


Warning about deletion request

Note that this wikipedia article is cited in one reference given by the TCA-CNS 11643-1992 standard (p. 319), and retained by the IRG standardization group, listed as one of the "T" sources for encoding characters in the UCS by ISO/IEC 10646 and Unicode, and also in the UniHan database.

Please do not delete it, but instead improve it, if it looks too much "advertizing", because it is needed for several national and international standards. Make sure you keep its quality.

See the Unicode report 38 about "T" sources of Han ideographs (https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr38/index.html#kIRG_TSource) which shows:

(6) 《中文大辭典》,中國文化大學出版部,民國 71 年 8 月。[‘Zhōng Wén Dà Cídiǎn: Encyclopedic Dictionary of Written Chinese’. Aug., 1982. 中文大辭典 (Wikipedia)]

Also consider adding other missing references of dictionaries cited by the Unicode Report 38 for the UniHan database, and link this article to the Wikipedia articles describing UniHan and the TCA-CNS 11643 standard (1992 and 2007 versions). As well make sure there are references entries as well in Wikidata, with wikilinks to these articles.

Thanks.--Verdy p留言2024年6月13日 (四) 01:13 (UTC)[回复]