

《Man, Past and Present》(1899年),Augustus H. Keane著。
《Man, Past and Present》(1899年),Augustus H. Keane著。

阿爾卑斯人種(英語:Alpine race)是19世紀與二十世紀早期歐洲形容中歐東歐一帶的高加索人種之詞彙。[1]塞爾特人亞美尼亞人是阿爾卑斯人種的代表。阿爾卑斯人種也是歐洲分布最廣泛的白色人種,分布範圍大致涵蓋法國中歐西亞中亞與西伯利亞西部等地。阿爾卑斯人種在法國扮演着舉足輕重的角色,擁有強勢地位和影響力,早期的人類學觀點認為法國先後經歷了法國大革命拿破崙戰爭後,法國國內局勢變幻,在原有社會階層系統被破壞殆盡與各種複雜的社會對立影響下,其原統治階層北歐人種遭受重創(原法蘭克人),戰後阿爾卑斯人種增長迅速(塞爾特高盧人),最終取代了原先的北歐人種並占據主導性地位。[2][3]



人類學家威廉·Z·里普利英語William Z. Ripley進一步指出,阿爾卑斯人種的鼻子為中鼻型(mesorrine),而他們的頭髮通常是栗色的,他們的枕骨略呈圓形。學者認為阿爾卑斯人種的皮膚色素沉着是「中間白色」,一種介於膚色較淺的北歐人種和膚色較深的地中海人種之間的顏色。儘管所謂的阿爾卑斯人種數量眾多,但阿爾卑斯人種的特徵並沒有像北歐人種和地中海人種那樣被廣泛討論。他們通常被描述為「久坐不動」,堅實的農民血統,歐洲人口的可靠支柱,但領導力或創造力並不突出。麥迪遜·格蘭特堅持他們「本質上是農民的性格」。[4]




根據人類學家威廉·Z·里普利和卡爾頓·庫恩英語Carleton S. Coon的說法,阿爾卑斯人種在中歐西亞/中亞的部分地區占據主導地位。里普利認為阿爾卑斯人種起源於亞洲,並隨着他們在歐洲建立的農業文明的出現和擴張而向西方傳播。通過遷移到中歐,阿爾卑斯分離了早期歐洲種群的北部和南部分支,為北歐人種地中海人種的獨立演化創造了條件。

在庫恩的歐洲人種英語The Races of Europe一書中,他闡述了一個不同的論點,即他們是歐洲本土的舊石器時代晚期倖存者的簡化類型:[5]

阿爾卑斯人種為晚更新世英語Late Pleistocene時期定居於法國境內的舊石器時代晚期人群中的一種簡化類型(因進化過程導致一種類型的體格與身體測量數值比其祖先原型更小,並且在一定比例上發生了相應的變化)[6]和有點嬰兒化嬰兒特徵在成人中的持續存在)的倖存者,高度短頭顱類型;似乎在很大程度上代表了克羅馬農人短頭顱類型因子的攜帶者。與這種類型非常相似的人種也出現在巴爾幹半島以及西亞中亞的高原地區,這表明該人種的祖先原型在晚更新世時期就已廣泛存在。在現代人種中,該人種有時以相對純粹的形式出現,有時作為一個元素出現在多重起源的混合短頭顱型種群中。它可能在更新世和現代中都充當了不同人群的短頭顱化趨勢的載體。







  1. ^ Coon, Carleton. The Races of Europe. Macmillan. 1939: 437-438 Plate 11. 
  2. ^ The Saturday Evening Post , Vol. 196 , No. 42 ( April 19 , 1924 )頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) by Benjamin Franklin Literary & Medical Society頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館). Composite France: The Decline of the Nordics : "Then the monarchy itself decayed, and after that came the revolution. Although political in form, the French Revolution had a racial aspect far more important than in usually realized. It was largely a revolt of the Alpine and Mediterranean elements against the Nordic ruling class. The revolutionary leaders openly boasted that they were avenging themselves on the descendants of the Nordic Franks who had dominated them since the fall of Rome. As a revolutionary orator shouted in a memorable speech against the aristocrats, "Let us send them back to their German marshes whence they came!" Eyewitness of the Reign of Terror have left us vivid pictures of how dark-haired mob surging around the guillotine yelled with special delight whenever the executioner would hold up the head of some French lady, swinging the head by its long blond tresses for the amusement of the crowd. The revolution marks, indeed, a turning point in the racial history of France. It started that rapid decline of the Nordic element which is still in full swing. Not only was the Nordic aristocracy hopelessly broken but the Nordic strain in the general population was weeded out faster than ever. The revolution caused a series of terrible wars, which were continued under Napoleon. For twenty-three years France was fighting most of Europe. Millions of Frenchman perished on the battlefield, and as usual the Nordics were the worst sufferers. It has been shown that at the end of this war period the average stature of French army recruits had been lowered nearly four inches. This is striking proof of how the tall Nordics had been weeded out of the population in favor of the shorter Alpine and Mediterranean elements. Although a clear majority of the French population is today alpine in race—55 per cent Alpines as against 30 per cent Nordics and 15 per cent Mediterraneans—the minority elements still play a greater part in the national life than their more numbers would indicate. This is particularly true in certain fields. Nordics contribute most to science and invention, while in literature and art honors are shared between the Nordics and Mediterraneans. On the other hand, politics and government are failing more and more into Alpine hands, as is natural for a majority under democratic political institutions. In fact the general tone of French national life, is becoming increasingly Alpine in character. This unquestionably makes for solidity. Yet many French writers deplore the lack of individual initiative and the reliance upon the state which the average Frenchman displays. Both the virtues and the shortcomings of the Alpine temperament come out most clearly in the French peasantry, which is mainly Alpine in blood. Hard-working, thrifty, solid, but limited in imaginative vision and creative intelligence, the French peasant remains what he has always been. The difference lies not in himself but in the fact that modern political and economic conditions have made him a greater power in the nation then was formerly the case. The French peasantry was never so prosperous as it is today. Furthermore, it is the most numerous occupational group in the nation. We must remember that France never industrialized herself like England and Germany, where the bulk of the population now lives in cities and towns. In France a majority of the population still lives in the country. According to the last census, of France's 39,000,000 inhabitants only 18,000,000 live under urban conditions, while 21,000,000 live on the land."
  3. ^ The Racial Elements of European History頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) by Hans F.K. Günther頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館). Chapter IX Part Three: The Denordization of the Peoples of Romance Speech: "The Alpine race has spread very fast, one might say astoundingly fast, in France in the nineteenth century. It is in the nineteenth century that the rise in the index seems to have been especially rapid, and this movement does not stop, for wherever living persons have been measured at intervals of some years, the latest figures give the highest means. It is just the same with the colouring, and this goes on at such a speed, that not only the oldest folk, but we ourselves can observe the evident dwindling of fair colouring. The Frenchman of today is anthropologically quite other than he of the Middle Ages, or even of the Renaissance. The losses by France in the Great War (3.4 per cent. of the population was killed) mean, as in the other peoples who fought in this war, a terrible contra-selection of the best blood. That in this contra-selection the Nordic race among those races represented in France is particularly involved, can be gathered also from the fact that the French high command, according to the report of the American General, Pershing, always put the northern French regiments (who had relatively most Nordic blood) in the very front, after the other regiments had, it would seem, too often failed. Since 1919 France has been seeking to make up her losses in a way that is highly dangerous from a racial and eugenic, standpoint -- that is to say, by drawing to herself the most heterogeneous immigrants from Europe, mostly Eastern Europe, but also immigrants from outside Europe."
  4. ^ Grant, Madison, The Passing of the Great Race, 1916, part 2, ch. 11; part 2, chapter 5.
  5. ^ Coon, Carleton Stevens. Chapter VIII. Introduction to the Study of the Living. The Races Of Europe. Osmania University, Digital Library Of India. The Macmillan Company. 1939: 291. 
  6. ^ The Races of EuropeThe Races of Europe 頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) by Carleton Stevens Coon. Appendices: Appendix II: Glossary: Reduced Type: "A racial type which has grown smaller than its ancestral prototype and has consequently changed in certain proportions as a result of this size reduction."
  7. ^ The Dark Side of Church/State Separation頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) by Stephen Strehle頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館). The Immediate Sources of Hitler's Ideology: Notes: "It is worth noting that Hitler's appearance fit more within the stereotype of the Alpine race than the Nordic ideal."