


商業載人航天發展計畫(英語:Commercial Crew Development縮寫CCDev始於商業載人發展(CCDev)計劃的第二輪,該計劃從用於人類航天的技術開發計劃擴展到一個競爭性開發計劃,該計劃將生產可在商業載人計劃中使用的航天器 。從2011年開始,NASA以從私人供應商那裡購買載人太空船的概念,以載運美國和各國的太空人往返國際太空站(ISS)。2014年9月,SpaceX波音公司獲得了發射太空人升空的運營合同。[1]




任務 圖章 太空船 描述 乘員 日期 結果
天龍號太空船C201 (1)
Pad abort test, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida 不適用 2015年5月6日 成功
載人龍飛船C204 (1)
Uncrewed test flight. DM-1 launched on 2 March 2019 and docked to ISS PMA-2/IDA-2 docking port a little under 24 hours after launch. The Dragon spent five days docked to ISS before undocking and landing on 8 March 2019. None 2019年3月2日[4] 成功
Spacecraft 1
Uncrewed Pad Abort Test 不適用 2019年11月4日 成功
Spacecraft 3
Uncrewed test flight. Was the first flight of an Atlas V with a dual engine Centaur upper stage. Was originally planned to spend eight days docked to ISS before landing. However, Starliner was unable to rendezvous with the station due to the MET anomaly forcing it to enter a lower-than-expected orbit.[5] The spacecraft returned on 22 December 2019 after spending two days in orbit. OFT-2 was proposed to meet all objectives. None 2019年12月20日[6] 部分失败 due to MET anomaly
C205 (1)
A Falcon 9 booster launched a Dragon 2 capsule from LC-39A to perform an in-flight abort shortly after Max q in order to test Dragon 2's launch abort system. Abort occurred at 84 seconds after launch and Dragon 2 successfully separated from the Falcon 9 and flew away using its SuperDraco thrusters. The Falcon 9 booster disintegrated as a result of aerodynamic forces. Dragon 2 splashed down nine minutes after launch after successfully deploying its four parachutes. 不適用 2020年1月19日 成功
奮進號 (1)
Crewed test flight. Dragon 2 launched with two crew members and dock to the ISS about 18 hours later. Dragon and its crew spent up to 62 days on board the ISS.[7] 美国 道格拉斯·赫爾利
美国 罗伯特·本肯英语Bob Behnken
2020年5月30日 成功
Spacecraft 2
Uncrewed test flight. Suggested by Boeing and approved by NASA on July 30,2021 at 2:53 p.m. EDT due to the partial failure of software on the previous Starliner test flight, in particular its failure to reach or dock with the ISS. 不適用 2022年5月19日[8] 成功
波音星际航线 Extended crewed test flight. 美国 TBA
美国 TBA
美国 TBA
NET 2022第三季度[9] 计划



  1. ^ Bolden, Charlie. American Companies Selected to Return Astronaut Launches to American Soil. NASA.gov. [September 16, 2014]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-11). 
  2. ^ Boeing, SpaceX Secure Additional Crewed Missions Under NASA's Commercial Space Transport Program. [2021-01-03]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-20). 
  3. ^ NASA Assigns Crews to First Test Flights, Missions on Commercial Spacecraft. NASA. August 3, 2018 [2021-01-03]. (原始内容存档于2020-03-20). 
  4. ^ Demo-1 Flight Readiness Concludes. blogs.nasa.gov. [2019-02-22]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-23) (美国英语). 
  5. ^ Bridenstine, Jim. Update: #Starliner had a Mission Elapsed Time (MET) anomaly causing the spacecraft to believe that it was in an orbital insertion burn, when it was not. More information at 9am ET. @JimBridenstine. 2019-12-20 [2019-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-20) (英语). 
  6. ^ Foust, Jeff. Boeing, SpaceX press towards commercial crew test flights this year. Spacenews. [9 October 2019]. 
  7. ^ 存档副本. [2021-01-03]. (原始内容存档于2020-04-24). 
  8. ^ NASA and Boeing Target New Launch Date for Next Starliner Flight Test. Space Coast Daily. 21 July 2021 [22 July 2021]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-22). 
  9. ^ Clark, Stephen. Boeing plans second Starliner test flight in December or January – Spaceflight Now. [2020-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-23) (美国英语). 
