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  • 2日:芬蘭廣播交響樂團宣佈了首席指揮的新人選,尼古拉斯·科隆英語Nicholas Collon將於2021年樂季就任。科隆是該團首為非芬蘭籍的首席指揮者[32]
  • 7日英國廣播公司第三台公佈其「新世代藝術家」(英語:New Generation Artists,效期至2021年止)的人選[33],分別為:陸逸軒(鋼琴)、Alexander Gadjiev(鋼琴)、Johan Dalene(小提琴)、Timothy Ridout(中提琴)、Rob Luft(爵士結他)、Ema Nikoslovska(女中音)、Consone Quartet(團體)
  • 20日:第一屆中國國際音樂大賽(英語名:China Int'l Music Competition)公佈了鋼琴組的成績,加籍參賽者貟思齊(英語:Tony Siqi Yun)掄元[34]
  • 31日:皇家大會堂管弦樂團宣佈,執行總監Jan Raes將於2019年年末離任[35]


  • 7日柏林愛樂宣佈授予巴倫波因「榮譽指揮」(德語:Ehrendirigenten)的肯定,是該團史上第一人[36]
  • 12日:海廷克在受訪時證實,他將於9月正式退休[37]
  • 15日:海廷克指揮了與尼德蘭愛樂合作的演出,這是他在尼德蘭境內的最後一場演出,也是最後一次與尼德蘭方面的團體合作[38]
  • 24日巴登-巴登節日劇院宣佈其新一任執行總監人選為Ursula Koners[39]


  • 1日:德累斯頓國家歌劇院樂團宣佈,Jan Naes將離任樂團總經理一職[40]。同日,維也納交響樂團旋即任命Jan Naes為新任總經理,此派令於10月1日生效[41]
  • 8日:新加坡交響樂團宣佈漢斯‧葛拉夫(Hans Graf)為該團新任首席指揮,他將在2020年樂季上任,合約期為三年[42]
  • 16日:芝加哥小交響樂團宣佈即將中止與吉姆‧赫許(Jim Hirsch)的合作,雙方的合作關係至翌年7月1日止[43]
  • 18日:甘迺迪中心獎的得主公佈,當中包括了指揮邁可·提爾森·湯瑪斯[44]
  • 25日:倫敦愛樂樂團宣佈愛德華‧賈德納(Edward Gardner)為新任首席指揮,合約期為五年,自2021年樂季起生效[45]
  • 26日:維也納愛樂宣佈赫伯特·布隆斯泰特為榮譽團員[46]




  • 9日:匈牙利的塔卡契四重奏(Takács Quartet)錄用理查‧歐尼爾(Richard O'Neill)為新任中提琴手,葛勞汀‧瓦瑟(Geraldine Walther)則將在2020年6月退休[54]
  • 29日:由於中國方面拒絕了樂團中三位韓國籍成員的簽證發給,伊士曼音樂學校取消了預定的中國參訪行程[55]













  1. ^ 指該電台轄下的所有樂團團體歷史。
  2. ^ 其妹為著名單簧管演奏家莎賓娜‧邁爾


  1. ^ The Artemis Quartet welcomes new members Suyoen Kim and Harriet Krijgh (新聞稿). Artemis Quartet. 8 January 2019 [12 January 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2019-01-13). 
  2. ^ Johannes Neubert nommé Délégué Général de l'Orchestre National de France (新聞稿). Orchestre national de France. 11 January 2019 [19 January 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-17). 
  3. ^ Antje Weithaas and Oliver Wille Take Over Artistic Directorship of Joseph Joachim International Violin Competition Hannover (新聞稿). Stiftung Niedersachsen. 16 January 2019 [19 January 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2019-01-19). 
  4. ^ Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra & Chorale names Richard Egarr as next Music Director, its second in their nearly 40-year history (新聞稿). Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra. 17 January 2019 [19 January 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-26). 
  5. ^ Komponistin Aigerim Seilova erhält Hindemith-Preis 2019. Die Welt. 18 January 2019 [19 January 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-17). 
  6. ^ Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra gains a home of its own (新聞稿). Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. 15 January 2019 [2 February 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-02). 
  7. ^ Tasmin Little announces retirement from the concert platform. The Strad. 25 January 2019 [26 January 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-27). 
  8. ^ Handel and Haydn Society Announces 2019-20 Season; Artistic Director Harry Christophers Will Step Down Following 2020-21 Season (新聞稿). Handel and Haydn Society. 24 January 2019 [26 January 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2019-01-26). 
  9. ^ Imogen Tilden. Dalia Stasevska joins BBC Symphony Orchestra as principal guest conductor. The Guardian. 25 January 2019 [26 January 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-28). 
  10. ^ Elisabetta Povoledo. 5,000 Pages of Verdi's Drafts, Long Hidden, Will Be Made Public. New York Times. 25 January 2019 [2 February 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-01). 
  11. ^ Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla signs to Deutsche Grammophon. Gramophone. 1 February 2019 [2 February 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2019-09-25). 
  12. ^ Stefan Vladar wird ab der Spielzeit 2019/20 Generalmusikdirektor in Lübeck (新聞稿). Theater Lübeck. 1 February 2019 [2 February 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-24). 
  13. ^ Michael Cooper. Lincoln Center Finds Its Next President at the 92nd Street Y. The New York Times. 6 February 2019 [9 February 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-30). 
  14. ^ Jennifer Schuessler. Star Flutist Settles Pay Equity Suit Against Boston Symphony. The New York Times. 21 February 2019 [23 February 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-07). 
  15. ^ Joshua Bell erhält Preis der Dresdner Musikfestspiele. Die Welt. 28 February 2019 [2 March 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-17). 
  16. ^ Janelle Gelfand. Concertmaster Lees retiring from CSO as injury persists. Cincinnati Business Courier. 1 March 2019 [16 March 2019]. 
  17. ^ BBC National Orchestra of Wales, 8 March 2019 programme. [2020-04-04]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-26). 
  18. ^ Michael Cooper. The Chicago Symphony Goes on Strike Over Pension Plan. The New York Times. 11 March 2019 [16 March 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-08). 
  19. ^ Vienna Philharmonic Honorary Membership for Maestro Bernard Haitink (新聞稿). Vienna Philharmonic. 13 March 2019 [16 March 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-12). 
  20. ^ Italy's La Scala opera house to return Saudi millions. BBC. 19 March 2019 [23 March 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-12-11). 
  21. ^ Leo McFall wird neuer Chefdirigent des Symphonieorchester Vorarlberg. Vorarlberg Nachrichten. 26 March 2019 [11 May 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-17). 
  22. ^ Michael Schilling. Bayerische Staatsoper - Abschied von Edita Gruberova. Abendzeitung Mūnchen. 28 March 2019 [30 March 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-08-11). 
  23. ^ Ljubiša Tošić. Stephan Pauly übernimmt Musikverein: Diskreter Entwickler des Konzertalltags. Der Standard. 2 April 2019 [6 April 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-17). 
  24. ^ Hannu Lintu to leave the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra in 2021 (新聞稿). Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra. 12 April 2019 [4 May 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2019-05-06). 
  25. ^ Gautier Capuçon performs moving tribute in front of Notre-Dame. The Strad. 16 April 2019 [20 April 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-27). 
  26. ^ Mark Brown. Royal Opera House loses appeal over viola player's 'acoustic shock'. The Guardian. 17 April 2019 [20 April 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-08). 
  27. ^ Sofia Anastasio. L'ONF, Pretty Yende, Lang Lang et Julie Fuchs participent au concert pour Notre-Dame. France Musique. 19 April 2019 [27 April 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-12). 
  28. ^ Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and Daniele Gatti Close Chapter (新聞稿). Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. 23 April 2019 [27 April 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-02). 
  29. ^ Lorenzo Viotti nieuwe chef-dirigent bij het Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest en De Nationale Opera (新聞稿). Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra. 24 April 2019 [27 April 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2021-01-23). 
  30. ^ Lawrence A. Johnson. CSO musicians, management make joint statement on tentative agreement. Chicago Classical Review. 27 April 2019 [4 May 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-26). 
  31. ^ Osmo Vänskä Announced As Music Director of Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra (新聞稿). Harrison Parrott. 30 April 2019 [4 May 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-29). 
  32. ^ Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra elects Nicholas Collon as its next Chief Conductor (新聞稿). Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra. 2 May 2019 [4 May 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-28). 
  33. ^ Next wave of star musicians announced as BBC Radio 3 reveals New Generation Artists 2019-2021 (新聞稿). BBC. 7 May 2019 [25 May 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-27). 
  34. ^ Melissa Bradshaw. Tony Siqi Yun wins first prize at inaugural China International Music Competition. Classical Music Magazine. 2019-05-21 [2019-05-25]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-12). 
  35. ^ Managing Director Jan Raes will say farewell to the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra at the end of 2019 (新聞稿). Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. 31 May 2019 [2019-06-09]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-04). 
  36. ^ Daniel Barenboim Named Honorary Conductor (新聞稿). Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. 7 June 2019 [2019-06-16]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-08). 
  37. ^ Guido van Oorschot. Dirigent Bernard Haitink zet na 65 jaar een punt achter zijn carrière. De Volksrant. 2019-06-12 [2019-06-16]. (原始內容存檔於2019-08-18). 
  38. ^ NTR Zaterdagmatinee, 15 June 2019 programme (PDF). [2020-04-05]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2020-09-12). 
  39. ^ Ursula Koners wird Geschäftsführerin am Festspielhaus Baden-Baden. SWR2. 2019-06-24 [2019-06-29]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-29). 
  40. ^ Jan Nast wechselt von der Dresdner Staatskapelle zu den Wiener Symphonikern. SWR2. 2019-07-02 [2019-07-06]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-06). 
  41. ^ Jan Nast appointed as new Intendant (新聞稿). Wiener Symphoniker. 1 July 2019 [2019-07-06]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-17). 
  42. ^ Singapore Symphony Names Hans Graf as New Chief Conductor (新聞稿). Singapore Symphony Orchestra. 8 July 2019 [2019-07-13]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-25). 
  43. ^ Howard Reich. Jim Hirsch to step down as Sinfonietta CEO. Chicago Tribune. 16 July 2019 [28 July 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-07). 
  44. ^ The Kennedy Center Announces 2019 Honorees (PDF) (新聞稿). The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. 18 July 2019 [2019-07-28]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2019-07-28). 
  45. ^ Next Principal Conductor announced (新聞稿). London Philharmonic Orchestra. 25 July 2019 [2019-07-28]. (原始內容存檔於2019-07-28). 
  46. ^ Vienna Philharmonic Honorary Membership for Maestro Herbert Blomstedt (新聞稿). Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. 26 July 2019 [2019-08-10]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-12). 
  47. ^ Erica Jeal. Prom 60: Vienna Phil/Ax/Haitink review – a beautiful, masterful farewell. The Guardian. 4 September 2019 [21 September 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2019-09-28). 
  48. ^ Guido van Oorschot. Maestro Bernard Haitink (90) neemt soeverein afscheid in Luzern. De Volksrant. 8 September 2019 [2019-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2019-09-29). 
  49. ^ BBC National Orchestra of Wales announce Ryan Bancroft as new Principal Conductor (新聞稿). BBC Media Centre. 11 September 2019 [2019-09-21]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-27). 
  50. ^ WDR Rundfunkchor mit großen Plänen: Nicolas Fink wird neuer Chefdirigent und Simon Halsey kommt für außergewöhnliche Chorprojekte (新聞稿). WDR. 11 September 2019 [2020-01-12]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-12). 
  51. ^ Zoë Madonna & Isaac Feldberg. BSO concertmaster Malcolm Lowe retires after 35 years. Boston Globe. 12 September 2019 [21 September 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-02). 
  52. ^ Robert Rowat. Yannick Nézet-Séguin has renewed his contract with Montreal's Orchestre Métropolitain — for life. CBC. 16 September 2019 [21 September 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2021-01-24). 
  53. ^ Michael Cooper. Plácido Domingo Leaves Met Opera Amid Sexual Harassment Inquiry. The New York Times. 24 September 2019 [28 September 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2021-01-20). 
  54. ^ Takács Quartet announces appointment of violist Richard O'Neill, retirement of Geri Walther after 15 years (新聞稿). University of Colorado Boulder College of Music. 9 October 2019 [2019-10-12]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-17). 
  55. ^ Javier C. Hernández. Caught in U.S.-China Crossfire, Eastman Orchestra Cancels Tour. The New York Times. 29 October 2019 [2019-11-02]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-12). 
  56. ^ Eric C. Simpson. Brahms provides a highlight in mixed outing from Jansons, Bavarian Radio Symphony. New York Classical Review. 9 November 2019 [2019-12-01]. (原始內容存檔於2019-11-11). 
  57. ^ 2020 Vision: Royal Albert Hall and Royal Philharmonic Orchestra join forces (新聞稿). Royal Albert Hall. 8 November 2019 [2019-11-16]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-12). 
  58. ^ Sofia Anastasio. Cristian Măcelaru nommé à la tête de l'Orchestre national de France. France Musique. 2019-11-12 [2019-11-16]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-12). 
  59. ^ Bach-Medaille an Pianistin Angela Hewitt. SWR 2. 2019-11-14 [2019-11-23]. 
  60. ^ Anna-Maria Helsing takes post at BBC Concert Orchestra. Gramophone. 2019-11-20 [2019-11-23]. (原始內容存檔於2019-11-22). 
  61. ^ Brahms-Preis 2020 an Geigerin Midori. SWR 2. 2019-11-22 [2019-11-23]. 
  62. ^ Michael Cooper and Robin Pogrebin. After Years of False Starts, Geffen Hall Is Being Rebuilt. Really.. The New York Times. 2019-12-02 [2019-12-07]. (原始內容存檔於2020-12-08). 
  63. ^ Estonian National Symphony Orchestra has announced the name of their new Music Director and Chief Conductor (新聞稿). Estonian National Symphony Orchestra. 4 December 2019 [2019-12-07]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-12). 
  64. ^ Simone Young announced as the next Chief Conductor of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra (新聞稿). Sydney Symphony Orchestra. 14 December 2019 [2019-12-21]. (原始內容存檔於2020-09-14). 
  65. ^ Hornist Gerd Seifert verstorben. Pizzicato. 2019-03-04 [2020-04-08]. (原始內容存檔於2019-03-04) (法語). 
  66. ^ James Barron. André Previn, Whose Music Knew No Boundaries, Dies at 89. The New York Times. 28 February 2019 [2 March 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2020-02-28). 
  67. ^ Wolfgang Schreiber. Tod von Michael Gielen: Die Wahrheitsliebe der Musik. Süddeutsche Zeitung. 8 March 2019 [8 March 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2019-06-15). 
  68. ^ Isabel Steppeler. Klarinettist Wolfgang Meyer ist gestorben. Badische Neueste Nachrichten. 18 March 2019 [23 March 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2019-03-31). 
  69. ^ Georg Leyrer. Österreichischer Pianist Jörg Demus gestorben. Kurier. 17 April 2019 [20 April 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-18). 
  70. ^ Rob Cowan. Pianist Paul Badura-Skoda has died at the age of 91. Gramophone. 26 September 2019 [5 October 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2019-10-01). 
  71. ^ Daniel J. Wakin & Michael Cooper. Jessye Norman, Regal American Soprano, Is Dead at 74. The New York Times. 30 September 2019 [5 October 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2019-10-01). 
  72. ^ Fridemann Leipold. Mariss Jansons gestorben - Eine Ära geht zu ende. BR Klassik. 2019-12-01 [2019-12-01]. (原始內容存檔於2020-12-07). 
  73. ^ Matthias Keller. Zum Tod des Tenors Peter Schreier - Evangelist und Wagner-tenor. BR Klassik. 2019-12-26 [2019-12-26]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-06).