果,易洛魁联盟成为了法国的敌人并介入了多个冲突,其中以法国和易洛魁战争英语Beaver Wars(海狸战争)比较著名。直到和平协定《蒙特利尔的伟大和平英语Great Peace of Montreal》于1701年签署后,这种情况才得以结束。[20]

Historical context prior to settlement


1763年巴黎条约》的签订结束了英国法国在北美展开的七年战争。法国先后失去了亚伯拉罕平原魁北克市蒙特利尔后,几乎将其在北美的所有殖民地都割让给了英国。受其影响,许多来自英国、使用英语的移民来到了蒙特利尔的西部。美国独立运动的《独立宣言》于 1776年发布后,安大略东部英语Eastern Ontario的人口也有所增加。许多联合帝国忠臣英语United Empire Loyalists在英国的协助下搬到了加拿大,英国给予了他们81公顷(200英亩)的土地和其他物资来开始新的生活。


1791年12月26日,1791年宪法法案通过,它将加拿大分成了上加拿大下加拿大,这种情况直到1841年2月10日才得以结束。By this time two culturally distinct regions were forming; Loyalist Protestant American settlers and British immigrants in Upper Canada and a French-speaking Catholic population of Lower Canada. This essentially meant that the creation of the two solitudes led to the bisecting of the Algonquin Nation. Upper Canada had its own legislature and was administered by a lieutenant-governor (starting with John Graves Simcoe英语John Graves Simcoe). Its capital was settled by 1796 in York, in present-day Toronto, a choice which was influenced by the threat of attack by the Americans, which also was a factor initiating the construction of the Rideau Canal. By the time settlement started near Ottawa, there were two principal local areas, Nepean Township英语Nepean Township, Ontario west of the Rideau River and Gloucester Township英语Gloucester Township, Ontario to the east. Though not yet named, they were formed in 1793.[21]

Although the War of 1812 gave Upper Canada some confidence in its ability to defend itself against American intrusion, the threat remained. This led directly to the creation of the military settlements such as Perth, Ontario and the settling of some military regiment families (such as the 100th Regiment of Foot (Prince Regent's County of Dublin Regiment)英语100th Regiment of Foot (Prince Regent's County of Dublin Regiment) at Richmond, Ontario英语Richmond, Ontario).[22] By the time of Bytown's founding, Kingston, Ontario, located on the eastern shores of Lake Ontario south-west of Ottawa, had become a naval base of 2849 inhabitants, York's population was 1677,[23] Perth, 1500, and Brockville, another Eastern Ontario town had a population which was nearing 1000. In Lower Canada, Montreal and Quebec City were far larger, each having 22,000 inhabitants.[23]



Entrance of the Rideau Canal in 1839 where it meets the Ottawa River. In 1826, eight locks were constructed by the Royal Engineers英语Royal Engineers with labour provided by the new Irish and French settlers. The building in the foreground is today called the Bytown Museum英语Bytown Museum. On the right is Parliament Hill at the time named "Barrack Hill".

渥太华附近的第一个主要定居点是由来自美国马萨诸塞州沃本的新英格兰人腓利门·赖特英语Philemon Wright、5个家族和25名劳工[5]于1800年3月7日建立的。[24]They started an agricultural community called Wright's Town(今魁北克省加蒂諾)on the north bank of the Ottawa River at the Chaudière Falls.[24] Food crops were not sufficient to sustain the community and Wright began harvesting trees as a cash crop when he determined that he could transport timber by river from the Ottawa Valley to the Montreal and Quebec City markets, and onward to Europe. His first raft of squared timber and sawed lumber arrived in Quebec City in 1806.[25] It was from this location that much of the future settlement on the south shore was facilitated. By this time, land on the Ottawa side of the river had already been surveyed and land grants were being issued.[26][27]

1818年,[28] a settlement was formed at Richmond Landing, in present-day LeBreton Flats英语LeBreton Flats, while Richmond Road英语Richmond Road (Ontario), Ottawa's first thoroughfare was being built.[29] Families of the English soldiers who came to create the settlement of Richmond stayed for months at this location which had had a store since 1809 erected by Jehiel Collins, who is credited as the first settler of what would become Bytown.[30][31] In the intervening years, the area would see such settlers as Braddish Billings英语Braddish Billings, Abraham Dow, Ira Honeywell, John LeBreton. and original owner of much of Ottawa's early lands, Nicholas Sparks英语Nicholas Sparks (politician). Another major landholder was Lieutenant-Colonel John By英语John By, who oversaw the construction of the Rideau Canal.


Bytown1842年时的规划图 1. Parliament Hill then called Barracks Hill 2. Wellington Street 3. Victoria St.(now Lyon) 4. Kent St. 6. Sparks Street. Rideau Canal is on the top right. Wellington St. was incomplete, and a path formed a bulge instead leading to Sappers Bridge英语Sappers Bridge (Ottawa) over the canal.

The first European survey of the Rideau Route, part of an indigenous canoe route that connected the Ottawa River to the St. Lawrence River at Gananoque, was conducted by Lt. Gershom French in 1783. On October 2, 1783, his survey party camped on the shores of the Rideau River at the head of the portage from the Ottawa River that led around Rideau Falls. He described the area as "the soil everywhere good and deep, timbered with Maple, Elm and Butternut".[32] The War of 1812 made evident the need for a safe military supply route from Montreal to Kingston so the Rideau Route was surveyed for the purposes of a canal, in 1816 by Royal Engineer Joshua Jebb英语Joshua Jebb and in 1823-24 by civil surveyor Samuel Clowes. In 1826, Lieutenant-Colonel John By was appointed to oversee its construction and he hired contractors that included Philemon Wright英语Philemon Wright, who supplied much of the stone, mortar and labour, Thomas McKay英语Thomas McKay, a mason, and staff such as John MacTaggart and Thomas Burrowes英语Thomas Burrowes (artist), surveyor,[33] (Burrowes' created many paintings of early Bytown.) The Governor General George Ramsay, the Earl of Dalhousie英语George Ramsay, 9th Earl of Dalhousie took a great interest in the construction of the canal, as well as in establishing a settlement in the area. On September 26, 1826,[34] Colonel By and Dalhousie had agreed that the canal's entrance was to be at Entrance Bay (its current location), and along with a letter authorizing Colonel By to divide the town into lots,[35] marked the origins[34][36] of what was to become the town of Bytown.

Dalhousie's letter stated in part: "I take this opportunity of meeting you here to place in your hands a Sketch Plan of several Lots of Lands, which I thought advantageous to purchase for the use of Government, when this Canal was spoken of, as likely to be carried into effect, this not only contains the site for the Head Locks, but they offer a valuable locality for a considerable Village or Town, for the lodging of Artificers and other necessary Essentials, in so great a Work. I would propose that these be correctly surveyed, laid out in lots of 2 or so Acres, to be granted according to the means of settlers and to pay a Government rent of 2/6 per acre annually."[37]

By set up his base of operations in Wright's Town, and began construction of the Union Bridge英语Chaudière Bridge#Union Bridge[35] as a link to the new town. The Royal Sappers and Miners英语Royal Engineers were employed in 1827 for the canal's construction, which began at three separate places, one of them being the site of the locks in Ottawa.[38] The workers were eventually moved into three barracks on today's Parliament Hill, which was then known as Barracks Hill. In 1827, Sappers Bridge英语Sappers Bridge (Ottawa) connecting the Upper Town (west of the canal) and Lower Town英语Lower Town (east of the canal) was built over the Rideau Canal.

The Victoria Brewery was established in 1829, by John Rochester, senior, and James Rochester, in the brewing of ale and porter. By 1866, it was conducted on Richmond Road, by John Rochester, junior.[39] The Chaudiere Brewery, which was established in 1858, was carried on by Parris & Smith by 1865. By 1866, Mr. Sterling operated a brewery at the foot of Rideau Locks while Dr. Doyle operated a brewery on Sussex Street.[40]

A steady stream of Irish immigration to Eastern Ontario (already well underway) in the next few decades,[41] along with French Canadians who crossed over from Quebec, provided the bulk of workers involved in the Rideau Canal project and the timber trade.[42] The canal was dubbed the Rideau Canal when it was finally completed in 1832. Colonel By laid out the town, most of his original street plans remain today.

View of Parliament Hill and Chaudière Falls, Ottawa, ca. 1859. The hill is the second high landmass jutting into the Ottawa River on the right. It still contains barracks here, its last year with them, for construction of the Parliament Builds is about to begin. The Union Bridge is in the foreground, but its main span has been replaced, after many years of ferry service only, with a steel suspension bridge.

To manufacture carriages and waggons, Peter Dufour established a carriage works in 1832; The Royal Carriage Factory was established in 1840, by George Humphries; and Wm. Stockdale & Brother's, on Rideau street, was established in 1854. Perkins' Foundry, on Sparks street, was established in 1840, by Lyman Perkins to manufacture steam engines, boilers and mill machinery; The City Foundry was established in 1848, by T. M. Blasdell to manufacture Mill machinery and agricultural implements. James McCullough, established a tannery in 1860 to turn out leather.[39]

Former Bytown mayor and cabinet minister, Richard William Scott英语Richard William Scott recalled that in early 1850,

Neither Wellington英语Wellington Street (Ottawa), nor the streets south of it, between Elgin英语Elgin Street (Ottawa) and Bank英语Bank Street (Ottawa), had been laid out. Sussex英语Sussex Drive was the business thoroughfare, and lots on it and the western ends of Rideau英语Rideau Street, George, and parallel streets, as far north as St. Patrick Street, commanded the best values. Wellington west of Bank, to Bay Street, was fairly well built up. The Le Breton Flats, extending north-westerly from Pooley's Bridge英语LeBreton Flats#Pooley's Bridge (in the vicinity of the Water Works building英语Fleet Street Pumping Station) contained a number of scattered houses.[43]

The Timber trade spurred the growth of Bytown, and it saw an influx of immigrants, and later entrepreneurs hoping to profit from the squared timber that would be floated down the Ottawa River to Quebec.[25][44] Bytown had seen some trouble in the early days, first with the Shiners' War英语Shiners' War in 1835 to 1845,[45] and the Stony Monday Riot英语Stony Monday Riot in 1849.[46]

City of Ottawa

The St Lawrence and Ottawa Railway and Bytown and Prescott Railway英语Bytown and Prescott Railway linked the town to the outside world in 1854,[1] after a lot of expense and later huge losses by the city.[47] Bytown, now no longer a town, was renamed and the City of Ottawa was incorporated seven days later on January 1, 1855. Though the suggestion to give the city an aboriginal name had been published as early as 1844, Mayor Turgeon英语J. B. Turgeon and Municipal Council proposed the name Ottawa to mark the 200th anniversary of the Ottawa people英语Ottawa people employing the river once again to come to Montreal for trade reasons.[48] The river had been unused for about 5 years for fear of attack but a 1654 truce with the Iroquois allowed its reuse.[48] While the event itself was not highly significant, it gave the name a historical context.

Old Ottawa Post Office. Sappers Bridge英语Sappers Bridge (left), Dufferin Bridge(right) over the Rideau Canal, 1890s. Today the War Memorial stands where the post office stood, with a new post office (now also old) on Sparks Street. The two bridges were replaced by the Plaza Bridge (Ottawa)英语Plaza Bridge (Ottawa), and filled in. The centre block of the parliament buildings was replaced after a 1916 fire.

1841年,Upper Canada ceased to exist as present day southern Quebec joined present day southern Ontario in the Province of Canada. The capital of Upper Canada had alternated between several cities for a while, and in 1857, Queen Victoria was asked to choose a more permanent location. Among the influences of her decision were defense concerns, as well as a location that would be somewhat centralized, and she chose Ottawa (see: History of Parliament Hill).

The "Ottawa Citizen" was originally established in 1844 as the "By town Packet" [39]

The sawed lumber industry英语Ottawa River timber trade supplanted the squared timber trade around the time Ottawa was incorporated when an influx of mostly American lumber barons decided that more money could be made if the timber was actually sawed. Mills began to be constructed; some of Canada's largest sawmills were located near the Chaudière Falls. Notable lumber barons in this area were Henry Franklin Bronson英语Henry Franklin Bronson and John Rudolphus Booth英语John Rudolphus Booth. The lumber industry contributed to Ottawa's growth, and evidence of it is practically nonexistent today. The major portion of this industry lasted until shortly after the turn of the century, the decline being caused by decreased markets for lumber due to the switch to steel, Britain no longer subsidizing the market, and reduced supplies of uncut timber. During a time of stagnation in manufacturing and a decrease in the city's industrialization, the city would see new government departments being formed and large increases in public service employment following 1900.[49]

Between 1860 and 1876, construction of the parliament buildings took place on Parliament Hill. In 1867, the Provinces of Lower Canada and Upper Canada ceased to exist and were replaced with the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. Upon formation they united with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in Canadian Confederation. Legislation enacted in 1870 as "An Act respecting certain Works on the Ottawa River"[50] remains in effect to this day and mandates that the River and "all canals or other cuttings for facilitating such navigation, and all dams, slides, piers, booms, embankments and other works of what kind or nature soever in the channel or waters of the said River" fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Parliament at Ottawa, which now delegates this responsibility to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services英语Minister of Public Works and Government Services.

The Ottawa Academy and Young Ladies' Seminary was established on Sparks Street in 1861.[40]

Messrs. Nordhemier & Co. established an agency in 1866 for all kinds of music and musical instruments, under the management of J. L. Orille & Son. Magdalen Asylum, run by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd was established as a religious and charitable society in 1866 on Ottawa street between Gloucester and Chapel.[39]

On April 7, 1868, Thomas D'Arcy McGee英语Thomas D'Arcy McGee, a Father of Confederation and Member of Parliament, was assassinated outside Mrs. Trotter's boarding house on Sparks Street between Metcalfe and O'Connor.[51] Yesterday's Restaurant currently stands at the location. On February 11, 1869, Patrick J. Whelan英语Patrick J. Whelan was publicly hanged at the Gaol on Nicholas Street英语Nicholas Street Gaol.[51] It was the last public hanging in Canada.

Expansion into a major Canadian city

Ottawa Electric Railway英语Ottawa Electric Railway streetcar on Rideau Street英语Rideau Street (looking east, ca.1898)

A vast public transportation network was started when Thomas Ahearn英语Thomas Ahearn founded the Ottawa Electric Railway Company英语Ottawa Electric Railway in 1893, replacing a horsecar英语horsecar system which began in 1870.[52] This private enterprise eventually provided heated streetcar service covering areas such as Brittania英语Britannia, Ottawa, Westboro英语Westboro, Ottawa, The Glebe英语The Glebe, Rockcliffe Park英语Rockcliffe Park, Ontario and Old Ottawa South英语Old Ottawa South.[52]

Ottawa became part the transcontinental rail network on June 28, 1886, when Pacific Express英语Pacific Express connected it to Hull, Quebec (now Gatineau) and then onto Lachute英语Lachute, Quebec via the Prince of Wales Bridge英语Prince of Wales Bridge.[53] For years, Ottawa was crisscrossed by the railways of several companies which had stations such as the Bytown and Prescott Railway in New Edinburgh, Broad Street in Lebreton Flats, and two others.[54] A downtown central station was first created in 1895 through John Rudolphus Booth's Canada Atlantic Railway英语Canada Atlantic Railway. The site was later used for Union Station英语Union Station (Ottawa), which opened in June 1912 to little fanfare, since Grand Trunk Railway英语Grand Trunk Railway general manager Charles Hays英语Charles Melville Hays perished in the Titanic disaster two months previously.[55] Though removed in 1966, the tracks had led along the east side of the canal towards downtown to Union Station, then alongside Chateau Laurier running to the Alexandra英语Alexandra Bridge (Interprovincial) Bridge.

Map of the City of Ottawa Insurance Plan, 1888–1901 with business names and locations indicated

The Hull-Ottawa fire of 1900英语1900 Hull–Ottawa fire destroyed two thirds of Hull, including 40 per cent of its residential buildings and most of its largest employers along the waterfront.[56] The fire also spread across the Ottawa River and destroyed about one fifth of Ottawa from the Lebreton Flats south to Booth Street英语Booth Street and down to Dow's Lake英语Dow's Lake.[57]

The Centre Block of the Parliament buildings were destroyed by fire on February 3, 1916.[58] The House of Commons and Senate were temporarily relocated to the recently constructed Victoria Memorial Museum, now the Canadian Museum of Nature英语Canadian Museum of Nature.[59] A new Centre Block was completed in 1922, the centrepiece of which is a dominant Gothic revival-styled structure known as the Peace Tower英语Peace Tower located on Wellington Street.[60]

Confederation Square was created in the late 1930s, and Canada's National War Memorial was erected. It used lands that once contained the prestigious Russell House英语Russell House (Ottawa) hotel, the Russell Theatre, and old City Hall英语Second City Hall (Ottawa), all which succumbed to fire, and the old post office and Knox Presbyterian Church英语Knox Presbyterian Church (Ottawa) were demolished. A new Central Post Office英语Central Post Office (Ottawa) was erected facing the memorial.

Ottawa's industrial appearance was vastly changed due to the 1940s Greber Plan英语Greber Plan. Later powers were given by an act of Parliament to the newly formed National Capital Commission英语National Capital Commission (NCC) to attain ownership of lands, and effect vast changes. Some of the results of these were the National Capital Greenbelt英语Greenbelt (Ottawa), expropriation of areas in downtown, the removal of large industrial areas, the removal of downtown railway tracks, the relocation of the train station out of downtown, and the creation and maintenance of areas that would provide the nation's capital with a more attractive appearance.

Highway 417 looking east, overlooking the half completed Carling Avenue英语Carling Avenue interchange in 1961

Collaboration between the city and NCC's predecessor, the Federal District Commission also led to major water and sewer projects, the construction of the Queensway which had been the old GTR/CNR right of way, several bridges, expansion of Carling Avenue, and the offer of F.D.C. land at Green Island (near Rideau Falls) to create city hall英语Old City Hall (Ottawa), opened in 1958.[61] Until then, the city had been without a permanent building for around 17 years. It was in use until 2000, when Ottawa City Hall英语Ottawa City Hall occupied the former headquarters of the municipality英语Regional Municipality of Ottawa–Carleton.[61]

In the 1960s and 1970s, a building boom vastly changed Ottawa's skyline. Ottawa became one of Canada's largest high tech cities and was nicknamed Silicon Valley North英语Silicon Valley North. By the 1980s, Bell Northern Research (later Nortel) employed thousands, and large federally assisted research facilities such as the National Research Council英语National Research Council (Canada) contributed to an eventual technology boom. The early adopters led to offshoot companies such as Newbridge Networks英语Newbridge Networks, Mitel英语Mitel and Corel. Other large companies specializing in computer software and electronics infrastructures formed about this time, but by 2001, huge losses started being incurred. The industry continues today, but has been changed quite a bit.

Ottawa's city limits had been increasing over the years, but it acquired the most territory on January 1, 2001, when it amalgamated all the municipalities of the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton英语Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton into one single city. Regional Chair Bob Chiarelli英语Bob Chiarelli was elected as the new city's first mayor in the 2000 municipal election英语Ottawa municipal election, 2000, defeating Gloucester英语Gloucester, Ontario mayor Claudette Cain英语Claudette Cain. The city now not only includes former cities of Vanier英语Vanier, Ontario, Nepean英语Nepean, Ontario, Kanata and suburbs Orleans, Ontario英语Orleans, Ontario and others, but now has many farms within its city limits.


The city's growth led to strains on the public transit system and to bridges. On October 15, 2001, a light rail transit (LRT) was introduced, the O-Train, which connected downtown Ottawa英语downtown Ottawa to the southern suburbs via Carleton University. Much political debate about the expansion of light rail dominated civic politics throughout the next decade. The vote to extend the O-Train Trillium Line, and to replace it with an electric tram system was a major issue in the 2006 municipal elections英语Ottawa municipal election, 2006 where Chiarelli was defeated to businessman Larry O'Brien英语Larry O'Brien (Canadian politician). The new council changed their minds on light rail expansion, sparking much legal controversy. Plans were later created to establish a series of light rail stations from the east side of the city into downtown, and for using a tunnel in the downtown core. Truck traffic problems created much debate about a future east end bridge ("interprovincial crossing") linking Ottawa to Gatineau and an ongoing study was started in 2006.[62][63]

In 2001, the city banned smoking in public bars and restaurants. After much debate, Ottawa City Council英语Ottawa City Council voted against a motion to ban the cosmetic use of pesticides in 2005. Mayor Larry O'Brien experienced ongoing legal troubles during his tenure and was defeated in the 2010 municipal elections英语Ottawa municipal election, 2010 by former mayor Jim Watson.

In 2002, Ottawa was granted its second Canadian Football League (CFL) franchise, the Ottawa Renegades英语Ottawa Renegades. The team would fold after just four seasons. In 2007, part of the south side stands at Frank Clair Stadium was demolished, sparking ideas about the site's future. In 2010, city council voted to renovate the stadium and to redevelop all of Lansdowne Park英语Lansdowne Park. The city was also awarded a CFL franchise that began play in 2014 called the Ottawa Redblacks英语Ottawa Redblacks. In 2014, the city was awarded a Can-AM Baseball franchise and the Ottawa Champions (www.OttawaChampions.com) began play on May 22, 2015 at the Ottawa Stadium (now named the Raymond Chabot Grant Thorton or RCGT Park)










  1. ^ The inscription 'Sault' means waterfall or rapids in early French
  2. ^ 18世纪30年代至40年代期间,他曾四次前往西部



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 The province of Ontario gazetteer and directory. H. McEvoy Editor and Compiler, Toronto : Robertson & Cook, Publishers, 1869
  2. ^ Haig 1982.
  3. ^ William J. Miller. Geology: The Science of the Earth's Crust (Illustrations). P. F. Collier & Son Company. 2015: 37. GGKEY:Y3TD08H3RAT. 
  4. ^ McMillan & Yellowhorn 2004,第103頁.
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Taylor 1986,第11頁.
  6. ^ Settlement Along the Ottawa River (PDF). Ottawa River Heritage Designation Committee (Ontario Ministry of Culture): 1. 2008 [14 July 2011]. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Hessel 1987,第10頁.
  8. ^ Shaw 1998,第1頁.
  9. ^ Hessel 1987,第2, 10頁.
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Russell, Brown; Donna, Bennett. An Anthology of Canadian Literature in English 1. Oxford University Press. 1982: p.436. ISBN 9780195403114. 
  11. ^ Douglas 2003,第88頁.
  12. ^ Matthews 1987,第82頁.
  13. ^ Woods 1980,第5頁.
  14. ^ Brault 1946,第38,39頁.
  15. ^ Legget 1986,第36頁.
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Greening 1961,第5頁.
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 Haig 1975,第46頁.
  18. ^ The Ottawa River — Route to the Interior – National Capital Commission ::. Canadascapital.gc.ca. 2005-12-05 [2011-08-22]. 
  19. ^ Mika 1982,第12頁.
  20. ^ Lucas, Sir Charles Prestwood. Canada: Part 1, the History from the Discoveries to 1763. Clarendon Press. 1923: 121. 
  21. ^ Woods 1980,第31頁.
  22. ^ Schrauwers 2009,第44頁.
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 Legget 1986,第23頁.
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 Lee 2006,第16頁.
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 Van de Wetering 1997,第11頁.
  26. ^ Mika 1982,第18頁.
  27. ^ Brault 1946,第304頁.
  28. ^ Brault 1946,第55頁.
  29. ^ Haig 1975,第53頁.
  30. ^ Haig 1975,第50頁.
  31. ^ Woods 1980.
  32. ^ Watson, Ken W. The Rideau Route, Exploring the Pre-Canal Waterway. Elgin: Ken W. Watson. 2007: 75. 
  33. ^ Mika 1982,第50頁.
  34. ^ 34.0 34.1 Brault 1946,第48頁.
  35. ^ 35.0 35.1 Mika 1982.
  36. ^ Haig 1975,第34頁.
  37. ^ Watson, Ken W. A History of the Rideau Lockstations. Smiths Falls: Friends of the Rideau. 2000: 12. 
  38. ^ Pentland 1981,第52頁.
  39. ^ 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 Ottawa City and counties of Carleton and Russell Directory, 1866-7
  40. ^ 40.0 40.1 Mitchell & Co's County of Carleton and Ottawa City Directory for 1864–5; Toronto: W.C. Chewett & Co, 1864
  41. ^ Keshen & St-Onge 2001,第226頁.
  42. ^ Pentland 1981,第120頁.
  43. ^ Scott 1911.
  44. ^ Lee 2006,第21頁.
  45. ^ The Shiners' War (PDF). Workers' Heritage Centre. [2010-08-26]. 
  46. ^ Martin 1997,第22頁.
  47. ^ Brault 1946,第190頁.
  48. ^ 48.0 48.1 Brault 1946,第19頁.
  49. ^ Taylor 1986,第120頁.
  50. ^ "An Act respecting certain Works on the Ottawa River" (S.C. 1870, c. 24)
  51. ^ 51.0 51.1 Woods 1980,第140頁.
  52. ^ 52.0 52.1 Van de Wetering 1997,第28頁.
  53. ^ Ottawa History – 1886–1890. Bytown Museum. [2011-08-10]. 
  54. ^ Van de Wetering 1997,第123頁.
  55. ^ Van de Wetering 1997,第41頁.
  56. ^ Report of the Ottawa and Hull Fire Relief Fund, 1900, Ottawa. (PDF). The Rolla L. Crain Co (Archive CD Books Canada): 5–12. December 31, 1900 [2011-07-07]. 
  57. ^ Van de Wetering 1997,第57頁.
  58. ^ Hale 2011,第108頁.
  59. ^ Mullington 2005,第120頁.
  60. ^ Reader's Digest Association (Canada)2004,第40頁.
  61. ^ 61.0 61.1 Taylor 1986,第186–194頁.
  62. ^ Interprovincial Crossings – Liaisons interprovinciales – Home. Ncrcrossings. [2011-10-17]. 
  63. ^ City of Ottawa – Interprovincial Bridges. City of Ottawa. 2011 [2011-10-17]. 
  64. ^ David Lee, Lumber Kings & Shantymen, James Lorimer & Company, Publishers, Toronto, 2006, p.16.
  65. ^ John H. Taylor, Ottawa, An Illustrated History, James Lorimer & Company, Publishers, Canadian Museum of Civilization, National Museums of Canada, Toronto, 1986, p.11.
  66. ^ John H. Taylor, Ottawa, An Illustrated History, James Lorimer & Company, Publishers, Canadian Museum of Civilization, National Museums of Canada, Toronto, 1986, p.13.
  67. ^ David Lee, Lumber Kings & Shantymen, James Lorimer & Company, Publishers, Toronto, 2006, p.21.
  68. ^ 68.00 68.01 68.02 68.03 68.04 68.05 68.06 68.07 68.08 68.09 68.10 68.11 68.12 68.13 68.14 68.15 68.16 68.17 68.18 Mitchell & Co's County of Carleton and Ottawa City Directory for 1864-5; Toronto: W.C. Chewett & Co, 1864
  69. ^ The sum of the populations of all the municipalities in the national capital region in the 2006 Census



Category:Settlers of the National Capital Region of Canada英语Category:Settlers of the National Capital Region of Canada Category:Bytown英语Category:Bytown