


西格尔零点西格尔零(英語:Siegel zero)、兰道-西格尔零点(英語:Landau-Siegel zero)、異常零点(英語:exceptional zero[1]),是以德国数学家愛德蒙·蘭道卡爾·西格爾命名的一種对廣義黎曼假設潛在反例解析數論猜想,是關於與二次域相關的狄利克雷L函數的零點。粗略說,這些可能的零點在可量化的意義上可以非常接近s = 1




The way in which Siegel zeros appear in the theory of Dirichlet L-functions is as potential exceptions to the classical zero-free regions英语Dirichlet L-function#Zeros, which can only occur when the L-function is associated to a real Dirichlet character.

Real primitive Dirichlet characters

For an integer q ≥ 1, a Dirichlet character modulo q is an arithmetic function英语arithmetic function satisfying the following properties:

  • (Completely multiplicative英语Completely multiplicative function) for every m, n;
  • (Periodic) for every n;
  • (Support) if .

That is, χ is the lifting of a homomorphism英语homomorphism .

The trivial character is the character modulo 1, and the principal character modulo q, denoted , is the lifting of the trivial homomorphism .

A character is called imprimitive if there exists some integer with such that the induced homomorphism factors as

for some character ; otherwise, is called primitive.

A character is real (or quadratic) if it equals its complex conjugate英语complex conjugate (defined as ), or equivalently if . The real primitive Dirichlet characters are in one-to-one correspondence with the 克罗内克符号s for a fundamental discriminant英语fundamental discriminant (i.e., the discriminant of a quadratic number field英语quadratic number field).[2] One way to define is as the completely multiplicative arithmetic function determined by (for p prime):

It is thus common to write , which are real primitive characters modulo .

Classical zero-free regions

The Dirichlet L-function associated to a character is defined as the analytic continuation英语analytic continuation of the 狄利克雷级数 defined for , where s is a complex variable英语complex variable. For non-principal, this continuation is entire英语Entire function; otherwise it has a simple pole英语Zeros and poles of residue英语Residue (complex analysis) at s = 1 as its only singularity. For , Dirichlet L-functions can be expanded into an 欧拉乘积 , from where it follows that has no zeros in this region. The prime number theorem for arithmetic progressions英语Prime number theorem#Prime number theorem for arithmetic progressions is equivalent (in a certain sense) to (). Moreover, via the functional equation英语Dirichlet L-function#Functional equation, we can reflect these regions through to conclude that, with the exception of negative integers of same parity as χ,[3] all the other zeros of must lie inside . This region is called the critical strip, and zeros in this region are called non-trivial zeros.

The classical theorem on zero-free regions (Grönwall,[4] Landau,[5] Titchmarsh[6]) states that there exists a(n) (effectively computable) real number such that, writing for the complex variable, the function has no zeros in the region

if is non-real. If is real, then there is at most one zero in this region, which must necessarily be real and simple. This possible zero is the so-called Siegel zero.

The Generalized Riemann Hypothesis英语Generalized Riemann Hypothesis (GRH) claims that for every , all the non-trivial zeros of lie on the line .


The definition of Siegel zeros as presented ties it to the constant A in the zero-free region. This often makes it tricky to deal with these objects, since in many situations the particular value of the constant A is of little concern.[1] Hence, it is usual to work with more definite statements, either asserting or denying, the existence of an infinite family of such zeros, such as in:

  • Conjecture ("no Siegel zeros"): If denotes the largest real zero of , then

The possibility of existence or non-existence of Siegel zeros has a large impact in closely related subjects of number theory, with the "no Siegel zeros" conjecture serving as a weaker (although powerful, and sometimes fully sufficient) substitute for GRH (see below for an example involving Siegel–Tatuzawa's Theorem and the idoneal number英语idoneal number problem). An equivalent formulation of "no Siegel zeros" that does not reference zeros explicitly is the statement:

The equivalence can be deduced for example by using the zero-free regions and classical estimates for the number of non-trivial zeros of up to a certain height.[7]

Landau–Siegel estimates

The first breakthrough in dealing with these zeros came from Landau, who showed that there exists an effectively computable constant B > 0 such that, for any and real primitive characters to distinct moduli, if are real zeros of respectively, then

This is saying that, if Siegel zeros exist, then they cannot be too numerous. The way this is proved is via a 'twisting' argument, which lifts the problem to the Dedekind zeta function英语Dedekind zeta function of the biquadratic field英语biquadratic field . This technique is still largely applied in modern works.

This 'repelling effect' (see Deuring–Heilbronn phenomenon英语Deuring–Heilbronn phenomenon), after more careful analysis, led Landau to his 1936 theorem,[8] which states that for every , there is such that, if is a real zero of , then . However, in the same year, in the same issue of the same journal, Siegel[9] directly improved this estimate to

Both Landau's and Siegel's proofs provide no explicit way to calculate , thus being instances of an ineffective result英语Effective results in number theory.

Siegel–Tatuzawa 定理

In 1951, T. Tatuzawa英语Tikao Tatsuzawa proved an 'almost' effective version of Siegel's theorem,[10] showing that for any fixed , if then

with the possible exception of at most one fundamental discriminant. Using the 'almost effectivity' of this result, P. J. Weinberger英语Peter J. Weinberger (1973)[11] showed that Euler's list of 65 idoneal numbers英语Idoneal number is complete except for at most one element.

Relation to quadratic fields

Siegel zeros often appear as more than an artificial issue in the argument for deducing zero-free regions, since zero-free region estimates enjoy deep connections to the arithmetic of quadratic fields. For instance, the identity can be interpreted as an analytic formulation of quadratic reciprocity英语quadratic reciprocity (see Artin reciprocity law §Statement in terms of L-functions英语Artin reciprocity law#Statement in terms of L-functions). The precise relation between the distribution of zeros near s = 1 and arithmetic comes from Dirichlet's class number formula英语Class number formula#Dirichlet class number formula:


This way, estimates for the largest real zero of can be translated into estimates for (via, for example, the fact that for ),[12] which in turn become estimates for . Classical works in the subject treat these three quantities essentially interchangeably, although the case D > 0 brings additional complications related to the fundamental unit.

Siegel zeros as 'quadratic phenomena'

There is a sense in which the difficulty associated to the phenomenon of Siegel zeros in general is entirely restricted to quadratic extensions. It is a consequence of the Kronecker–Weber theorem英语Kronecker–Weber theorem, for example, that the Dedekind zeta function英语Dedekind zeta function of an abelian number field英语Abelian extension can be written as a product of Dirichlet L-functions.[13] Thus, if has a Siegel zero, there must be some subfield with such that has a Siegel zero.

While for the non-abelian case can only be factored into more complicated Artin L-function英语Artin L-functions, the same is true:

  • Theorem (Stark英语Harold Stark, 1974).[14] Let be a number field of degree n > 1. There is a constant ( if is normal, otherwise) such that, if there is a real in the range
with , then there is a quadratic subfield such that . Here, is the field discriminant英语Discriminant of an algebraic number field of the extension .

"No Siegel zeros" for D < 0

When dealing with quadratic fields, the case tends to be elusive due to the behaviour of the fundamental unit. Thus, it is common to treat the cases and separately. Much more is known for the negative discriminant case:

Lower bounds for h(D)

In 1918, Hecke英语Erich Hecke showed that "no Siegel zeros" for implies that [5] (see Class number problem英语Class number problem for comparison). This can be extended to an equivalence, as it is a consequence of Theorem 3 in GranvilleStark英语Harold Stark (2000):[15]

where the summation runs over the reduced英语Binary quadratic form#Reduction and class numbers binary quadratic forms英语Binary quadratic form of discriminant . Using this, Granville and Stark showed that a certain uniform formulation of the abc conjecture英语abc conjecture for number fields implies "no Siegel zeros" for negative discriminants.

In 1976, D. Goldfeld英语Dorian Goldfeld[16] proved the following unconditional, effective lower bound for :

Complex multiplication

Another equivalence for "no Siegel zeros" for can be given in terms of upper bounds英语Upper and lower bounds for heights英语Height function of singular moduli英语Complex multiplication#Singular moduli:


The number generates the Hilbert class field英语Hilbert class field of , which is its maximal unramified abelian extension.[17] This equivalence is a direct consequence of the results in Granville–Stark (2000),[15] and can be seen in C. Táfula (2019).[18]

A precise relation between heights and values of L-functions was obtained by P. Colmez英语Pierre Colmez (1993,[19] 1998[20]), who showed that, for an elliptic curve with complex multiplication英语complex multiplication by , we have

where denotes the Faltings height英语Height function#Height functions in Diophantine geometry.[21] Using the identities [22] and ,[23] Colmez' theorem also provides a proof for the equivalence above.



另一個研究如此可能性的理由,是迄今為止,部分的無條件證明要分成兩部分:第一部分是假定西格爾零點不存在,第二部分是假定西格爾零點存在,並證明說想要的定理在這兩種狀況下都成立。一個如此為之的經典案例是關於算數數列中最小的質數英语primes in arithmetic progression林尼克定理




  • 定理(Heath-Brown, 1983):以下兩个命题至少有一為真:(1)不存在西格爾零點;(2)存在有無限多的孿生質數。




這使得很多運用篩法的估計,像是使用線性篩(linear sieve)做出的估計,[26]會以一個2的因子,與預期值產生誤差。

在2020年,關維英语Andrew Granville[27]證明說假若西格爾零點存在,那麼篩法篩選區間的一般上界就是最佳的,換句話說,在這種狀況下,奇偶性多出來的這個2的因子,就不會是篩法的人為限制。



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 See Iwaniec (2006).
  2. ^ See Satz 4, §5 of Zagier (1981).
  3. ^ χ (mod q) is even if χ(-1) = 1, and odd if χ(-1) = -1.
  4. ^ Grönwall英语Thomas Hakon Grönwall, T. H. Sur les séries de Dirichlet correspondant à des charactères complexes. Rendiconti di Palermo. 1913, 35: 145–159. S2CID 121161132. doi:10.1007/BF03015596 (法语). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Landau英语Edmund Landau, E. Über die Klassenzahl imaginär-quadratischer Zahlkörper. Göttinger Nachrichten. 1918: 285–295 (德语). 
  6. ^ Titchmarsh英语Edward Charles Titchmarsh, E. C. A divisor problem. Rendiconti di Palermo. 1930, 54: 414–429. S2CID 119578445. doi:10.1007/BF03021203. 
  7. ^ See Chapter 16 of Davenport (1980).
  8. ^ Landau英语Edmund Landau, E. Bemerkungen zum Heilbronnschen Satz. Acta Arithmetica英语Acta Arithmetica. 1936: 1–18 (德语). 
  9. ^ Siegel, C. L. Über die Klassenzahl quadratischer Zahlkörper [On the class numbers of quadratic fields]. Acta Arithmetica英语Acta Arithmetica. 1935, 1 (1): 83–86 [2022-11-07]. doi:10.4064/aa-1-1-83-86可免费查阅. (原始内容存档于2018-03-10) (德语). 
  10. ^ Tatuzawa, T. On a theorem of Siegel. Japanese Journal of Mathematics. 1951, 21: 163–178. doi:10.4099/jjm1924.21.0_163. 
  11. ^ Weinberger, P. J. Exponents of the class group of complex quadratic fields. Acta Arithmetica. 1973, 22 (2): 117–124. doi:10.4064/aa-22-2-117-124. 
  12. ^ See (11) in Chapter 14 of Davenport (1980).
  13. ^ Theorem 10.5.25 in Cohen, H. Number Theory: Volume II: Analytic and Modern Tools. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Number Theory. New York: Springer-Verlag. 2007. ISBN 978-0-387-49893-5 (英语). .
  14. ^ Lemma 8 in Stark, H. M. Some effective cases of the Brauer-Siegel Theorem. Inventiones Mathematicae. 1974-06-01, 23 (2): 135–152. ISSN 1432-1297. S2CID 119482000. doi:10.1007/BF01405166 (英语). 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Granville, A.; Stark, H.M. ABC implies no "Siegel zeros" for L-functions of characters with negative discriminant. Inventiones Mathematicae. 2000-03-01, 139 (3): 509–523. ISSN 1432-1297. S2CID 6901166. doi:10.1007/s002229900036 (英语). 
  16. ^ Goldfeld, Dorian M. The class number of quadratic fields and the conjectures of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer. Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze. 1976, 3 (4): 623–663 [2022-11-07]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-07) (法语). 
  17. ^ Theorem II.4.1 in Silverman, Joseph H., Advanced topics in the arithmetic of elliptic curves, Graduate Texts in Mathematics 151, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1994, ISBN 978-0-387-94325-1 .
  18. ^ Táfula, C. On Landau–Siegel zeros and heights of singular moduli. Acta Arithmetica. 2021, 201: 1–28. S2CID 208138549. arXiv:1911.07215可免费查阅. doi:10.4064/aa191118-18-5. 
  19. ^ Colmez, Pierre. Periodes des Varietes Abeliennes a Multiplication Complexe. Annals of Mathematics. 1993, 138 (3): 625–683 [2022-11-07]. ISSN 0003-486X. JSTOR 2946559. doi:10.2307/2946559. (原始内容存档于2022-11-07). 
  20. ^ Colmez, Pierre. Sur la hauteur de Faltings des variétés abéliennes à multiplication complexe. Compositio Mathematica. 1998-05-01, 111 (3): 359–369. ISSN 1570-5846. doi:10.1023/A:1000390105495可免费查阅 (英语). 
  21. ^ See the diagram in subsection 0.6 of Colmez (1993). There is small typo in the upper right corner of this diagram, that should instead read "".
  22. ^ Proposition 2.1, Chapter X of Cornell, G.; Silverman, J. H. (编). Arithmetic Geometry. New York: Springer-Verlag. 1986 [2022-11-07]. ISBN 978-0-387-96311-2. (原始内容存档于2021-05-06) (英语). 
  23. ^ Consequence of the functional equation英语Dirichlet L-function#Functional equation, where γ = 0.57721... is the Euler–Mascheroni constant英语Euler–Mascheroni constant.
  24. ^ Heath-Brown, D. R. Prime Twins and Siegel Zeros. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 1983-09-01, s3–47 (2): 193–224. ISSN 0024-6115. doi:10.1112/plms/s3-47.2.193 (英语). 
  25. ^ Heath-Brown's theorem on prime twins and Siegel zeroes. What's new. 2015-08-27 [2021-03-13]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-11) (英语). 
  26. ^ See Chapter 9 of Nathanson, Melvyn B. Additive Number Theory The Classical Bases. Graduate Texts in Mathematics. New York: Springer-Verlag. 1996 [2022-11-07]. ISBN 978-0-387-94656-6. (原始内容存档于2021-08-02) (英语). 
  27. ^ Granville, A. Sieving intervals and Siegel zeros. 2020. arXiv:2010.01211可免费查阅 [math.NT].