


即使昊天崩塌,也要秉行公正[1]拉丁語Fiat justitia ruat caelum.;英語:Let justice be done, though the heaven should fall.)為拉丁語法律術語。這句格言表明「不論後果如何,都必須實現正義」的信念。據19世紀廢奴主義政治人物查爾斯·索姆奈稱,該句拉丁語格言並非出自古典來源。[2]



美國總統比尔·克林顿彈劾聆訊中,參議員丹尼尔·帕特里克·莫伊尼汉表示:「即使天塌下來,也要伸張正義。」(Let justice be done though the heavens fall.)

Crest of the family of Joseph Drew of Weymouth, Dorset, 1870. Variant spelling cœlum.



  1. ^ 香港特別行政區律政司. 英漢民商事法律詞彙. 
  2. ^ The Position and Duties of the Merchant: Address Before the Mercantile Library Association of Boston, Nov. 13, 1854. The Works of Charles Sumner III. Boston: Lee and Shephard. 1875: 507. Of these, the first is expressed in these simple words: "If the parties will have judgment, fiat justitia, ruat coelum: let justice be done, whatever be the consequence." The Latin phrase which here plays such a prominent part, though of classical stamp, cannot be traced to any classical origin, and it has even been asserted that it was freshly coined by Lord Mansfield on this occasion, worth of such commanding truth in such commanding phrase. But it is of older date, and from another mint,—though it is not too much to say, that it took its currency and authority from him. Coming from such a conservative magistrate, it is of peculiar importance. With little expansion, it says openly: To every man his natural rights; justice to all, without distinction of person, without adbridgment, and without compromise. Let justice be done, though it drags down the pillars of the sky. Thus spoke the Chief Justice of England. 
  3. ^ See Hume, David. Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects New. Strand and Edinburgh: A. Millar and A. Kincaid & A. Donaldson. 1758: 2621758 [9 January 2022]. david hume essays.