


"Even if there is currently no strong evidence that there will be herd immunity against COVID-19 by mass vaccination, it is still objectively true that mass vaccination against COVID-19 will eradicate COVID-19 like we eradicated small pox in the past."


It is objectively true to mass vaccination to against COVID-19. But the scientific conditions between smallpox and COVID-19 are much better, so it is inappropriate to compare both cases. On 1798, Mr. Edward Jenner had invented a first vaccine to protect smallpox. The first vaccine was only tested by an 8-year-old boy. with a simple method. Compare with COVID-19, the study before approve for vaccine usage will be much more. The approve process become longer and more scientific. So that, is it not any comparative of initial development of both infectious diseases.

Moveover, the COVID-19 have already caused around 4 million deaths[1]. A big pandemic turning the world economy and transportation had obstructed. Although it may not have strong evidence as another vaccine to have a conventional clinical trial, compare of influencing, the advantage take vaccine will be more.

  1. ^ ArcGIS Dashboards Classic. gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com. [2021-10-15].