


克里安照相術Kirlian photography)是一組用於捕獲電暈放電現象的攝影技術。名稱來自謝苗·克里安(Semyon Kirlian),他在1939年偶然發現,如果感光板上的物體連接到高壓電源,就會在感光板上產生影像。[1]該技術被稱為「電子照相術」(electrography[2]或electrophotography[3]) 「電暈放電照相術」(corona discharge photography,簡稱CDP)、[4]「生物電成像照相術」、[5]「氣體放電顯像」(Gas Discharge Visualization,簡稱GDV)、[6]「電光子成像」(electrophotonic imaging,簡稱EPI)[7]




Typical Kirlian photography setup (cross-section)
Typical Kirlian photography setup (cross-section)

克里安照相術是一種使用高電壓來製作接觸印相照片(contact print)的技術。這個過程需要將頁式底片(Sheet Film)放在金屬放電板上,然後把待拍攝的物體直接放在底片上方。接著,短暫地給物體加上高電壓,從而形成曝光。在物體和金屬板之間由高電壓所引起的的電暈放電會被底片所捕獲。底片的顯影結果即該物體的克里安照片。



克里安照相術不需要使用相機或鏡頭,因為這是一個接觸式列印過程。 可以使用透明電極代替高壓放電板,用標準照相機或攝影機捕捉產生的電暈放電。[13]

視覺藝術家如Robert Bueltman、[14]Ted Hiebert、[15]和Dick Lane[16]已經使用克里安照相術製作了各種主題的藝術影像。





康斯坦丁·科羅特科夫(Konstantin Korotkov)開發了一種類似於克里安照相術的技術,稱為「氣體放電可視化」(gas discharge visualization,GDV)。[20][21][22]科羅特科夫的GDV相機系統由硬體和軟體組成,以電腦直接記錄、處理和解釋GDV影像。科羅特科夫是在醫學情境下推廣該裝置及相關研究。[23]波蘭紡織品建築研究所的伊莎貝拉·西西爾斯卡(Izabela Ciesielska)使用科羅特科夫的GDV相機來評估人類與各種紡織品接觸對生物因素的影響,如心率和血壓,以及電暈放電影像。實驗採集了受試者指尖的電暈放電影像,同時受試者在前臂上戴著各種天然和合成材料的袖子。實驗結果未能確定人與紡織品的接觸與電暈放電影像之間的關係,因此被認為是不確定的。[24]


1968 年,心理學教授塞爾瑪·莫斯(Thelma Moss)所領導的加州大學洛杉磯分校神經精神病學研究所(NPI,該研究所後來更名為塞梅爾研究所),有一個致力於超心理學研究的實驗室,主要由志願者組成。該實驗室沒有經費,也未獲得批准,最終被大學關閉。在加州大學洛杉磯分校任期即將結束時,莫斯開始對克里安照相術產生興趣,這是一種據稱可以測量生物「靈光」(aura,也譯作氣場靈氣)的技術。根據她的一位前研究助理克里·蓋納(Kerry Gaynor)的說法「許多人認為克里安照相術的效果只是一種自然現象。」[25]

科學界尚未在實驗中觀察到或複製克里安照相術的超自然說法。[26][27]生理學家戈登·斯坦(Gordon Stein)寫道,克里安照相術是一種騙局「與拍攝對象的健康、生命力或情緒無關」。[28]




有個典型演示常被拿來作為能量場存在的證據,該演示會以設定的時間間隔,以克里安照相術拍攝一片被摘下的葉子。葉子逐漸枯萎被認為與靈光強度的下降相對應。有些實驗稱「幻葉效應」(phantom leaf effect),是將一片葉子放在玻璃板上然後通電,這樣一來它的電暈放電就會被拍到感光板上。接著將葉尖撕下並移除,葉子再次通電並拍照,有時會留下缺失部分的模糊影像。然而,在拍攝第二張影像之前,若將成像表面的污物和殘留水分清除,就不會出現缺失部分的影像。[31][32][33][34][35]



貝弗利·魯比克(Beverly Rubik)等科學家利用克里安照相術研究了人體生物場的概念,試圖解釋中國的氣功修行。氣功指出,有一種叫做「」的生命能量彌漫在所有生物中。



  1. ^ Julie McCarron-Benson in Skeptical - a Handbook of Pseudoscience and the Paranormal, ed Donald Laycock, David Vernon, Colin Groves, Simon Brown, Imagecraft, Canberra, 1989, ISBN 0-7316-5794-2, p11
  2. ^ Konikiewicz, Leonard W. Introduction to electrography: A handbook for prospective researchers of the Kirlian effect in biomedicine. Leonard's Associates. 1978. 
  3. ^ Lane, Earle. Electrophotography. And/Or Press (San Francisco). 1975. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Boyers, David G. & Tiller, William A. Corona discharge photography. Journal of Applied Physics. 1973, 44 (7): 3102–3112. Bibcode:1973JAP....44.3102B. doi:10.1063/1.1662715. 
  5. ^ Konikiewicz, Leonard W.; Griff, Leonard C. Bioelectrography, a new method for detecting cancer and monitoring body physiology. Leonard Associates Press (Harrisburg, PA). 1984. 
  6. ^ Bankovskii, N. G.; Korotkov, K. G.; Petrov, N. N. Physical processes of image formation during gas-discharge visualization (the Kirlian effect) (Review). Radiotekhnika I Elektronika. Apr 1986, 31: 625–643. Bibcode:1986RaEl...31..625B. 
  7. ^ Wisneski, Leonard A. & Anderson, Lucy. The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine. 2010. ISBN 978-1-4200-8290-6. 
  8. ^ Singer, Barry. (1981). Kirlian Photography. In George O. Abell, Barry Singer. Science and the Paranormal. pp. 196-208. ISBN 978-0862450373
  9. ^ Watkins, Arleen J; Bickell, William S. (1986). A Study of the Kirlian Effect. Skeptical Inquirer 10: 244-257.
  10. ^ Stenger, Victor J. Bioenergetic Fields. The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine. 1999, 3 (1). (原始內容存檔於2016-03-03). 
  11. ^ Boyers, David G. & Tiller, William A. Corona discharge photography. Journal of Applied Physics. 1973, 44 (7): 3102–3112. Bibcode:1973JAP....44.3102B. doi:10.1063/1.1662715. 
  12. ^ Iovine, John. Kirlian Photography, Part Deux. Poptronics. June 2000, (16): 20. 
  13. ^ Iovine, John. Kirlian Photography: Part 1. Poptronics. May 2000, (15): 15. 
  14. ^ Photographer Robert Buelteman Shocks Flowers With 80,000 Volts Of Electricity. Huffington Post. 23 July 2012 [22 August 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2017-06-19). 
  15. ^ Blennerhassett, Patrick. Electrifying photography. Victoria News. 9 March 2009. 
  16. ^ Puente, Veronica. Photographer Dick Lane gets really charged up about his work. Fort Worth Star-Telegram. 9 March 2009. 
  17. ^ Stenger, Victor J. Bioenergetic Fields. The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine. 1999, 3 (1). (原始內容存檔於2016-03-03). 
  18. ^ Skrabanek, P. Paranormal Health Claims. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 1988, 44 (4): 303–309. PMID 2834214. S2CID 29310075. doi:10.1007/bf01961267. 
  19. ^ Pehek, John O.; Kyler, Harry J. & Faust, David L. Image Modulatic Corona Discharge Photography. Science. 15 October 1976, 194 (4262): 263–270. Bibcode:1976Sci...194..263P. PMID 968480. doi:10.1126/science.968480. 
  20. ^ Korotkov K.G., Krizhanovsky E.V. et al. (2004) The Dynamic of the Gas Discharge around Drops of Liquids. In book: Measuring Energy Fields: State of the Science, Backbone Publ.Co., Fair Lawn, USA, pp. 103–123.
  21. ^ Korotkov K., Korotkin D. (2001) Concentration Dependence of Gas Discharge around Drops of Inorganic Electrolytes, Journal of Applied Physics, 89, 9, pp. 4732–4737.
  22. ^ Korotkov K. G., Kaariainen P. (1998) GDV Applied for the Study of a Physical Stress in Sportsmens, Journal of Pathophysiology, Vol. 5., p. 53, Saint Petersburg.
  23. ^ Katorgin, V. S., Meizerov, E. E. (2000) Actual Questions GDV in Medical Activity, Congress Traditional Medicine, Federal Scientific Clinical and Experimental Center of Traditional Methods of Treatment and Diagnosis, Ministry of Health, pp 452–456, Elista, Moscow, Russia.
  24. ^ Ciesielska, Izabela L. Images of Corona Discharges as a Source of Information About the Influence of Textiles on Humans (PDF). AUTEX Research Journal (Lodz, Poland). March 2009, 9 (1) [26 August 2012]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2023-02-20). 
  25. ^ Greene, Sean. UCLA lab researched parapsychology in the '70s. News, A Closer Look. UCLA Daily Bruin. 27 October 2010 [25 August 2012]. (原始內容存檔於2011-04-27). 
  26. ^ Singer, Barry. (1981). Kirlian Photography. In George O. Abell, Barry Singer. Science and the Paranormal. pp. 196-208. ISBN 978-0862450373
  27. ^ Watkins, Arleen J; Bickell, William S. (1986). A Study of the Kirlian Effect. Skeptical Inquirer 10: 244-257.
  28. ^ Stein, Gordon. (1993). Encyclopedia of Hoaxes. Gale Group. p. 183. ISBN 0-8103-8414-0
  29. ^ Pilkington, Mark. Bodies of light. The Guardian (London). 5 February 2004 [2023-02-20]. (原始內容存檔於2020-08-02). 
  30. ^ Smith, Jonathan C. Pseudoscience and Extraordinary Claims of the Paranormal: A Critical Thinker's Toolkit. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. 2009: 283. ISBN 978-1-4051-8122-8. 
  31. ^ Rachael Towne. What is Kirlian Photography? The Science and the Myth Revealed. Light Stalking. 2012-11-14 [2023-02-20]. (原始內容存檔於2023-02-20). 
  32. ^ Rory Coker. Kirlian Photography and the "Aura". Department of Physics - University of Texas at Austin. [2023-02-20]. (原始內容存檔於2023-01-17). 
  33. ^ Do Kirlian photographs show the soul of an organism?. [2023-02-21]. (原始內容存檔於2023-02-21). 
  34. ^ Mills, Allan. Kirlian Photography. History of Photography. 2009-06-29,. Volume 33, 2009 - Issue 3 [2023-05-06]. (原始內容存檔於2023-05-07). 
  35. ^ Arleen J. Watkins, William S. Bickel. A Study of the Kirlian Effect. Skepticical Inquirer (Committee for Skeptical Inquiry): 252-253. [2023-05-06]. (原始內容存檔於2023-05-06). 
  36. ^ Opalinski, John. Kirlian‐type images and the transport of thin‐film materials in high‐voltage corona discharges. Journal of Applied Physics. Jan 1979, 50 (1): 498–504. Bibcode:1979JAP....50..498O. doi:10.1063/1.325641. 
  37. ^ The Kirlian Technique: Controlling the Wild Cards頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館). The Kirlian effect not only is explainable by natural processes; it also varies according to at least six physical parameters. Arleen J. Watkins and Williams S. Bickel, The Skeptical Inquirer 13:172-184, 1989.
  38. ^ Carroll, Robert Todd. The Skeptic's Dictionary: A Collection of Strange Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions, and Dangerous Delusions. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons. 2003: 446. ISBN 978-0-471-27242-7. 
  39. ^ Rubik, Beverly. The human biofield and a pilot study of qigong (PDF). [26 August 2012]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2013-05-18). 
  40. ^ Smith, Jonathan C. Pseudoscience and Extraordinary Claims of the Paranormal: A Critical Thinker's Toolkit. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. 2009: 283. ISBN 978-1-4051-8122-8.