

安娜·索羅金(德語:Anna Sorokin,俄語:Анна Сорокина,1991年1月23日),曾經化名安娜·狄維(Anna Delvey),女,俄羅斯裔德國籍英语Russia Germans詐騙[1],於2013至2017年間冒充財產承繼人,在美國對銀行、酒店及身邊友人進行欺詐,總額達27.5萬美元。她於2019年在紐約最高法院被裁定干犯多項盜竊罪英语Larceny,被判處4至12年監禁,24,000美元罰款及賠償199,000美元。她的事蹟被Netflix改編為劇集《創造安娜》,在2022年2月首播[2][3]


  1. ^ Contreras, Cydney. Breaking Down Julia Garner's Unique Accent on ‘Inventing Anna'. NBC News. February 12, 2022 [February 17, 2022]. (原始内容存档于February 13, 2022). 
  2. ^ Shamsian, Jacob. EXCLUSIVE: Netflix paid fake heiress Anna Sorokin $320,000 for its show about her, some of which she was legally forced to use to pay the restitution and fines imposed upon her by the courts.. Insider. January 29, 2021 [February 5, 2022]. (原始内容存档于February 19, 2022). 
  3. ^ Birnbaum, Debra; Otterson, Joe. Shonda Rhimes Sets Anna Delvey Series as First Netflix Project. Variety. June 8, 2018. (原始内容存档于June 14, 2018). 
