

商業模式圖(英語:Business Model Canvas縮寫BMC),或稱商業模式九宮格,是用於描述企業組織開發新商業模式以及記錄現有商業模式的战略管理範本圖[2][3]。它提供了一個視覺圖表,其中包含描述公司或產品的價值主張英语Value proposition元素、基礎設施、客戶及財務[1],通過說明潛在的權衡,幫助企業調整其活動。被稱為商業模式圖的商業模式設計範本的9個構面最初是由亞歷山大·奧斯特瓦德英语Alexander Osterwalder在2005年提出的[4],基於在伊夫·皮尼厄英语Yves Pigneur之商業模式本體指導下工作[5]。自2008年左右奧斯特瓦德發佈的作品以來[6],他開發了一些相關工具,如價值主張圖和文化地圖[7],並且還出現了針對特定領域市場的新畫圖。



導向 構面 說明[9]
供給或資源導向 關鍵合作夥伴 讓商業模式運作的重要外部供應商、夥伴網絡,可分為無競爭關係的策略聯盟、競合關係夥伴、合資對象、以及上下游的供應商與客戶。
關鍵活動 讓商業模式能運作的重要活動,能為客戶創造價值的重要活動,分為生產型活動、解決問題型活動,平台或網絡活動等,企業必須有關鍵活動才能創造並傳遞價值主張、進入市場、維繫顧客關係,並獲取利潤。
關鍵資源 讓商業模式運作的重要資源,關鍵資源讓企業得以創造並提供價值主張、接觸市場與目標客層維繫關係,然後賺得收益,包含實體資源、智慧資產、人力與財務資源等。
價值導向 價值主張 能解決與滿足顧客的需要,可能是產品、服務或兩者組合,簡單來說就是顧客為什麼找上這家企業而不找別人的最主要原因,也是企業存在市場的最主要根本價值。
需求導向 顧客關係 企業希望與目標客群建立的關係型態與方式,也是維繫目標客群的一種方式,關係可為個人、社群或自動化,而針對不同客群可建立不同的顧客關係。
通路 企業傳達價值主張給目標客群的管道,讓顧客能了解與購買商品或服務,並提供售後服務,通路包含自有與合夥、直接與間接通路等。
目標客群 一個企業或組織所要服務的一個或數個客戶群,針對特定客戶群提供專屬的解決方案,並帶來獲利,若無可帶來利潤的客群,則企業無法穩定經營。
財務導向 成本結構 運作商業模式所產生的成本,分為固定成本與變動成本兩種類型,以成本驅動之商業模式聚焦於規模經濟、外包或自動化,以價值驅動之商業模式則強調價值創造與客製化服務。
收入來源/營收來源/收益流 企業來自目標客群產生的現金,營收的類型可以分為資產銷售、服務收入、會員收入、授權金、仲介費與廣告費等。設計時應考慮到目標客群可以接受的價格是多少、付費的方式以及所有收入來源對整體營收與獲利的貢獻度。


商業模式圖可以在大表面上列印出來,以便一群人可以共同開始草圖和討論帶有便利貼或電路板標記討論商業模式元素。它是根據Strategyzer AG的知识共享许可协议授權條款分發,可以不受任何限制地用於建造模式業務[10]


商業模式圖已被使用和調整,以適應特定的業務場景和應用程式[11][12][13]。舉例包括:產品市場媒合度英语Product/market fit供应链现金流量內部溝通英语Internal communications等。





  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Osterwalder, Alexander; Pigneur, Yves; Clark, Tim. Business Model Generation: A Handbook For Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. Strategyzer series. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. 2010. ISBN 9780470876411. OCLC 648031756.  With contributions from 470 practitioners from 45 countries.
  2. ^ Barquet, Ana Paula B., et al. "Business model elements for product-service system". Functional Thinking for Value Creation. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011. 332–337: They stated that "The Canvas business model was applied and tested in many organizations (eg IBM and Ericsson), being successfully used to easily describe and manipulate business models to create new strategic alternatives."
  3. ^ De Reuver, Mark, Harry Bouwman, and Timber Haaker. "Business model roadmapping: A practical approach to come from an existing to a desired business model". International Journal of Innovation Management 17.01 (2013): They described the business model canvas as the "Most prominent... popular tool that makes it simple for practitioners to design business models in a creative session."
  4. ^ Osterwalder, Alexander. What is a business model?. business-model-design.blogspot.com. 2005-11-05 [2019-06-19]. (原始内容存档于2006-12-13). ... we could define a business model as a simplified description of how a company does business without having to go into the complex details of all its strategy, processes, units, rules, hierarchies, workflows, and systems. However, now that we know that the business model is a simplified representation of how we do business, we still have to decide which elements to describe. A synthesis of literature shows that there are mainly 9 building blocks to help us describe a business model ... 
  5. ^ Osterwalder, Alexander. The Business Model Ontology: A Proposition In A Design Science Approach (PDF) (学位论文). Lausanne: University of Lausanne. 2004 [2022-10-26]. OCLC 717647749. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2011-05-11).  See also: Osterwalder, Alexander; Pigneur, Yves; Tucci, Christopher L. Clarifying business models: origins, present, and future of the concept. Communications of the Association for Information Systems. 2005, 16 (1): 1. doi:10.17705/1CAIS.01601可免费查阅. 
  6. ^ Osterwalder, Alexander. What is a business model?. business-model-design.blogspot.com. 2008-07-02 [2018-10-17]. (原始内容存档于2008-09-06). 
  7. ^ Carton, Guillaume. The Story Behind the Business Model Canvas. Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange. 2021-08-02 [2022-10-26]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-09) (英语). 
  8. ^ 完整掌握商業模式圖:圖文解析、案例練習及模式圖沒告訴你的事!. 零一行銷. 2019-11-28 [2020-12-04]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-04). 
  9. ^ 吳建銘、林靈. 臺中區農業專訊第105期(108年06月)-農業傳播與行銷資訊 出刊了!. 行政院農業委員會臺中區農業改良場. 2019-06: 17–18 [2020-08-12]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-12). 
  10. ^ Can I use the Business Model Canvas or Value Proposition Canvas in my own teachings or public projects?. support.strategyzer.com. [2015-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2018-04-02). 
  11. ^ Business Model Canvas for User Experience. grasshopperherder.com. 2012-06-19 [2012-06-20]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-04). 
  12. ^ Lean Model Canvas vs. Business Model Canvas. practicetrumpstheory.com. [2014-04-25]. (原始内容存档于2014-04-26). 
  13. ^ Internal Communication Canvas. eee.do. 2016-04-28 [2016-05-28]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-03). 
  14. ^ Sinkovics, Noemi; Sinkovics, Rudolf R.; Yamin, Mo. The Role of Social Value Creation in Business Model Formulation at the Bottom of the Pyramid – Implications for MNEs?. International Business Review. 2014, 23 (4): 692–707. doi:10.1016/j.ibusrev.2013.12.004可免费查阅. 
  15. ^ Romero, María Camila; Sánchez, Mario; Villalobos, Jorge. Business model loom: a pattern-based approach towards the definition of business models. Hammoudi, Slimane; Maciaszek, Leszek A.; Missikoff, Michele M.; Camp, Olivier; Cordeiro, José (编). Enterprise Information Systems: 18th International Conference, ICEIS 2016, Rome, Italy, April 25–28, 2016, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 291. Cham: Springer-Verlag. 2017: 463–487. ISBN 9783319623856. OCLC 992990130. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-62386-3_21. The critical problem with current business model representations is the focus on a structural dimension (e.g., Osterwalder's Canvas, or Gordijn's e3-value). In particular, they leave (mostly) aside the specification of how business models components interact and behave in order to make the model work. Therefore, only a partial understanding of the business can be achieved with these business models. 
  16. ^ Searle, Nicola; White, Gregor. Towse, Ruth; Handke, Christian , 编. Business Models. In Handbook on the Digital Creative Economy (Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing). 2013: 45–56. ISBN 9781781004876. doi:10.4337/9781781004876.00014. 
  17. ^ Bocken, N.M.P.; Rana, P.; Short, S.W. Value mapping for sustainable business thinking. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering. 2015, 32 (1): 67–81. doi:10.1080/21681015.2014.1000399可免费查阅. 
  18. ^ Sparviero, Sergio. The Case for a Socially Oriented Business Model Canvas: The Social Enterprise Model Canvas. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. 2019, 10 (2): 232–251. doi:10.1080/19420676.2018.1541011可免费查阅.