
File:Transmission line animation open short.gif


Transmission_line_animation_open_short.gif (300 × 80 像素,檔案大小:150 KB,MIME 類型:image/gif、​循環、​30 畫格、​1.8秒)


English: Two transmission lines, the top one terminated at an open-circuit, the bottom terminated at a short circuit. Red color indicates high voltage, and blue indicates low voltage. Black dots represent electrons. (See also File:Transmission_line_animation_open_short2.gif for an alternate version.)
來源 自己的作品
作者 Sbyrnes321


Creative Commons CC-Zero 此檔案在創用CC CC0 1.0 通用公有領域貢獻宣告之下分發。

Source code

(C) Steven Byrnes, 2014. This code is released under the MIT license

This code runs in Python 2.7 or 3.3. It requires imagemagick to be installed;
that's how it assembles images into animated GIFs.

# Use Python 3 style division: a/b is real division, a//b is integer division
from __future__ import division 

import subprocess, os
directory_now = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

import pygame as pg
from numpy import pi, asarray, real, exp

frames_in_anim = 30
animation_loop_seconds = 2 #time in seconds for animation to loop one cycle

bgcolor = (255,255,255) #white
split_line_color = (0,0,0) #line down the middle is black
ecolor = (0,0,0) #electron color is black

# pygame draws pixel-art, not smoothed. Therefore I am drawing it
# bigger, then smoothly shrinking it down

img_height = 240
img_width = 900

final_height = 80
final_width = 300

# ~23 megapixel limit for wikipedia animated gifs
assert final_height * final_width * frames_in_anim < 22e6

#transmission line wire length and thickness, and y-coordinate of each wire
tl_length = int(img_width * .9)
tl_thickness = 27
tl_open_top_y = int(img_height*.1)
tl_open_bot_y = tl_open_top_y + 42
tl_short_top_y = int(img_height*.62)
tl_short_bot_y = tl_short_top_y + 42

wavelength = 0.6 * tl_length

def rgb_from_V(V):
    voltage V varies -1 to +1. Return a color as a function of V.
    Color is a 3-tuple red,green,blue, each 0 to 255.
    return (200+55*V, 200-55*V, 200-55*V)

def tup_round(tup):
    round each element of a tuple to nearest integer
    return tuple(int(round(x)) for x in tup)

def make_wire_surf(f_phase_at_right, r_phase_at_right):
    make a pygame surface representing a colored wire. f_phase and r_phase
    are the phases of the forward and reverse waves respectively.
    def V(x):
        z = tl_length-x-1
        return 0.5*real(exp(1j*(f_phase_at_right + 2*pi*z/wavelength))
                      + exp(1j*(r_phase_at_right - 2*pi*z/wavelength)))
    imgarray = [[rgb_from_V( V(x) )
                 for y in range(tl_thickness)] for x in range(tl_length)]
    return pg.surfarray.make_surface(asarray(imgarray))

def e_path(param, f_phase_top_right, r_phase_top_right, which):
    as param goes 0 to 1, this returns a dictionary: 'pos' is (x,y), the
    coordinates of the corresponding point on the electron
    dot path; 'f_phase' and 'r_phase' are the phases for the forward and
    reflected waves for an electron at that point on
    the path. top_right means right side of the top wire. which is either
    'open' or 'short' for which transmission line we're talking about.
    d = -18 #pixels between electron path and corresponding wires
    #### Open transmission line ####
    if which == 'open':
        path_length = 2 * tl_length
        howfar = param * path_length
        #go right along top transmission line
        if howfar < tl_length:
            x = howfar
            y = tl_open_top_y - d
            f_phase = f_phase_top_right + 2 * pi * (tl_length-x) / wavelength
            r_phase = r_phase_top_right - 2 * pi * (tl_length-x) / wavelength
            return {'pos':(x,y), 'f_phase':f_phase, 'r_phase':r_phase}
        #go left along bottom transmission line
        x = 2*tl_length - howfar
        y = tl_open_bot_y + tl_thickness + d
        f_phase = f_phase_top_right + 2 * pi * (tl_length-x) / wavelength
        r_phase = r_phase_top_right - 2 * pi * (tl_length-x) / wavelength
        return {'pos':(x,y), 'f_phase':f_phase, 'r_phase':r_phase}
    #### Short transmission line ####
    path_length = (2 * tl_length + 3 * tl_thickness + 4*d +
                   + (tl_short_bot_y - tl_short_top_y))
    howfar = param * path_length
    #at the beginning, go right along top wire
    if howfar < tl_length:
        x = howfar
        y = tl_short_top_y - d
        f_phase = f_phase_top_right + 2 * pi * (tl_length-x) / wavelength
        r_phase = r_phase_top_right - 2 * pi * (tl_length-x) / wavelength
        return {'pos':(x,y), 'f_phase':f_phase, 'r_phase':r_phase}
    #at the end, go left along bottom wire
    if (path_length - howfar) < tl_length:
        x = path_length - howfar
        y = tl_short_bot_y + tl_thickness + d
        f_phase = f_phase_top_right + 2 * pi * (tl_length-x) / wavelength
        r_phase = r_phase_top_right - 2 * pi * (tl_length-x) / wavelength
        return {'pos':(x,y), 'f_phase':f_phase, 'r_phase':r_phase}
    #in the middle...
    f_phase = f_phase_top_right
    r_phase = r_phase_top_right
    #top part of short...
    if tl_length < howfar < tl_length + tl_thickness + d:
        x = howfar
        y = tl_short_top_y - d
    #bottom part of short...
    elif tl_length < (path_length - howfar) < tl_length + tl_thickness + d:
        x = path_length - howfar
        y = tl_short_bot_y + tl_thickness + d
    #vertical part of short...
        x = tl_length + tl_thickness + d
        y = (tl_short_top_y - d) + (howfar - (tl_length + tl_thickness + d))
    return {'pos':(x,y), 'f_phase':f_phase, 'r_phase':r_phase}

def main():
    #Make and save a drawing for each frame
    filename_list = [os.path.join(directory_now, 'temp' + str(n) + '.png')
                         for n in range(frames_in_anim)]

    for frame in range(frames_in_anim):
        f_phase_open_top_right = -2 * pi * frame / frames_in_anim + pi/2
        r_phase_open_top_right = f_phase_open_top_right
        f_phase_short_top_right = -2 * pi * frame / frames_in_anim
        r_phase_short_top_right = f_phase_short_top_right + pi
        #initialize surface
        surf = pg.Surface((img_width,img_height))
        #draw transmission line
        open_top_wire_surf = make_wire_surf(f_phase_open_top_right,
        surf.blit(open_top_wire_surf, (0, tl_open_top_y))
        open_bot_wire_surf = make_wire_surf(f_phase_open_top_right + pi,
                                            r_phase_open_top_right + pi)
        surf.blit(open_bot_wire_surf, (0, tl_open_bot_y))
        short_top_wire_surf = make_wire_surf(f_phase_short_top_right,
        surf.blit(short_top_wire_surf, (0, tl_short_top_y))
        short_bot_wire_surf = make_wire_surf(f_phase_short_top_right + pi,
                                            r_phase_short_top_right + pi)
        surf.blit(short_bot_wire_surf, (0, tl_short_bot_y))
        #draw short wire
        color = rgb_from_V(0)
                     (tl_length + tl_thickness//2,tl_short_top_y),
                     (tl_length + tl_thickness//2,tl_short_bot_y+tl_thickness-1),
        #draw line down the middle
        pg.draw.line(surf,split_line_color, (0,img_height//2),
                     (img_width,img_height//2), 12)
        #draw electrons
        num_electrons = 60
        equilibrium_params = [x/(num_electrons-1) for x in range(num_electrons)]
        for eq_a in equilibrium_params:
            for which in ['open', 'short']:
                f_phase_top_right = (f_phase_open_top_right if which == 'open'
                                        else f_phase_short_top_right)
                r_phase_top_right = (r_phase_open_top_right if which == 'open'
                                        else r_phase_short_top_right)
                temp = e_path(eq_a, f_phase_top_right,
                               r_phase_top_right, which)
                f_phase = temp['f_phase']
                r_phase = temp['r_phase']
                #displacement is always pi/2 out of phase with current. But
                #compared to voltage, it's +pi/2 for forward and -pi/2 for
                #reverse, because voltage reflection is negative of current
                displacement = 0.5*real(exp(1j*(f_phase+pi/2))
                                  + exp(1j*(r_phase-pi/2)))
                now_a = eq_a + displacement/(.8*num_electrons)
                now_pos = e_path(now_a, f_phase_top_right,
                                            r_phase_top_right, which)['pos']
                pg.draw.circle(surf, ecolor, tup_round(now_pos), 4, 0)
        shrunk_surface = pg.transform.smoothscale(surf, (final_width, final_height))
        pg.image.save(shrunk_surface, filename_list[frame])
    seconds_per_frame = animation_loop_seconds / frames_in_anim
    frame_delay = str(int(seconds_per_frame * 100))
    # Use the "convert" command (part of ImageMagick) to build the animation
    command_list = ['convert', '-delay', frame_delay, '-loop', '0'] + filename_list + ['anim.gif']
    subprocess.call(command_list, cwd=directory_now)
    # Earlier, we saved an image file for each frame of the animation. Now
    # that the animation is assembled, we can (optionally) delete those files
    if True:
        for filename in filename_list:







維基媒體使用者名稱 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫):​Sbyrnes321
作者姓名字串 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫):​Sbyrnes321

著作權狀態 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫)

檔案來源 Chinese (Taiwan) (已轉換拼寫)

上傳者的原創作品 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫)

多媒體型式 繁體中文 (已轉換拼寫)




目前2014年10月28日 (二) 13:58於 2014年10月28日 (二) 13:58 版本的縮圖300 × 80(150 KB)Sbyrnes321use imagemagick instead of images2gif for smaller file size; use subpixel rendering for a smoother look; use smaller electrons inside thicker wires
2012年8月4日 (六) 20:37於 2012年8月4日 (六) 20:37 版本的縮圖300 × 80(277 KB)Sbyrnes321



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