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Cross wiki promo

Please be warned - this is a cross wiki partypromo/spam effort. The Dutch vandalism report can be found here. Als the links are meta-blacklisted. accounts and sockpuppets galore - usually the first one was a crosswiki account called Wiki_Languagecode-for-that-specific-Wikipedia_Wiki. MoiraMoira, moderator Wikipedia-nl

MoiraMoira has incorrectly claimed things that are not backed up by the facts or history. He/she is presenging articles as “anti-American” points of view without substantiation. He/she is not presuming good faith and she is rather presuming “anti-Americanism” when that is not necessarily the case. That goes against the spirit of Wikipedia. His/her claims have already been questioned here and he/she has yet not responded. We should ask why has he/she not responded yet? Claire Maria (留言) 2007年12月31日 (一) 16:48 (UTC)[回复]