


迷霧水珠》(英語:Foggy Dew)是數首愛爾蘭民謠的名稱。最著名的一首與1916年復活節起義有關,鼓勵愛爾蘭人為共和大業而戰,而非像許多年輕人一樣,在第一次世界大戰中為大英帝國而戰。


1840年,愛德華·邦廷的《愛爾蘭古代樂曲》(The Ancient Music of Ireland)首次記載了「迷霧水珠」一名。它是一首愛爾蘭傳統歌曲,[1]其曲調與現代流行的版本不同(亦與挽歌及反叛歌曲版本不同)。邦廷的曲調來自《J. Mc Knight, Belfast, 1839》,但同旋律「Corraga Bawn」早在1804年已出現在《奧法雷爾的愛爾蘭風笛民族音樂作品集》(O'Farrell's Collection of National Irish Music for the Union Pipes)當中。[2]


另一首名為「迷霧水珠」的歌曲是由查爾斯·歐尼爾(Charles O'Neill;1887-1963年)創作的。他出身於安特里姆郡波特格農(Portglenone),起初於唐暨康納教區擔任牧師,其後成為貝爾法斯特聖伯多祿主教座堂的助理牧師;晚年先後於唐郡的基爾庫英语Kilcoo, County Down紐卡索英语Newcastle, County Down擔任堂區主持牧師[3] [4]1912年,梅努斯聖博德大學英语St Patrick's College, Maynooth授予歐尼爾聖職。[5]

音樂出自巴里卡索英语Ballycastle, County Antrim麥可·達勒英语Michael Dallat的姊妹凱薩琳(Kathleen Dallat)所擁有的手稿,其顯示編曲者是卡爾·哈德貝克英语Carl Hardebeck[6]歌曲旋律與傳統情歌《The Moorlough Shore英语The Moorlough Shore》一致。

《迷霧水珠》是復活節起義和第一次世界大戰後愛爾蘭政局的產物。戰爭期間,約有21萬愛爾蘭人加入並於英國軍隊服役。[7]此舉使許多愛爾蘭人(特別是民族主義同情者)五味雜陳。雖然他們大多支持英國作戰,但也認為這場戰爭的正當性之一,即比利時塞爾維亞等「小國的自由」,同樣適用於仍受英國統治的愛爾蘭。[8]1915年,響應了約翰·雷德蒙德英语John Redmond的號召,加入戰爭的愛爾蘭年輕人(其中主要是中產階級)在加里波利遭屠殺,令許多人轉而反戰。

1916年,以詹姆斯·康諾利派屈克·皮爾斯為首的愛爾蘭愛國者,趁英國忙於一戰之際,佔領了都柏林部分主要建築,包括郵政總局;其他人則於亞許本英语Ashbourne, County Meath高威起義


歐尼爾牧師於創作《迷霧水珠》時即反映了此種疏離感,紀念那數百名勇士奮起反抗當時最強的帝國。 1919年,他出席了愛爾蘭眾議院的首次會議。 [9]點名時,許多當選議員缺席,只得到了一句回覆:「被外國人關起來了」(faoi ghlas ag na Gaill)。[9]種種事件深刻影響歐尼爾;其後,他即創作了《迷霧水珠》,講述復活節起義的故事,寫出了眾多愛爾蘭人的心聲。他們現在終於認為,大戰期間為英國而戰的愛爾蘭人應該留下,為愛爾蘭獨立而戰。

歐尼爾用一句歌詞總結這種感受:「在愛爾蘭的天空下死去,總比死在蘇弗拉英语Landing at Suvla Bay塞迪爾巴希爾英语Sedd el Bahr要好得多。」[9]



As down the glen one Easter morn

To a city fair rode I.

There armed lines of marching men

In squadrons passed me by.

No pipe did hum, no battle drum

Did sound its loud tattoo

But the Angelus bell o'er the Liffy's swell

Rang out in the foggy dew.


Right proudly high over Dublin town

They hung out that flag of war.

'Twas better to die 'neath an Irish sky

Than at Suvla or Sud el Bar.

And from the plains of Royal Meath

Strong men came hurrying through;

While Brittania huns with their long-range guns

Sailed in from the foggy dew.


oh the night fell black and the rifle's crack

made perfidious Albion reel

'mid the leaden rain and seven tongues of flame

did shine o're the lines of steel

by each shining blade a prayer was said

that to Ireland her sons be true

when the morning broke still the war flag shook

out its fold on the foggy dew.


T'was England bade our wild geese go

That small nations might be free.

But their lonely graves are by Suvla's waves

Or the fringe of the great North Sea.

But had they died by Pearse's side

Or fought with Cathal Brugha,

Their names we would keep where the Fenians sleep

'Neath the shroud of the foggy dew.


but the bravest fell, and the requiem bell

Rang mournfully and clear

For those who died that Eastertide

In the spring time of the year.

And the world did gaze in deep amaze

At those fearless men, but few

Who bore the fight that freedom's light

Might shine through the foggy dew.


Back through that glen I rode again

and my heart with grief was sore

for I parted with those gallant men

whom I'll never see no more

But to and fro in dreams I'll go

and I'll kneel and pray for you

For slavery fled, oh glorious dead,

when you fell in the foggy dew.


許多愛爾蘭傳統樂隊都演奏和錄製過《迷霧水珠》,如The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem英语The Clancy Brothers and Tommy MakemThe Dubliners英语The DublinersThe Chieftains英语The Chieftains尚恩·麥高恩英语Shane MacGowan狼音英语The Wolfe Tones等。

  • Niklas Kleberg與The Darkeyed Musician於其Youtube頻道上翻唱了這首歌(頻道名稱分別為「Hear My Melody」及「The Darkeyed Musician」)。


  1. ^ Bunting, Edward: The Ancient Music of Ireland (Dublin: Hodges & Smith, 1840), tune no. 150, p. 109; facsimile reprint, Dublin: Waltons, 1969.
  2. ^ Fleischmann, Aloys (ed.): Sources of Irish Traditional Music c.1600–1855, 2 volumes (New York: Garland Publishing, 1998), ISBN 0-8240-6948-X, vol. 2, p. 717 and 1106, tunes no. 3913 and 6068.
  3. ^ O'Boyle, Cathal. Songs of the County Down. Skerries, Co. Dublin: Gilbert Dalton. 1973. ISBN 0-86233-012-2. 
  4. ^ Down & Connor Diocesan Archives in Belfast, record for Father Charles O'Neill
  5. ^ https://www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk/viewer/bl/0002318/19630520/025/0002需要付费订阅 –通过British Newspaper Archive.  缺少或|title=为空 (帮助)
  6. ^ Harte, Frank. Songs of Dublin. Skerries, Co. Dublin: Gilbert Dalton. 1978. ISBN 0-946005-51-6. 
  7. ^ Keith Jeffery. Ireland and the Great War. (Cambridge University Press, 2000)
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 History – British History in depth: Ireland and World War One. BBC. [11 August 2012]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-06). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 History – 1916 Easter Rising – Rebel Songs (Part 4). BBC. [2023-03-25]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-06). 
  10. ^ Major Lingo – Ride (1987, Cassette), [2021-08-03], (原始内容存档于2021-08-03) (英语) 
  11. ^ Foggy Dew, 4 May 2020 [6 July 2020], (原始内容存档于2023-03-24) (英语) 
  12. ^ Foggy Dew, [2023-03-25], (原始内容存档于2023-03-24) 
  13. ^ The Foggy Dew (Irish War Song), [2022-11-23], (原始内容存档于2023-06-19) (英语) 
